Seasonable Clout With Thaddeous Shade

Being Goofy Before The IG Lesson

Thaddeous Shade Episode 65

Being targeted on Instagram, people are reporting your post. Well, somewhere inside this episode, I talk about this and some things you can do to stop or prevent this from happening.

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Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, I really, uh, yeah, I like to consider myself Really having nostalgic problems, big, big nostalgic problems. Man, I love it. I don't know if you had a chance to watch that X-Men cartoon in the 90s, but it meant the world to me. Might be my favorite cartoon, but I would probably hand it over to the Batman animated series because that was my shiznit, that's my shiznit, but X-Men might be right, right behind it, really close right behind it. It's Batman, it's X-Men, I don't know, but I live in a very nostalgic era. I know it's 2023, but I damn near live in the 90s. I walk around in the 90s. Everything that I wear as a, you know, reference to that time. I could be an old man. I might be an old man, I don't know. I might be an old man. I am Thaddeus Shade. This is seasonable cloud.

Speaker 1:

I want to thank you for listening. If you're listening from your car, pay attention to the road. If you're listening from the shitter, enjoy it. Enjoy it until the knees go numb, you know, to the legs Start to feel like ghosts are tickling your thighs. Who comes up with something like that? I don't know, that's me, but let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

I know, last week I had a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun in my last episode. I'm not going to lie to you. I really am back in the groove and I really, really, really, really love doing my podcast. I don't even know what I would do. I missed it so much. My brain it allows my brain to be strange because I'm around normals all the time. So here I can be absolutely insane and I don't care. You know people listen. You know they feed back to me, they drop the feedback, they listen. I enjoy it. I love it. I get to be weird. It's my space to be weird. Ah, my space, what a time. My space, what a time.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, last night I got a chance to watch my golden state Warriors and I know how I feel about Steffi, steffi and the crew. I know how I feel about Steffi and the crew. I feel about Steffi and the crew and they play Sacramento for the 105th time last night and I'm so tired of watching them play Sacramento. But we have to keep watching them play Sacramento because they give us the best games. It's a title fight every time they play. It's a title fight every time they play and every time they play meaningless, meaningful, too important. Golden state gives them a nice gold one to the nuts and I enjoy it. They stress me out, but I enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

The games are always close, always tight. Last night Sacramento didn't have Defox, it didn't matter, because I knew Sacramento would play hard. Those are those games I called. They call them trap games. I steal it from them. I call them trap games because one team doesn't have their star, the other ones has all their stars, everybody's playing and you play down. And then you play down to the competition and the game's close, like it was last night.

Speaker 1:

And then Trigger Clay has to do what he does, which he's done so many times, and he gives me a game winning shot. Trigger, one, two, you blow, you blow the cannon, you blow the cannon. Trigger Clay, who needed that? He needed it, he needed it, he needed it. He needed to see that shot go in to get a win. I could be just talking from a fans perspective, but Trigger probably doesn't need that. He gonna pull, no matter what. He's looked a little hesitant to me, but he could be trying to play a little bit more basketball instead of just pull. You know what I'm saying. Instead of just pull. He might be trying to pull, he might be trying to play a little bit more basketball, but I feel like he needed that. Last night that was a hell of a shot.

Speaker 1:

If you look, there's a picture out there. If you look at Clay, I'm gonna take some water real quick. If you look at Clay, there's two players from Sacramento that are all in this space, all in this space. There's one behind me that's Barnes, and I can't remember the guy that was starting for Fox last night. No disrespect, I don't care, though I don't remember his name and guys write all in his face. And if you look at the shot, trigger's just focused on the rim I don't care who's around and his bottoms, and y'all know I'm screaming Trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger. That's what I'm screaming. Man, that's my guy. You know what I'm saying. We look a while after, but that's my guy and it was a fantastic game last night. That was just part of my excitement from yesterday.

Speaker 1:

