iDaph Events Podcast

Event Showcase: 2024 RAD Half & 10k

May 21, 2024 Daphne Kirkwood
Event Showcase: 2024 RAD Half & 10k
iDaph Events Podcast
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iDaph Events Podcast
Event Showcase: 2024 RAD Half & 10k
May 21, 2024
Daphne Kirkwood

Listen in as the iDaph talks about the upcoming RAD Half Marathon & 10k races in Asheville, NC and what you need to know and get excited about. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 8th at the Art Market / Race Expo + on Sunday, June 9th at the race!

Show Notes Transcript

Listen in as the iDaph talks about the upcoming RAD Half Marathon & 10k races in Asheville, NC and what you need to know and get excited about. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 8th at the Art Market / Race Expo + on Sunday, June 9th at the race!

All right. Hello, everybody. And welcome to another iDaph podcast. We promise you this is going to be a rad podcast today. With me from the iDaph team this morning, we have Daphne and Amy and Allison. And I am Justin and we are going to jump right into this. We're coming off the heels of jump off rock. It was such an awesome race and we all had a great time seeing you all out there. And we are equally as excited for rad coming up. But before we get into the details Daphne, maybe you can just tell us a little bit about some of the sponsors that make this awesome race possible. Yeah it, as most people know by now, it takes a whole community to pull together an event especially this large in size. So we're so grateful for all the folks who are supporting this year. We have Genova Connect Pine Gate Renewables is a new partner of ours and we've done some promotions for them on Instagram. So if you're not familiar with Pine Gate or Genova. Check both of those out. They're awesome companies here in our Asheville community. We have Alchemy Yoga and Reiki. They're a new partner of ours as well. They have a new yoga studio in Asheville. So they will be at the post race party area. You guys can chat with them. Asheville School is an annual partner and they are just amazing. So committed to the health and wellness of our community. City of Asheville. We wouldn't be able to do this without the city's blessing and permission and all the permits and all the collaborations with them. So shout out to the city of Asheville, Fleet Feet Asheville, which is in Biltmore Park, Town Square. They're amazing. They'll be out on the course at one of the water stations. Some of our gift certificates come from them. And always such a great community partner. We have Frios Gourmet Pops. They will be at the vendor area. Let's see, Hand and Stone Massage will be there. At the post race party, we have Hue Fitness. They will be out at the water stations this year. I can't forget High Wire Brewing. That's our new post race party area, which we were so excited about having the party there. It's such a cool happening, rad place. So it definitely fits with the rad theme. and they're awesome. In fact, they're brewing a rad beer just for the race. So you'll get to check that out on race day. We have I Heart Media, Jam Bar, always providing the delicious bars for the runners. Mayhack Sports Medicine. We have Shredded Smoothie Truck that will be at the event. Small Cakes with the The little delicious cupcakes that you just can't resist because they're delicious sugar and snow gelato will be there and they are an option. If you don't want the free beer at the end of the race, you can have one of the gelatos from that cart. So we have those folks again tahini jar, which is delicious. And they will be there with their food truck for after. So bring some cash or have your credit card programmed on your phones that you can use that to get that after the race we have the fold body work studio. with massages, untapped maple aid and untapped gels will be on the course. We want to thank Mr. Wayne Boynton. He does most of our races in town and he helps support the awards each of our events. And then the venue in Asheville, it's a, Space on Market Street in downtown Asheville that we're gonna have our new art market and Mini expo and bib pickup the day prior so you don't want to miss coming to that it's such a cool space. We're excited To be able to set up there this year And then wrong way campground if you're looking for a place to stay I don't know if they have anything left, but they're awesome. They're the a frame cabins that are in the river arts district check them out. They're amazing people. And then our charity partner is open hearts art center. They are located in the South slope of Asheville, and they are a perfect partner for this event, given the art theme of the event. And they are doing amazing work in our community for folks with disabilities. They have day programs for folks to come in and do art together in a classroom style, and they make beautiful. paper flower bouquets that will be at the events for sale and all the proceeds from the sale of those flowers will go to the programs at the Art Center. So amazing groups, amazing people coming excited for all of them. And then we'll have some other folks. Just at the art market on Saturday, we'll have Anna Gelback designs, Conjure craft chocolate, delicious chocolate if you've not tried her stuff yet and she's local, CNC jewelry, Taylor Farms and race essentials will be there if you need to pick up a gel something, to carry your water in last minute type needs. For the event that are