Grow it, Minnesota
Grow it, Minnesota
Growing Vegetables Under Cover with Niki Jabbour
In this episode, best-selling author Niki Jabbour talks about her new book, Growing Under Cover (Storey Publishing, 2020). Niki explains why row covers, cold frames, shade clothes and poly tunnels are great ways for northern gardeners to grow vegetables in our short seasons. She talks about how to build mini-hoops, the importance of using good-quality greenhouse poly for long-lasting garden structures and why using first and last frost dates is the best way to determine when to plant your vegetable garden. She even recommends a favorite melon for northern gardeners.
To Learn More
Growing Under Cover: Techniques for a More Productive, Weather-Resistant, Pest-Free Vegetable Garden by Niki Jabbour
Niki's website
The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener
Montreal melon
Montreal Market melon
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