As I continue to play basketball To try to line up. You know, becoming an online person. You know I'm continuing the process of becoming an elder Twitcher. You know the Gandalf of Twitching and gaming and YouTubeing. I'm, I'm, let me see, damn, I can't think of his name. I'm just really, I'm just an old guy that enjoys video games. I grew up in the video game era you talking about, you know Atari. You know you talking about NBA Live 95. You know we talking Super Mario Brothers. Then we moving up, you know, to Madden 2K. I played it all. Now it's just a big ass call of duty junkie and I'm lining everything up. I got my guy working on new cover art for the podcast I got. I got a person that I went to Fiverr.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you need to figure out like you can do a lot of things on Fiverr, I think you can. Somewhere in there you could probably pay for a hitman. It feels strange. Nobody looks regular, everybody looks like they're from parts of the universe Instead of earth. It's all universe like alien people. But you can get, you could pay for a lot of things on Fiverr. Fever, fiverr it doesn't seem like it's supposed to exist. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Like you can get some federal files from Fiverr. That's what it's like. You pay 10,000 dollars, you can get some Fiverr. That's what it's like. You pay 20 bucks and you can. You know, see what happened to JFK. How'd you get the JFK files? I went to Fiverr and I dropped my 20 bucks to a guy. Is it legit? I mean, it looks legit. I expect the feds to be knocking on my door. It looks legit. You can get whatever you need from Fiverr. You need some. You need some help Hacking Girlfriends IG. You go to Fiverr. These people don't even look real, the pictures don't look legit, but they'll get it done for you For the low, low, low price. It's insane.

Speaker 1:

But I am on there and I got a person working on I think it's my panel Cause I want to have a panel design. I was watching this Steve Vanne Smith show. He's got like a panel set up. So I'm like, oh, I want to get a panel like that. So I interview because I got to interview tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you who it is. I'm interviewing somebody tomorrow and I want to have a nice panel design to have some things around it. You know, you know I have the logo. I have the logos where you can see the podcast.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. Maybe you're a streamer down there. You know what I'm saying. You know just something to kind of keep. You know, maybe I put stats down and just rolling at the bottom because I'm that cool, maybe I'll do that.

Speaker 1:

But I have people working on things and we'll see what everything comes back and looks like these people on Fiverr. They work fast. You know they don't play around. Dark web shit. Dark web shit. You think I'm playing? Head over to Fiverr. You got a bad kidney. You want a kidney? Have a little fiverr. You may not be able to actually buy a kidney from Fiverr, but they will give you directions. You will pay for directions to get to a place that'll get you to a place, to another place that you can buy a kidney on the black market. I swear God, I believe in it. That's not a regular place. Her name's Cheryl, but it's not really Cheryl. It's not a regular place. I promise you place is not regular, but I do have a lot of things that I'm trying to do online and and watching Twitch and learning Twitch and and then trying to, you know, develop this online base.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting, it's fun to watch what people twitch and like just getting on there and I was watching I think that was Thursday night football Dude. Dude had one of them Viking Beards and he was just drinking beer and he was just conversating with folks and I'm like folks, it's conversation with a Viking and he's drinking like a Bud Light and I know that shit is like gas oil, but it's like he's just drinking a Bud Light, people conversing. He's got a Viking beard. He's talking about his bets that he made, how much he talked about how he made like five grand over the week betting and he looks like I'm serious. He was looking like his basement could have been his mom's, but he was old, he was older. Dude, you'd like to be in the mom's basement. So older cat, viking beard, drinking a Bud Light, talking to people about betting. And I'm like this dude's got like 2000 people watching him To 2000 just sitting in a chair, minimal graphics on the video, just bets that he had made a Bud Light.

Speaker 1:

You know a Hobbit beard? Wait, which one? So let me see, make sure the law and the ring yeah, ain't that, no Cause them is the ones. That was maybe the crew that worked together. I can't. I think they. I think they have some, not for sure, but they got the beard.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm talking about. Don't play me, man, but he just chilling. I wanted to hit him and ask him how you know. I'm not sure I wanted to hit him and ask him how you know what's the dollars you're wracking and just sitting up there in your draws with a Bud Light and a Viking beard talking to people about 30 night football and bets. I don't even know what that means. When you got 2000 people at that time, cause, it was like cause you know, down here is the time, but 2000 people watching you in your draws with a Bud Light and a Viking beard, that's impressive. That's impressive. That's impressive. Oh, espn shit. Let's see what's going on. Y'all know I'm in the fantasies. Y'all know I'm in the fantasy footballs and stuff, the bad fantasy basketballs and stuff. Let's see what's happening here. I don't trust nobody. I lost last week, by the way, if you care, I lost last week. Y'all know how I feel about losing. It's not fair.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to tell you something about Jimmy G for the for the Raiders, and I know the Raiders absolutely cleared house and I know I'm jumping from what I was talking about. I go back to that and say this is my shit. I do what I do, but let me tell you something Josh Jacobs, devonte Adams these are, these are heavyweights. These are. These are important guys to the NFL business. Jimmy G, porn star. Jimmy, son of a bitch, son of a bitch Son of a bitch. You can't get paid this type of money To have a, to have a JV arm man, it's impossible. You're a grown adult. You got to get that ball. 20 yards. The offensive line you got Jacobs. I got him on my team. I actually ain't going to lie to you. Jacobs actually did pretty solid. He did solid for me. I know Devonte didn't need like one catch for 11 yards, but I had Jacobi Myers. I have Jacobi Myers and Jacobi Myers was was doing fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Jimmy G comes back in his, in his. It's a fucking Bus crash next to a elementary school and five Chihuahuas and a poodle or murdered and fire and brimstones all over the place. That's what it was like, jacob. One catch for Jacobi. I mean that. And then on top of that, gibbs for Detroit.

