Seasonable Clout With Thaddeous Shade

Stitching Success: Brookelynn's Journey from Pandemic Start-Up to NBA Fashion Spotlight

Thaddeous Shade Episode 71

From stitching together a business plan amidst the chaos of a pandemic to threading the needle at LA Fashion Week, Brooklyn's story is nothing short of remarkable. In a candid conversation, this self-taught fashion designer shares the highs and lows of bringing Shop Crystals to life – a journey marked by resilience, social media savvy, and a touch of familial wisdom from the sewing lessons of her mother and grandmother. Prepare to be inspired as we unravel her tale, from serving tables to dressing NBA dancers, and even the occasional celebrity.


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Speaker 1:

I'm with that shade you got cloud. Let me hear what it's about that shade. It said you really different, took a different route. That shade, if you're cooking up, can we taste it now? That shade, without a doubt, is that season of a cloud? That shade, you got cloud. Let me hear what it's about. That shade you got cloud. Let me hear what it's about that shade you got cloud. Let me hear what it's about. That shade, without a doubt, is that season of a cloud? That shade, you got cloud. Let me hear what it's about. Ladies and gentlemen, I am Fadi Ashay. This is Seasonable Cloud. It is what is it today? It's Thursday, december 14th and I am up here with my third interview Now, just so you don't know, I've done a lot of solo podcasts Because that's what I do. I'm a weirdo. I go on rants, talk to myself like a weirdo. But, miss Brooke Lynn, is it together? Like Brooklyn, like Jay-Z Brooklyn, new York City? Do you ever just yell Like you? Don't yell like a rule, new Yorker, I'm walking here nothing like that.

Speaker 1:

But I have. How can I put this Fashion designer Brooke Lynn, fashion designer, nice, okay, how are you doing today?

Speaker 2:

I'm good, I have so much to do, but I'm here.

Speaker 1:

And I appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

I know you're very busy, and so let's talk about you being an extremely, an extremely dope designer, and the reason we're here right now is because I'm always impressed, always impressed with somebody who has a talent, takes their talent, pushes their talent forward and makes it work for them Right. Talk to me, I know Shop for Crystals, shop for Crystals, shop for Crystals is the website and that's where people can go. Talk to me how you get started in the lane of clothing design.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, honestly, I started my LLC during COVID, like while the world shut down. I started my LLC, so I think that was 2020 and from there I started creating sweatsuits and velour sweatsuits. I know y'all remember that back in the day, all throughout during COVID and stuff, I created velour sweatsuits and swimwear. And you know selling product on Instagram, and from there it took off. I never had to go back to work.

Speaker 1:

Really, what were you doing before this?

Speaker 2:

Serving. I was serving at two different restaurants and going to school, so I had my degree in criminal justice from.

Speaker 1:

ASU. It seems like everybody figured out what they could do during the pandemic, when the heart of the pandemic, you kind of figured out what you could do. When you went after that Were you just chilling at home. At one point it was like I don't want to work or the pandemic shut your job down and that's why you were at home in the world of imagination at that point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so originally I went to ASU and I graduated in 2018. And it was like December 2018.

Speaker 1:

That's for the graduation, for the graduation, oh, thank you. There you go, there you go.

Speaker 2:

So I had my degree in criminal justice from.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the whole plan was to go to law school. I wanted to be a defense attorney. So I'm still very passionate about that. But from there, you know, I was just taking a couple months off, you know, just to prepare for law school. I got accepted to San Judeo Connor. So okay, I clap a little for that too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you want support too.

Speaker 2:

How can you support that?

Speaker 1:

No, that's fine I like somebody who doesn't clap.

Speaker 2:

Nobody needs to clap for that shit, Not many people make it like even get accepted, you know. So I was able to get accepted to San Judeo Connor Law School, asu.

Speaker 1:

For some people who don't know like myself kind of school or something like San Judeo, connor, but the school tell me about it. Why is that school hard to get accepted into?

Speaker 2:

It's all law school. I mean, you have to be dedicated you have to get the correct scores. All of that in order to get into law school, you feel me.

Speaker 1:

Got you, so you basically could be like law and order SUV. If you wanted to, you can get into law.