going to help you just to cruise along on race day, they'll all be there and then we'll have live music at the finish, at the post race party, we'll have a DJ at the start, we'll have some music on the course. It's going to be a blast and such a fun event. And we just can't wait for all these partners and all these people to be there, welcoming you and cheering you on. That's awesome. That is a jam pack list full of some awesome local. Yeah. I can't stop thinking about cupcakes right now. But we did this with the Jump Off Rock podcast, and it was really helpful, I think for runners and participants. All of you are very familiar, not only with this event, but with this course as runners yourselves. And just Personally, I'd love to hear what you like most about this race, about this course, and then maybe if you have a pro tip or a suggestion that you would want to share with somebody who has not done this course or maybe is looking to improve that would be awesome. So let's start with Allison. Okay I think that my favorite part about this race is, I'm typically at the Finish line, so I don't see a lot of the course or even the start line, but I just love this race because it feels like the kickoff to somewhere running. It's like the vibe of it is so fun with all the DJs and the live music and. Just the vibe of it. You get ice cream or beer at the end and it's nine 30 in the morning and you don't even care that you're drinking a beer, eating ice cream. And I just feel like it's such a fun way to kick off your summer, the first weekend in June. I guess it's the second, technically the second weekend this year, because June 1st is a weekend, but Overall, I just think that this race has such a fun vibe with the community and with just overall welcoming summer. And it's I feel like it's your last long race before fall. Yeah. Cheers to summer for sure. I love that. And I think everybody's very excited about summer. There's always that energy that, that comes with the arrival of summer. And yeah, the weather has been amazing. So anyone lives along the course and wants to put out a sprinkler, I think the runners would probably appreciate it, but sprinklers. Yep. Okay. I agree with Alison. The vibe, the energy. Is just electric for this race. It has been from the very 1st year. I've done the 10 K every year. I've not done the half, but yeah, it's and my favorite part about it is you get the best of Asheville. You started right in the heart of downtown Asheville. You get the, some of the. Gorgeous parts of Asheville in the through the city as you're running through the city. And then when you hit the greenway you get both sides of the greenway and the side across the river is fairly new as time always flies. And it always seems longer than it actually. It is, but I want to say it's a year or two. Daphne, is it about a year or two? The new Greenway, the new section of it? Yeah, and it's it's gorgeous. It's right along the river. It's just the courses and it's, there's a couple little rollers. There's 1 little stinker hill on that backside of the river, but for the most part, it's a flat course. Once you get down to the Greenway mile 3 and a half to 4 when you hit the Greenway. Other than that one little stinker heel and just some very minor rollers you're cruising. This is your PR course. If you're looking for a fast 10 K or a fast half. Yeah. Pro tip. Enjoy it. Take your time. Soaking up the the energy and the vibe and just let those feet take off. Awesome. And how about you, Daphne? Yeah, I'm really excited this year about the finish being at the iconic RAD gear sign that's on Riverside Drive. I just feel like Hello, why didn't we do that the first year? It's, it's what RAD is. That symbol and that sign is such a cool feature of the River Arts District, and I love that people are going to finish there and they can take selfies there after the race. I just think it's just such a great landmark in our community. And then I'm really excited about bringing more art into the race this year. I know it's been a goal of ours the last couple years, but just, having the art center as a charity partner and, Bringing the art market to life at the venue just makes my heart happy. And so I'm really excited about those things. I also think that the new courses that are certified USATF sanctioned and certified they have a really good flow to them. And when I was certifying the course and riding through, it just, Flows really nicely through town and the areas that you really need space in the beginning of the race, you'll have it on the roads and then as the race thins out for the half on the greenway. There'll be plenty of room for folks to spread out on the Greenway too. So I just, I like the flow of it. I'm excited for people to try it. I think it'll be even faster than what we've had before. It's still a net elevation loss race. There are a couple hills still along the way in the half in the 10K, but They are minor in comparison to what is in Asheville City. Yeah, those are the things I'm excited about. Pro tip would be, this is summer running, so I would say pace yourself. Don't go out too hot, save yourself. If you have something to carry water or something with you especially in the summer races, we will have water stations, but you never know when you're just like, I just need some water, there's pollen, there's things out of your control that you might be like, I really just need a drink right now. I would encourage people, a pro tip would be