Speaker 1:

Gibbs, the rookie for Detroit puts up massive numbers. And then I take a L and I was on a five game winning streak. Do you know what that's? You don't. You don't have to care about fans. What do you understand? A five game winning streak? I'm invincible at this point. I'm the shit. They don't know what to do with me in the league. I got five game winning streak. I'm just wrecking shit.

Speaker 1:

Next thing you know, jimmy G, monday night, detroit rebound game, I take a L because Gibbs, the rookie running back, decides All of a sudden. I'm going to channel Barry Sanders and I'm going to rack up the yards. I'm going to score. What the fuck man? Who the fuck are you To? Just come in my football? It just really destroyed by shit anyway.

Speaker 1:

So if y'all see my old ass online Gaming and screaming which I expect to happen in maybe like a week If you see me and you say, damn, like this nigga's, this nigga's old, just let me be, because I'll ask what I like to do. Man, I'm a nightlife promoter man. I don't have nothing to do throughout the week. I don't have a lot of things to do. It is holiday season. It is holiday season. You got to do a spooky season, but most of the time I had to do it week. I gang with my guy and you know I game.

Speaker 1:

So I've been playing games like I said, but I'm not going to play Like I said. But I also I hate to say it, this is the wild part about this shit I game, like OK. So just put yourself in front of a system 20 years ago. Your uncle or even your auntie wants to come. They come over and he said let me try. They try to play the game.

Speaker 1:

Now you remember when you watch an older person grab the stick and you can all right before they even start, you can see the frustration come over their face. So they grab the stick, they're frustrated and then you tell them what to do. You got all you got to go left. You got to hit the A button, you got to jump to hit the Y button, you got to X button. You have to be button. They like OK, and then you see them move with the stick. They're moving as they try to jump and they take the controller and they jumping up with it and they moving around. On stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

I hate to say it. I hate to say it, man, I'm. I still consider myself Functional gamer. As an elder I feel like a functional gamer. But I have to admit I find myself moving With the Xbox controller and it's embarrassing, but I'm willing to show you my embarrassment.

Speaker 1:

So when I'm diving off a building and call a duty and you hear me say he, I've probably moved with it Because they shoot me in my ass, man, they shoot me in my ass. It's not fun being shot in your ass and call duty. It still bothers you, it's still. It actually still scares you a little bit. It's crazy because it's a video game, but you still get a little bit scared because the shots in the foot you hear, in the feet, all in you.

Speaker 1:

Because you got the headphones on and I like to consider myself I got like dollar general headphones. I don't feel like I got the top notch in the game. I don't feel like I got the top notch anymore. I got like dollar general headphones. But you can still hear everything around you, so it's real close to you. They in your ears, they in your head. You don't, you don't know where they at. You hear the footsteps all over the place and all of a sudden they bust out of door. They shoot you in your ass.

Speaker 1:

You jump off the building, you're getting into the water because you're trying to trying to survive and then you hear a hee-yah that's a karate sound. You hear a hee-yah, that's me. And I do a move with it because I feel like I'm helping my guy get away from the ass shots. It doesn't work, I die in the water, but it's so much fun. It's so much fun, that shit, that shit, so, so, most the greatest thing outside of winning the lottery or maybe cashing in somewhere where you do 100,000, millions of dollars lottery, is sex.

Speaker 1:

Right, sex you will do any time. I got it, you know, I got to pick up my kid from this. I don't have any kids, I'm just saying I had to pick up my kid from school. I can't be late. I've been late 10 times. They're going to probably call CPS, right, that's where you at. But if there's a moment to have sex, you'll risk having some sex before you go pick up the kids, right, I write Same thing for me, same thing for everybody. Cool Right, I know you got to do these adult things and responsibilities, but we trying to make time for a little cuckoo and a little hootie who? But it's the same thing. And it'll that sex moment fuck up your time. Same thing with gaming last longer, last longer, but it's the same thing for gaming. It's the same.