Speaker 2:

I mean to be a lawyer. I only have three more years of school.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's dope.

Speaker 2:

So you know, that's the goal of mine. Eventually, like once, I'm, you know, set with all this Set.

Speaker 1:

To yeah.

Speaker 2:

Once I'm good with all of the designing and everything I do, plan to go back maybe just to get my just to be a lawyer and just say I'm a lawyer too.

Speaker 1:

You know that's dope yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, from there I graduated, took a couple months just to prepare for law school, and then during that time, like all throughout school and college and stuff, I was serving at two different restaurants as well. Really, you know, that's how it's getting in the bag and serving a little bit. So, yeah, from there, both of my restaurants that I worked at closed down.

Speaker 1:

Because of the bit yeah, yeah, covid.

Speaker 2:

So from there I was like okay, well, now I'm unemployed, I'm on unemployment now Right, right, right. When is my job gonna open back up?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's why I just taught myself how to sew during COVID.

Speaker 1:

Did you? What type of sewing machine did you have? Did you like some old school machine? I did, I did Really.

Speaker 2:

My mom, she okay, my grandma and my mom, they both know how to sew, so they taught me, like, I guess, how to like, just stitch the normal, the normal way you know, Just real simple techniques. And come on, bro, you working over here.

Speaker 1:

My god, winston, they know who. It is okay, you doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So they taught me a couple little techniques. So I started sewing on my mom's. I don't even know, it's like 1990, something.

Speaker 1:

Sewing machine 1990, wait, how old are you? 26, 26, do you yeah?

Speaker 2:

No, I know, I'm from the.

Speaker 1:

I was born in the 90s, but I'm just saying like, okay, at this point it's 2020.

Speaker 2:

And that's like there's way better technology now. You know it's like sewing machines out there so so sewing machine have the pedal.

Speaker 1:

Are they still got those? Yeah, they all do. Keep going, keep going yeah they all got pedals. Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sewing on this, this old machine. It keeps getting caught. I'm like ugh, okay, but I'm like teaching myself how to sew and I just started creating like just random little outfits I don't even know sweat suits and you know my passion is streetwear and you know bringing fashion and streetwear into the arenas now as an NBA designer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I want to get to that. When it comes to your streetwear, was there anything that was like inspiring you? Were you on YouTube? Were you on the gram? Is there a brand out there that was inspiring you to get into the streetwear? Sewing and needle in stitching, you know, was there?

Speaker 2:

Not, really, I'm not. I mean, there's a lot of inspiration just seeing the fashion that, you know, celebrities wear and stuff, but at the same time I try not to like look at other brands and compare myself to other brands. I don't see competition. I feel like I'm in my own lane, I've created my own niche, you know. So I don't really compare myself to other brands because we all have our own purpose.

Speaker 1:

Right. I'm here for a reason to create my own lane to get my own clientele, so I create from there. So you really, you really were shown by your mom and your grandma correct on how to sew right. You took it and basically I'm a movie nut. So you iron man the situation.

Speaker 1:

Like you basically started with pretty much just an old time machine of a sewing and got in there so like when you're sitting at the crib and you're sewing, it's 2020 and you're sewing like was it real struggles into learning the process of it. Honestly, no, honestly, sewing is not that hard like you could even sew, like it's really not that hard I'll burn eggs.

Speaker 1:

I've burned eggs before, so you, I don't know about sewing. You know what I'm saying? I'm now gonna have some needle punches all in my fingers and stuff. But go ahead, get to it.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, yeah, sewing is really not that hard when you're talking about, like, hemming some pants or something, hemming meaning taking it up, like making them shorter or something.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for schooling me see, there we go.

Speaker 2:

No, I just don't know. Maybe the listeners don't know that.

Speaker 1:

No, you help me out. I'm just from your world, so I'm all the way inside of it. So it's cool, keep going, you're good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so with sewing, like it's more difficult when you have patterns involved and you're trying to create like a jacket or a dress or something. That's where it gets more difficult, versus like sewing a pillow or something. That's what I started off doing Like when I was way younger. My mom was like well, let's sew a pillow you know it's just a straight stitch, straight line into a square you feel me, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you know, but during COVID I really elevated that and I was able to take a straight stitch into more Right, right right.