there's so much accessible now to have something to carry with you for a drink that I would suggest you do that for a summer race. Excellent. Great advice. Yeah, I know with especially with the rad there's with our mountain weather. It could be, 65 at the finish line. It could be 85 at the finish line. So that would be my pro tip is just check to see what kind of a summer day we're going to have. And what the temperature is going to be that day, because it could be anything here in the mountains. So we asked, we sent an email out to all of you who are registered yesterday and just said, Hey, if there's any questions you have, send them in. We'll address them in the podcast. We had several of you sending questions. So before we go into some of the other details, I thought we could just Go through all these questions quick. I'm just looking at the list here. I think we answered a lot. So this will be pretty fast. So y'all can just jump in. The first question is Jennifer asked, will there be a coupon on our bibs for free ice cream? Or if we do not want beer, please say yes. Many of us do not drink alcohol. Yes. That coupon is on there. We did that last year and people who don't drink really appreciated that. They were so thankful for the the free gelato from sugar and snow. And so we went with that again this year. Everybody loved it last year. We're doing it again this year. Yes, and also high wire. If you don't want ice cream, if it's too early for ice cream and you still want an non alcoholic option, High Wire is offering a free soda too with your beer, your ticket on your bid. So you've got three different options there. That sounds great. Chris asked, is this really all downhill? What is the biggest PR improvement ever recorded here? It's a new course, so it will be everybody's new personal best on the course. So there you go. Win. But it is not all downhill. You can look at the event guide. There will be a link to both the half and the 10k route. And if you open up the ride with GPS map at the very bottom, you can look and see where the elevation rises and falls. So I would suggest if you're concerned about the location of where the hills are at on the route that you check that out. Okay. Denise asked, is there live music at the end of the race or at the beginning? I can answer that because I heard you all mention it. Yes, there is live music at the end of the race. And we have our DJs at the finish line and the start line. They're amazing. And so there'll be lots of music. The next question is from Jeremy and he's asking Is there a shuttle offered in the morning before the race for people who want to park at RAD and shuttle to the start line? There is not. The River Arts District has very limited parking, so the reason we're offering the point to point format that we have is so that people can park in downtown where there's plentiful parking, lots of parking garages, there's no issues with finding parking. And that's why we start people up there and finish them in the River Arts District. Then they can hop a shuttle to go back when they're ready to go back to their car downtown. With the limited parking that's in the River Arts District, I would even suggest that your spectators, your friends, your family get a ticket for that shuttle. And they can take that bus after the race starts. At 7. 05, the shuttle will leave from downtown Asheville, and it will take your friends and family to the finish area. And so I would suggest just for ease and efficiency for your whole family and for the best experience, that's the route that you go. And you can purchase those spectator shuttle tickets for your friends and family on race roster through the race store. Excellent. The next question was actually the best place to park on race day which I believe we just went over and that will all be in the event guide that is available today. The next question from Jennifer is where can my family park near the finish line? You just touched on that, Daphne. Parking is very limited in RAD and likely you'll have to walk, right? Yeah, very limited in the River Arts District. There won't be any parking available at High Wire where the party is at. That'll all be Set aside for our vendors and sponsors. And so yeah, there is some parking that's along the Riverside drive, parallel parking it's first come first serve, there's not a ton of it. So again, instead of driving around trying to find somewhere to park that you're not parking illegally. I would suggest that you do the shuttle. Okay. All right, Lydia has asked, what is the toughest stretch of the course? What miles? I would say for the half marathon, it's probably going to be between, I'm looking at the map on here, between miles eight and nine, and that will be at the Hominy Creek Road, Hominy Creek Water Station at the very end of the Greenway. And folks will go up Palmini Creek Road past the transfer station and it is. a little bit of a hill getting to the turnaround. The turnaround, if you've done this half before, is past where it's been. So you'll keep running past the transfer station and you'll go up that road and then you'll turn around. And I would say that's probably going to be the toughest stretch for the half. For the 10k, I guess the half would be on this part of the course too, but I would say probably the Clingman extension. Once Depot Street turns into Klingman Extension by the Ultra Coffee Bar and that's, I believe, around mile two ish, two and a half there's a slight incline