Speaker 1:

It kills, it takes over my life. I don't get anything done. As soon as I hop on that bitch. As soon as I hop on. Time is gone. I am no longer a responsible human and I'm sure I'm looked at as some type of failure. But what are you gonna do? I don't have anything to do. This is what I do. You know what I'm saying. This is what I do. Find me in my recliner shooting at you. So I'm working on that and there's things you gotta do. When you want to do things, you definitely have to. I think you research, you research, you research. But you always continue to take the steps necessary to get to where you want to be. And that's something I want to do because I have fun doing it and if I end up making dollars from it, that's great.

Speaker 1:

So I got my graphics being done up, redone up for the podcast. I got my panel being made. I hired somebody from Fiverr to do the panel. I hired somebody from Fiverr to do the to set me up stream labs. That helped me out. You know not that I listen, not listen.

Speaker 1:

I'm a self-taught motherfucker. I did music when I was mixing and mastering and recording and that's all self-taught activity. Nobody showed me how to do it. I was good at it. You want me to clean some music up? Bring it to me. I got you Mix it. Bow, master, bow got you Done. It's good at it. You know what I'm saying. So I'm all self-taught and I could have done everything. I really do believe that I could have made my own panel, but it's so time consuming.

Speaker 1:

If you got the duckies, baby, just spend the duckies to get it done by somebody who really focuses in that world. That's where they dance, that's where they walk, that's where they tango at. So I just give you the ducky, duck duckets and then you go ahead and hook me up and I get set up easy. So I got somebody doing the graphic work. That was actually. I got my boy Davion's people doing my graphic work for the podcast, and then I got Fiverr doing the panel and then I got Fiverr setting me up on stream labs. I told you you could buy a kidney, but not necessarily an actual kidney. So I'm looking forward to that.

Speaker 1:

I also want to talk because I mentioned a little bit earlier that the spooky season is over and I just want to say club promoter, it's cool. I've been doing this shit. I've been doing this shit for a long time. I like to consider myself a motherfucking important part of the game. Right, I do Halloween's every year Halloween weekend, just by the way. I'm not going to be doing it. I'm not going to be doing it. I'm not going to be doing it. I'm not going to be doing it. I'm not going to be doing it. We don't have to do it. We don't have to do it. I don't know, I don't have to do it. I haven't done it again. I've done it every year Halloween weekend just past.

Speaker 1:

Some of the more fun things about Halloween, as far as from my perspective, is that seeing the costumes. I am a Halloween guy. I'm a movie scary movie guy. I like seeing the costumes. I don't dress up because I love most of my, most of my life. I live all my life as a black band. I'm naturally scary. I spend most of my time disarming anybody and everybody that regularly. But part of that is seeing people come out dress up. I enjoy that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see much. Yeah, didn't see much. And every time I looked up I see a costume. It was Tinkerbell, oh. Every time I looked up I seen a costume. It was just cat ears. Oh. Every time I looked up seen Joker. It didn't look that real, it didn't look good. Oh, you know what I'm saying it's you. Just, you know they.

Speaker 1:

The dress up now is like I talked about last week. The dress up is I'm a put, I'm a be cat woman puts ears. Maybe I have like some black makeup on my nose, but honestly, it's about titties, oh, it's about the ass. Oh, creativity, oh Nah, oh, it's all about. You know, I didn't see, oh, I did so. I did see a dude, black dude. Now I talked about this last week, I'm not for sure, but I did see a black dude, black guy. What's up, brother? What's up man? I see you, brother.

Speaker 1:

He was dressed up as the Pope, and I mean full blown Pope costume. You know what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was proud of him. I was proud of him. He put a lot of effort in that the Pope. I'm not, you know, I'm not. I was impressed that he chose the Pope. I'm not saying that that's if you, you know you can't see me but chose the Pope. I'm not saying that that's the. You know, that's the costume I would run with, but he chose the Pope. He had the hat, the gown, I mean he was in full Pope mode. You know what I'm saying. I think he was carrying like a little. Now you know what. Never mind, let me be quiet. But he was just a bit of Pope. That was cool.

Speaker 1:

I didn't like I said I mean I'm, I don't drink, I'm not the drinking promoter, I get a lot of content. You know, people want drinks. I get them drinks. I get them a lot of content. I mean I get a lot of content, I get them drinks if they want. But I kind of just people watch. So I was. I was locked in on the kind, the, the costumes, little coffee break here. That's my shit. I do what I want.

Speaker 1:

Today I decided to put the pumpkin coffee and the gingerbread coffee together. I don't know why. That doesn't seem like a mixture that's supposed to go together, but I did it. I don't like it. It was a bad move. Even I feel like the most white, as a white person, wayne Brady is disappointed in my combination. Who does that? Who puts gingerbread coffee and pumpkin spice coffee together and says, okay, now I'm going to do some other things too and it's going to come out of here. It was disgusting, it was horrible move, but I needed the coffee anyway. It's got to be pumped up.