there but lots of, nice little rollers on that new greenway that Amy was talking about You're not climbing any mountains during this race. The hills, the little rollers on this race are nothing compared to what some Asheville races are. Yeah. I feel like when you asked that, I was looking at the course too, and I was like there's not really that tough of a spot. But I do think, I think you're right between Eight and nine too, because like sometimes just when you're like rolling along on that flat for so long, I think that eight and nine are going to be challenging because you are just like pounding pavement for a while. But then once you get to the turnaround, things start looking familiar again and you realize you're headed for home. So that's going to mentally feel good once you get to the turnaround and back, but that eight and nine is going to be tough. Have in your mind that's going to be tough. Great. So three questions here, all the same from Sarah, Joseph and Carla all saying essentially they opted in for the bib shipping. And they're just wondering when they can, when are those expected to arrive? Yes, so the pre event shipping, we always ship approximately 1. 5 to 2 weeks prior to the event. With Monday, the 27th Memorial Day being a holiday, they'll go out no later than Tuesday Tuesday, the 28th. Okay, great. Just make sure your addresses are correct on race Amy? Yes, so many people don't realize that when they register race roster, a lot of times, auto pop. For me, it just auto populates everything. It's already in there. And if you've moved recently and didn't think to update your address, then your old address is on your registration and it's not going to go to the right place. So definitely make sure that you're there. The address that you registered with on race roster is correct if you selected that pre-event shipping? Yes. So Carla, Joseph, and Sarah that got time to check your address and they'll be coming Tuesday after Memorial Day. The other thing I would suggest too while we're on this subject is lots of things come up for people and part of the reason we have a half and a 10 K option is for folks who. Aren't ready to run the half or just haven't done that training, or just want to do something super speedy for a 10 K. So if for some reason, something's come up, you don't feel like you're going to be able to do the half and you're registered for the half. Now's a great time to go into race roster and to change to the 10 K or email Amy at supported IDAF. net before we ship your bib to you. Because what happens if you don't is on the day before the race. You'll have to come to the venue and swap out your bib because it's a totally different bib, totally different sequence of bib numbers. And so in order for you to have a time, you have to have the right bib on. And so you can't make that, Game day decision on race morning. It has to be done ahead of time. So just a little plug there for that too. That's great advice. Julie asks our headphones, fuel belts and personal water bottles allowed on the course. If not, what fuel and hydration options will be available? Yes, they're allowed. As a matter of fact, we recommend them. I always carry my own hydration just because I, I like knowing that it's going to be there when I need it exactly when I need it. The water stations are great and I use them too. But I always like to know that when I need it, I have it. And headphones, yes, but definitely keep the music down so that you can hear what's going on around you. You can listen to the law enforcement officers, the course marshals when you're being directed, you need to be able to hear what they're telling you. Don't get just get drowned out in your music. Start following the person in front of you. They might not be running the same distance. You are they may turn when you're not supposed to, yeah, keep the music low, you're welcome to use it, but keep it low so that you can still hear and be aware of what's going on around you. And then definitely. Definitely recommend carrying your hydration If you want it when you need it. Yeah, I think of this day and age, everybody has their own brands that they like of things, the electrolyte drinks and the gels and stuff. And really you shouldn't try something new on race day. It might not we will have the water stations, they'll all be listed on the event guide that you get, so you can check out the placement of those, so you know where they're at. But again we would encourage you to just, if you have something that you're partial to or that you like, just bring it with you. Yeah, and getting into the next question, Monica asked how many aid stations and which miles what will be provided at those? I know that's in the event guide that we just sent, so definitely look at those. Also, if you are using the Ride with GPS maps that we have available, those are plotted on there as well. Addy says, I tore my a CLA few weeks ago. Am I able to cancel? She can. Maddie can switch to virtual. All she needs to do is shoot me a quick email We can move her to the virtual option and ship her things shirt and finish her medal. If she registered in time to get a shirt or purchased one, we can ship that out to her and whenever she's recovered, she's can run it and submit her results. All right, sounds good. Bradley asks, where do I go for the start? The start is located in downtown Asheville in Pack Square Park on Spruce Street specifically, and that will also be in the event guide. Barry asked, are there bike racks near the start of the race where I can change my bike to? Barry, I can actually answer that because I ride the course as the event photographer, and I always lock my bike wherever I'm at. I know there are plenty of options downtown for securing your bike in a bike rack. In a visible area that's not off in a corner or something. So yeah, lots of options for that. Kevin said, what is the course? Is there a map? Yes, Kevin, there's awesome maps. We have the ride with GPS maps. They're very detailed. They can be downloaded to your smartwatch or to your phone. They can give you turn by turn directions. They have the full elevation charts on there so you can like some of the hills that we were talking about, you can know what to expect. So definitely check those out. Those links are in the event guide. And our last participant question comes from Kim, and she says, what is the shuttle service schedule pick up drop off locations? So the downtown shuttle to take spectators to the finish area will run at 7 0 5 a. m. They'll leave at 7. 05, get down to the finish at the Radgear sign on Riverside Drive. And that is the location of the shuttle pickup after the race when you want to go back downtown. It's right across from the finish. Great. Thank you everyone for sending those questions. It always helps us know what's on your mind or what you're thinking about. I'm glad that we could get through all those. Let's dive into just the event pickup, the start and the finish. We've talked about a lot of the details already, so this will probably go pretty fast. But Allison, why don't you just tell us a little bit about the race expo and art market this year and what people can expect as they, as in the town or get ready to start their racist experience. Yeah. So it is in the heart of downtown Asheville. You are going to have to park at a public parking deck and walk over to the venue. It is called the venue. Which. Initially confused me, but you can put in the venue. And Google. It's not just our slang term for it. Put in the menu and it'll take you right there. You can walk around downtown afterwards and check out, downtown Asheville, which is always really nice. There's lots of local businesses and shops and fun food to get to. At the venue though, we will have packet pickup. You'll pick up your bib and your shirt. And then we have, I think Daphne listed, I don't know, maybe 15, 10 different vendors to pick up. That will be, have their different art and goodies, chocolate, all kinds of things there at the art market, which will be fun. We will also have merchandise. We'll have a lot of run AVL stuff. We have our fun live printing where you can choose a shirt. Color, choose a design and we'll make it right there for you, which is awesome. We have fun things like the mountains are calling and I must run them. I'm nicer when I'm run. My personal favorite are the little kid shirts that say, go mom, go and go dad, go. And yeah, so that's what we've got at the art market and venue. Did I miss anything? No, I don't think so. The venue it I was confused at first when we were talking about it internally. But yeah, it is, it's an amazing space. And so just to come see the space. It is very historic. You can, I don't know the exact history, but you can tell just when you walk in that this place has been here for a long time. And it's just such a part of downtown. It's really cool just to see the space alone. So on the cobblestone history in Asheville. Yeah. The cobblestone, yeah, off market. What did you say, Allison? Sorry. Oh, I was gonna say, the views out the windows at the venue, I think we'll probably have the curtains open to let all the light in, yeah. It's so beautiful. Yeah. I was just gonna say, too I think Father's Day, is Father's Day after Rad? Yeah. Great place to come get a gift for your father at there. And then also if you do have your stuff shipped, you can still come to this art market and pack it, pick up. Just because you had your stuff shipped to you doesn't mean, you can't come in and experience this. So we would highly suggest that you do come to it. Yeah, for sure. We, I always love the race expos and the art markets that we've been doing, but I had a racist. Cause sometimes you just have those jitters before a race. It's maybe this is your first time in Nashville or your first time in this course and the whole IDF crew is there, from Daphne to the people who are setting up the show. the course. We'd love to talk to you and answer your questions and maybe just help you shake some of those jitters. The energy downtown is always awesome on a Friday. Anyways, we've been talking about the energy and a vibe a lot in downtown and it's got its own energy and vibe on a Friday afternoon. So it's awesome. We hope that whether you need to come or not, that you just come check it out. Correction, Justin, it's Saturday. Saturday afternoon. The race is Sunday, everybody. The market is on Saturday. Yes. We're used to having them on Friday. Just a little detail, right? Just a little. Yeah. Saturday morning. Saturday morning. Saturday morning, because we won't be there. They're going to say, Justin said on the podcast it was Friday. But I do promise Saturday still got that awesome vibe just like Friday does. Yes, it does. I wasn't wrong in there. It's even better. Yeah, for sure. And there's so many great outdoor dining options right around there too. Come a little earlier, plan on staying late and get a bite