Speaker 1:

But the costumes this week were pretty, pretty pedestrian. It's nothing special going on, it was just a thing of laziness and I liked it. I like to hope that. You know, next year we could really, really, really have fun. I didn't see any seven. I'm the 11s. I don't know. It's naturally because I'm black to think of seven, 11,. You know seven, 11, seven, 11,. You know that's nice and you know we like niggas, like to do, but I ain't seen nobody dressed as 11. You know what I'm saying? There were no elves, there was no hobbits, there was no. You know I'm seeing, you know what, seen some cool jigsaw stuff, some jigsaw costumes. It's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

And then, the first thing I've ever done, like is I handed out candy for Halloween. I've never done that. I know, right, as in, like I've been on earth for a long time, I've never done that. You see, a little greedy, the greedy fucks come up for the candy. You never, I've never done that before. I never knew how much they don't give a shit about you. They are here, they're here for the candy. I don't care who you are, what health issue you have. I barely know how to say thank you, because the air is a little different. They don't really say trick or treat, they just run up on you with their bag open and they want the candy, dying from cancer tomorrow. I don't care, these don't work. Quite right, I don't care, bro, Where's the sugar Fam run it.

Speaker 1:

But I did do it and it was cool. I could see me decorating the fuck out of my house, scaring the fuck out of a lot of kids cause they don't. Why not? They don't care, they're greedy, they want the candy. They don't care about nothing. But it was nice to do. I did it for my heart. Did I do it for my heart? But I feel like I did it for my heart. Hopefully it goes on to my heaven report card. I need it, but it was cool to do. No, I like, I like, like we said outside they had, they had the projector. That's the way they had the projector playing the Sun's and Spurs game, which ended up being an extremely wild game. That was on. They put it on the garage while I was outside. I was.

Speaker 1:

I felt like a real adult. I don't do a lot of adult stuff, but I felt like a real adult was outside of pay bills, they got to take my money, but I don't do a lot of adult stuff, so I felt like a cool adult with the kids I was. You know it was, it was happy, it was, the energy was nice, it was a nice energy mover. But again, oh, the kids have more creativity. I told you see, that's what I wanted to add the kids. I seen kids in dinosaur costumes where you see the dinosaur walking but you can't see the body, so they like the legs. It was cool. I seen that. I seen an alien version of that. You know, the kids actually had like Wolverine costumes on Spider-Man costumes. I ain't see none of that shit. This is adult. Adult costumes been sexified. That's what I seen, and so I was also put on notice about the Kim Kardashian costume. So it wasn't nothing special. You know, I feel like.

Speaker 1:

I feel like as a celebrity or a rich, super rich celebrity, because you can have, you could be a dealless celebrity and shit could be really fucked up. Your life's about to be turned off. You know all types of shit, right, but as a real A-list rich motherfucker, I want you to put the effort in, I want you to go all out. If I look at your page and you're dressed as clueless, that's not hard to do. Clueless is not hard to do, and that's what Kim and North did. That's what I was told. And then I got told some real rich shit.

Speaker 1:

Kim and North, dressed up as clueless as you would probably go to a, as you would probably go to a salvation army or a goodwill to try to find the gear for this, or maybe even to you know, forever 21 or wherever women shop in fashion Nova. You would go there to try to find, you know, your gear. You would buy your clothes to do a clueless setup with you and your daughter. They went to Dojangabana and I'm like that's just some really rich shit. You know what I'm saying? Just some really rich shit. It's like, oh, I got a pair of curries, but I don't want the curry shoelaces in there. I don't want the under armor shoelaces in there. I'm going to go directly to Louis Vuitton and I'm saying I want some shoelaces made specifically for my curries and I'll give you the money. Did she actually pay for them? I don't know. Maybe they made the outfit for her and her daughter and all they had to do is just sales from them. That's some really rich shit.

Speaker 1:

I like to think that I'm doing well, because I put 40 in the tank and the gas tank I don't want to put the Kim and she don't even touch the gas pump. She just blink her eyes and the gas pops out of the pump and in her car and she just drives off. That's just. Even that's just driving something with gas in it. I'm assuming they do, because they don't. Just when you're rich, honestly, when you're super, super, duper rich, do you really care about the earth? Because if earth goes up, I'm pretty sure they're going to put you on the plane to go to the other planet, so you don't even really have to give a fuck. You yawn at Mother Nature because you're filthy rich and because, oh, mother Nature's mad, okay, fuck it. She wants to blow the earth up and scorch it up and everything's burning and stuff. I'm getting on the plane, the rocket NASA built 20 years ago and they keep updating it every year. I'm getting on that rocket and then we go onto a different planet.