downtown. It's it's just awesome to hang out down there. All right. So moving into race day, we talked about shuttles. We talked about parking. I think there's always just the making sure people wear their bibs correctly. But Daphne, what other tips do you think people need to have a successful race day at the start of the race on Sunday? Yeah. We will take bags down. Finisher bags from the start area, a bag drop to the finish. For some reason I noticed at the marathon this year, people were waiting to a last minute for that. And the line was quite long, like minutes before the race. So I would say just leave yourself plenty of time. I know the race starts early. The reason it starts early is so that we can beat the heat as much as possible. And It's one day that it's going to be early, but I suggest that you just get there and plenty of time to park, acquaint yourself, go to the bathroom, there'll be port a johns, drop your bag if you're going to do that make sure your bib is on the front of you at the last race we were at, there were some people that had them on the back. And, we need to be able to see that at all times. Our volunteers, that's what they use to direct you on the course. That also has your timing chip on it. So don't bend your bib if you bend it. It could break, essentially break that timing chip. So keep that in mind if for some reason it's raining and you want to have a rain jacket on and you have a rain jacket on the whole time, that bib needs to be on the outer layer of that rain jacket or your shorts so that it's visible. If it's underneath it might not read. So those are just some little tips. What else we talked to parking about the bib. Yeah. Your bib number is how you're going to find your race photos. And I took so many photos of people finishing at the last race that their bib number wasn't visible. And I thought, dang it, they're not going to get this photo because their bib number isn't showing in the photo. And so that is. That is like a little bit of motivation to put it on your front and visible because then you get your photo because our system uses your bib number to, to find your photos. So try to have that, or there's really no way to get your race photo other than Literally looking through now. Yeah, thousands. Yeah. And I would just reiterate because I'm out on the course and photographing people. And I know sometimes you got your headphones on and you get in the zone. Those volunteers when they see your bib and what color it is, they're able to be Point you in the right direction at the course splits before you even get there. So that you feel confident running the course. And if you have that bid hidden and then you realize last minute, you don't know what to do. And you're trying to take your headphones off and explain to a volunteer while you're running. It's just, it's super confusing. So yeah, if you can keep it on your shorts or on your shirt so that it's visible, you, it really makes the whole experience better. All right. So moving along just during the race Amy, I think you had some great tips before, obviously with hydration and the weather and paying attention with your headphones on. Is there anything else that you can think that we missed as far as like during the race what participants can expect or should be aware of? I think we covered most of it, but yeah, coming off the heels of Allison and I both ran a half marathon last weekend and just coming off the heels of that. Hydration is so important. These, the weather's warmer now. It was 100 percent humidity last weekend when we ran. People were soaked in sweat. You absolutely, you have to stay hydrated whether you carry your own or you stop at every single station, whatever. I can personally recommend salt stick tablets or electrolyte. There's even gels that have electrolyte. Huma gel makes an amazing electrolyte gel. That's got, I want to say, 240 milligrams of sodium in it. Fleet feet has a lot of those different options if you want to swing in there and check them out. But the hydration is key. There were runners going down because they had not hydrated properly. And when you sweat. In a summer race you have to stay hydrated. That would be my number one tip. Yeah. And you'll just feel better. Yes. You'll just do this to stay hydrated. Makes such a difference. I emptied my water bottle and still had to stop at water stations. And I was also using the electrolyte gels and it, but I stayed upright. So that was good. Yeah. Yeah. That's so important. And yeah, likely it's going to be, with that early of a start time, it'll be nice and cool in the morning, but that temperature sneaks up real quick when the sun comes out. And when you're exerting pressure or exerting your body, if you're going for a PR and you're really, you've really got that pace kicked up you're gonna, you're gonna sweat. So just stay hydrated. And then we, Daphne, you mentioned this earlier. We have a brand new finished experience this year. We are so excited about it because of course it's built around the iconic rad gear, which is just such a familiar visual in that area. But tell us a little bit about that. About what it's going to be like to finish that, what the party's going to be like, and ultimately like, how do people get back to downtown where their cars are at? Yeah. The finish, like I said, is at that Rad Gear sign. And the post race party at High Wire is about quarter mile walk from there. So to get the beer, the ice cream, gelato, food see the