Speaker 1:

Y'all motherfuckers be cool because I'm rich, I'm super rich, I'm wealthy, nasty, millionaire, billionaire. That's the process. That's what I believe. But that's some cold motherfucking dope. That's some cold work right there.

Speaker 1:

When you that type of rich and your very basic costume is made by Dolce and Gabbana, yeah, that's, that's special, that's special right there. That's a different type of ducky, different type of connect to you know what I'm saying. It's not like saying like, oh, I'm about to have my auntie make this for me. That's not the same. That's not the same. It's Dolce and Gabbana. I walk past that shit and I'm like nope, my girl don't, you can't ask for it. They don't have, they don't have, they don't have to pay, they don't have the karma. I can't do it. I can't do it. I grew up a little way. They don't have, a little way we can't do it. Don't look at the DNG. That's for Kim's, for north, for the, for the young daughter. She gets the doji and goodbye.

Speaker 1:

I would like to hand her. I'm going to give her some clothes from Walmart. I know they make glory. Give her some clothes. Glory. Here you go, here goes some glory clothes. I just want to see what her face is like when you handle some Walmart gear and what she looked like. Like what is the fabric? And you feel like the fabric is so, so cheap in her skin that she get a rash on her fingertips when she touch it, because she's not used to touching shit like that. It's like it's not silk. You know saying it's not. It's not a dead animal. I can't touch this. Every time I touch it I get fingertip rash. Fingertip rash because I can. I'm my money too long to touch something from Walmart.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever made it to a Walmart before COVID? Before COVID, when you're, walmart used to be open 24 hours. I would like to think that it had been forced to go into a Walmart right At some point. Somebody got so sick they was like, oh shit, the only thing that's open is Walmart. We got to go to Walmart to get some some some times or some shit like that. I like the thing. They made it into a Walmart. But north Nah, fam, you give her some, you give her some, you give her some gear for Walmart and she might start coughing up blood. This is not healthy for me. What is this? This is horrible.

Speaker 1:

I want to. I want to move into something that's been pretty wild when it, when I talk about this, I have people that I work with right there Bottle service girls, sweethearts. They're nice women. People are very mean to bottle service girls and this is my Instagram Instagram tip closing thing and the jigger that I do. I'm starting to do. I kind of talk about the Graham and some things you could do to increase your traffic and to increase your opportunity to be more popular and bring more attention to your brand, to your business. Or you know, or you know just maybe eventually become somebody that you want to be on Instagram. Now you don't have to be a person that wants to be famous on the social media platforms, you know.

Speaker 1:

I talk about Instagram just because I use it to make my bread, to make my duck is, to make the duck is. So I know a little thing about it. I'm not saying I'm the best. I told y'all last episode is probably five more people out there in the world that know more than me. That's OK, I'm talking about it anyway. So my service been getting targeted.

Speaker 1:

Now let me explain this. When I say targeted, somebody out there is hating, hating on your latest Meaning. These ladies are doing such a good job that people are going and reporting this stuff. Now, listen. Now sometimes you look at you say, well, maybe you wrong about that. Maybe you wrong, but I'm not, because, look, most of the time when people are, it's like, ok, you could be one person, and then somebody just doesn't like you, right, and so they're hating on your post and you know it takes they.

Speaker 1:

I read multiple things about how many people it takes to get your post flag, to get it taken down Five to ten, probably be 10 and up, and then it ain't going to be two or three. I really believe two or three is not going to do it. Five or ten, five, ten, fifteen, twenty. You know. You know it's not like you're. You know you're just trying to get your post flag to be targeted, probably even continue if you had somebody and you know, like you deep down know, that it's them doing it.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what type of work it takes for somebody to build fake Instagram? I'm not saying that they're going through and they're giving them pictures and they're actually following people. People do that. They're following people. Maybe attach a phone number. I haven't built, I haven't gotten a new Instagram in a minute, but maybe I got three of them. But maybe attach a number if you got to, but just an email, right? So you got to create five emails or you're so it's all psychotic. So you create five emails, maybe you create 10, maybe you create 15. You're crazy Even if you go out and you lobby for five, ten, fifteen people to go to that person's page to get something of theirs taken down or multiple things of them taken down.