massage folks, that's all going to be at the High Wire area. So we will have a celebration zone at the finish. You'll get your finisher medal. There'll be drinks there, DJ, that sort of thing, but most of the party will be at Highwire for you to walk over there. And then once you get done at Highwire, or if you don't want to go to Highwire, the shuttle buses are directly across the street from the Radgear sign, so you won't miss the buses. They'll be sitting there and they will just Fill up as much as possible and take people back downtown. And they'll do that until noon. I believe it's noon Amy? And on that Sunday, so you don't have to rush, when you get finished, there should be plenty of time for you to enjoy relaxing and hanging out before you have to leave. And for those folks who aren't familiar with high wire brewing, it embodies the rad vibe. It's such a cool hang. You'll love it. Like open air spots just very great design that just fits the environment really well. And the fact that they're brewing a rad blogger is going to be awesome. So how many places do you go to that have, there are a beer? Yeah, just for this race. It's awesome. It's so great. Real quick, Alison, you got to talk about if people haven't seen the metal reveal for this race, it, this is Alison does all of our metals and I love them all, but this one is just, it's awesome. So tell if you could just explain it a little, or maybe motivate people to go watch her reveal video. Talk about that for just a second. Yeah. Okay. So this one I've had to play with it a lot and basically it's the rad gear where you're going to finish, but incorporating the t shirt into the metal. So it has big letters, RAD right down the middle of it. That is see through with a little drawing of the city in it. So you can see through it. It's. Neon. It's really just awesome and you have to look at it. I'm not doing a good job of explaining it, but it's really cool and it's one of my favorite metals that I've figured out so far. I think it will be a cool, addition to any metal display that you have. Does anyone have one, Agne? I do, I have no idea where it is right now. We'll link it in the event guide or somewhere. And it's really cool. I'm very excited too. I, one of my favorite things. Is to be out running and to see t shirts that I've worked on and whatnot and see people enjoy their medals after their races. Cause I just know the way it brings you guys. And this past weekend the race that Amy was talking about, I saw someone way across the way at a rad shirt and I was like, Oh, look at that. And the rad shirt always gets worn a ton. I always spot it out in the wild. And I think that this one is going to get spotted in the wild a lot. I'm already wearing mine cause I had to grab one for a photo. And I really liked this one. I think you guys are going to like it a lot too. And I think like Daphne was talking about earlier, I feel like this race just really, it's not just called Rad because we run through Rad, it embodies Rad. And whether we're having, trying to involve as many artists as possible or even something like the metal, I love how It's metal and it's glass. And it's that's like the artwork and the stuff that you see in rad. And yeah it really brings things around full circle. I'm really excited. I think metals always look good in a YouTube reveal, but then I think they feel even better when you cross that finish line and you have it and you're like, whoa, this is great. All you guys should get super excited. When you cross that finish line. We will check out online. Another way that we're incorporating art into the rad this year is Catherine Adams glass. makes the most beautiful awards for us for this race. So if you are going for a PR and you are speedy, you're going to want to fight for this pint glass. It's a hand blown pint glass that is made in Asheville. She does an amazing job. And then she stamps the Rad logo into the bottom of the pint glass. And it's awesome. So you're going to want to fight for that hydrate, hydrate really well and run fast. That's right. I always like to end the podcast with a last chance for y'all to either add something important that we missed or something fun or inspiring. Obviously run fast and stay hydrated seems like a good theme, but is there anything that we missed that y'all want to touch on or say to our participants before we sign off here? Yeah, I was just gonna say one of the cool things about this new course is that if you have a buddy who's doing the 10k and you're doing the half, you guys will run together until mile five. The course splits at mile five at the French Broad River Park. So watch for those signs. Keep your head up. Watch for the volunteers, have your music low because it will be a congested area. The run, the half runners will run down into the park. The 10k runners will run straight through the parking lot at French Broad River Park. And out to Amboy road across the bridge to come to finish. But it is cool because, you don't have to do the same race with your buddy necessarily. Your training partner, you can each run together for five miles, which is cool. So yeah. Awesome. Amy Allison, you got anything? You're good. I think we've covered it all from my end. Awesome. Hey, we appreciate all of you listening and we appreciate you even more coming out to run this race is going to be a great time. We are all excited to see you and we will see you Saturday at the race expo. Thanks for listening. Thanks everybody.