Speaker 1:

You are a villain, a villain. And then you, man, you come right out of a comic book like that it goes like that I'm going to do it again. Man, you come right out of a comic book. I mean, think about that, take time to think about that. It's not always like, it's not a bang bang. When it comes to setting up an email, there's a few little skip steps. You know it's like you got to hop a little bit to get the email set up to create potentially create five to 10 to 15 to 20 emails To take people's posts down. That's pretty gangster and you are dedicated and you are exactly what the Marines are looking for, because I don't mind having you on the front line. I like to keep a cycle on the front line because they're going to go out there and do the work and you are a cycle If you create five, 10, 15, 20 pages to target and take somebody's page down. You are a soccer If you get five, 10, 15, 20 people, if you convince them, if their friends or family say hey, I don't know, say, hey, I don't like this girl, I don't like this dude, they did this.

Speaker 1:

We go get that shit taken down Because, granted, it's just the ground. But a lot of people you know make you know their bottle service. They make the duckies from the, from the IG, they get the duckarookies from the IG booking tables, getting people to come through the door, right. So you think about it. You're like, well, she may be wrong. Well, most of the time when it was like like some, sometimes women maybe in the only fans world, maybe just, you know popular, you know women are I'm using women right now because that's what's happening to the bottles of girls, because they're women, right. So most of the time you look up, because I've helped people get their pages back and I kind of know some steps. There's some long steps. I know some steps. I don't know higher ups or people at the Grammint like that, just some things that you read and you research online, because I've had some things happen to me.

Speaker 1:

If you go back to past, long time ago, I got an episode for it, but when they used to take pages, or they would take pages down, usually get hit up by somebody saying, hey, man, it's me, I'm the jacker of your page. Pay me these, pay me these dollars, I'll give you a page back. I've seen it where people have paid the dollars, got an A page back. The dude hit them back up. I took it again. Give me another $200 or I see them ask for nudes which is wild to get the page.

Speaker 1:

They want to meet up the page. Don't ever listen I know you're not, but don't ever meet it with nobody. All right, that's a dateline situation. That's a 2020 situation. That's a Netflix documentary situation. I don't want that for you. Don't do that, but those are the things that usually happen when somebody comes to inject your page. They want your page. They want you to pay somebody to get it back.

Speaker 1:

This, though, is all like if you, when they so, for example, one of the servers have gotten her page back, it'll you know how people that will help you get your page back and show you are. Even if you have to dispute some stuff, it'll show you. It's all dealing with nightclub posts Right Now. You can say that the Graham's trying to clean things up, but you can also see what the Graham allows, and if a lot of those posts are allowed by millions, what's the difference when you're a post, when you are just in bottle service attire, but when everything's that were reported is all from your nightclub and then you next thing you know there's four girls hit from your nightclub. It's targeting.

Speaker 1:

So how do you, what do you do? How do you fix it? What do you do to protect yourself? Honestly, there's not much. I told them that you could go private because you have to monitor. I talked about his last episode.

Speaker 1:

You have to monitor what comes through your page. You're trying to look at the lopsided numbers and no profile page, middle Eastern pictures, all types of stuff. There's a telltale signs. You just be blocking, deleting constantly, especially if your page is not private. So you have to try to pay attention and stuff. You're a very popular person and that traffic comes in at a high rate. So it's hard to just constantly. I do it, I don't care, it's just hard to constantly monitor who's coming through. You constantly block him. But that's what you have to do Because if you get enough, like I said, if you get enough fly fish, they're going to go ahead and jack your shit up and I wish the Graham had better monitoring for that. But so I told him I was like. Well. Putting your page on private allows you to pay attention to who's coming through and who you can allow. You know, unless the Trojan horses are already in there, there's nothing you really can do. But putting your page on private will help you monitor who's coming through, who's following you. You could kind of see what's going on and it's you know.

Speaker 1:

Moving into the blue checkmark world is interesting. I know the Graham has made it a little bit easier to try to get in contact with live people. But if you don't have your Graham, you jacked. Now you can get some live help going through your Facebook. If you have a Facebook business page, you could get some live help. There's some steps for that and you know you want to. I don't, I might, I don't know. I'm, I'm gabbing, so, who knows, I might talk about it, I might not. I might tell you the steps, because I don't. I only got what another. I want to go for another five, seven minutes, so I might not get there. You might have to hit me up for that. You might have to talk to me for that, you might have to DM me for that. But it's buying the blue check worth it Now for me.

Speaker 1:

I don't like putting my government name. You know I'm not a big government name guy, not to say that. You know Uncle Sam ain't already? They don't know them about me. They know everything about me. They listen to my conversations. They know my browser history. You know what I'm saying. They know my browser history. You know they know everything. But I just don't like having it out there and you got to have your actual name, your government name, on there and match it with your ID to buy the blue check. I don't want that, so I don't do that.

Speaker 1:

You know and I know they have the business blue check coming and maybe that will require different documents, which I'm hoping, like my LLC corporation, I can send them that and then bam, I could be, you know verify for their cause, supposed to help you with your identity. You're supposed to get better online service. Cause a lot. If they're hitting you, if they're hitting the women for nudity and most of the time you could get that back you could just appeal, but to hit you for impersonation they really go hard for the impersonation Then you got to go through you know process of that. You know and if and if. You know a lot of the emails, a lot of the messages that you get from the Graham is all set up to to make it quick, fast and in a hurry. They believe in their system. So why do I have to bother with actually getting to know you and what happened if I have a system in place to check and balance that?

Speaker 1:

There are still things you could do. It's an annoying process you got to work for it but you get your page back. From my understanding and what I've witnessed, they never actually delete your page, cause what if you go out and you go on a murdering spree? What if you go on a murdering spree? They want to be able to tap in with that grisane. They want to be able to pull you in and be like this your grandmother fucker. Well, you was already posting some wow shit. So I I really believe, and I've read that your Graham is never actually truly gone and I believe you can always get your grand back. They talk about it all the time. How people just looked up, they tried to log in and their Graham was back the whole nine but targeting.

Speaker 1:

I would recommend getting a blue check mark, I reckon, as it sucks. So that's 15 clean coming out the pocket every month, that's 15 clean. But if the Graham is where you make your duckies, where you make your bread, you know our platforms period. You know you got your two factors on all those things to protect your page, but reporting is something that's very difficult to deal with because there's a lot of people. So you got to think about the platform trying to manage all that you know. So they got, they got their checks and they got their balances happening there and they think that their system is flawless and it's flawed. So then you have to try to protect yourself and that's the one way that they're going to put you in a corner is like you should have a blue check mark, fam. We would have held you down if you would have had the blue. You got to pay the 15, the 15 clean. You know what I'm saying the 15 clean. Get you protected, get you the bulletproof vest that you need to go out there in the world and protect yourself. I think it's worth it.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you are a person, you feel targeted, you feel like put your page on private, monitor what's going on, go through your following, do some damage when it comes to looking for these lopsided numbers, looking for these no profile pictures. They could even have a profile picture and their numbers is jacked. I don't get what you're going If you don't look like a person that uses your page. I blocked you. The Kimbae Matumbo. I blocked you. Patrick Ewing. I blocked you. Shaquille O'Neal I blocked you.

Speaker 1:

Get it, you get it, but you got to do your own hand to hand combat. You got to pay attention and it sucks because I know a lot of the girls have paid some money for grand total. I'm not saying she paid for granted one time, but but if you go online you see people pay 15 grand. You know this is a couple of years back. You'll see people paying 15 grand, five grand thousand dollars a day page back, but you still pay some duckies to get your stuff back because people know how to get it back. My saying I'm charging, I'm just saying people want to get it back.

Speaker 1:

If you want to do it yourself, it's going to require a lot of work, a lot of research, a lot of due diligence. You got to be on top of that shit. But to end the Instagram talk I would definitely buy the blue check, definitely have my page on private, monitor who's coming in. I would definitely go into the following. Clean up all that who's following you. You are going to who's following. Try to get it cleaned up as much as possible. That's a lot of hand to hand combat. It's a lot of work, but it's the only way. That's the only way. Oh man, that was dramatic. It's the only way. It's the only way I want to say thank you for listening to seasonable cloud.

Speaker 1:

I am Thaddeus shade. I hope you Tell somebody about this podcast with a strange and odd and fun and maybe just a little bit Interesting, something you can learn, something you can use in life. I told you before there's only four times in life you get to live Four times in life On the shitter. Never be a quitter. Thank you for listening to seasonable cloud. I'm Thaddeus shade. You can find me on the gram at Thaddeusshade. You can find me on Twitter, thaddeus shade. And then I'm on the ticker talker now doing a little bit better on that. And yeah, that's the end of this episode.

Speaker 1:

Oh, can I go through my things? Yes, I am. Handclaps for me. Let's go to the other one man. You come right out of a comic book. I use that one today. Oh, why didn't you give me storytime? But I'm not going to do it now. I'll do it next episode. I just picked it up from Fresh Prince, so my phone. You know, I stay with the koala man. You are in a court of law. There are a lot of people in here. We can't hear you. You're going to have to make them speak up. What does GTD stand for? Got the droves? Ok, sorry, I missed it. It's from Ghostbusters 2. It's my intro, thank you.