Speaker 1:

So when you that whole process sounds like a completing situation, when you look up and you have like an idea that you're going through and it's there in front of you and it came out the way you want it, how many times are you in that process where you're trying to come up with a sweatsuit or something like that? It didn't come out and you just determined to get. There were a lot of times like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean with sewing. I always tell people like sewing is just a lot of like learning it's a learning process. As you're going, you're like, oh shoot, like, maybe this isn't going to work with this material you know, because different materials are more difficult to sew, like sewing denim or leather. That's not easy it's thick material leather gets caught up in the sewing machine, so you have to find new techniques to do it properly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's a lot of research. I didn't go to school for this. I went to school for criminal justice, so I don't have all of the techniques other people do when it comes to like actually going to school for fashion. Right so maybe I'll do that too. Maybe I'll go back to school and actually study fashion.

Speaker 1:

Why not? Why not? And before I continue, I just want to tell everybody can you grab that little nitro gummy? We're going to keep it right there. Dad, you know I'm not trying this, you won't try that, not so spicy, that's not for me. Is this an ad no?

Speaker 2:

it's not an ad. I'm like did they sponsor you?

Speaker 1:

I just want to bring that in and start doing that to where I can bring in some of these. I have a homeboy that owns Pop Exotics out there in Mesa and he has nothing but exotic snacks and chips and soda stuff you find around the world and I just want to implement that. So you won't do the little nitro, right? No, okay, you put it down, we'll continue. I'm going to convince you to do something that's on top.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know about that hot dog either. That looks nasty.

Speaker 1:

It's not like a hot dog. It's a gummy hot dog. It's Oscar Meyer. Does it taste like a hot dog?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. You wouldn't have to. You're a vegetarian. You would have to. I'm a vegetarian. I'm not eating a hot dog.

Speaker 1:

Wait, so you were hold on before we continue with the clothing. You know, listen, have you found some good vegetarian spots out here, some restaurants in Phoenix, az. Maybe somebody's visiting or they're listening. You got some good. I'm a plant based guy so I know you the vegan, you still get a little dairy in there. You got some spots you hit up.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I cook most of the time, but when I do, there's this Thai restaurant right downtown I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

It ain't Thai bistro. Is it no difference? I don't know, it's right there by Hannie's kind of. Oh no, Hannie's is a little over there, I don't know the name of the spot though Vegan house or something. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yes, I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

I always get like vegan patai. It's so good and I'm on it then.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Back to your journey. At what point does shop crystals, you know, get into your head, Did something come together and you're like you know what folks will buy this. Or did you start when you started selling on the ground? Did somebody, did you notice the demand being there? Is that what kicked it off?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I actually brought my brand to LA Fashion Week.

Speaker 1:

Oh dope.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and people just I did. I started with denim. I did a lot of denim, like Swarovski crystals. I only use authentic Swarovski crystals on all my designs, so that's kind of where I got my name. Yeah, because, honestly, crystals like I just needed to come up with a name quick so I can make an LLC and start running business you know authentically and legally, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Did you get LLC all on yourself, did you?

Speaker 2:

Oh sweet. No see, I'm self taught Everything I do is me Same same, but keep going.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry for interrupting, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, you're good. So I brought my business to LA Fashion Week and people really loved the denim and everything. I was selling a lot of product right in LA. From there I just kind of continued transitioning my business from denim to swimwear to streetwear, sweat suits you know the velour sweatsuits.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And now I, like, rebranded my whole business to just be strictly team gear now.

Speaker 1:

Team gear. It's just strictly team gear, so it's no longer something like you would normally see. I'm not in a horrible this like a New York fashion week and then like that I've actually had like there's a runway company, I guess, in New York.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that they've reached out and they want my product in LA Fashion Week.

Speaker 1:

Really Okay. So let's just as we continue to have fun. You now you got to tell me you got into just team fashion. Where? What is that? Talk to me, Drop it on me. What is the team fashion?

Speaker 2:

I mean. Nba is really big with fashion, you know, you see, the handle picks and all that and it's huge, but you never see anything with the dancers or the hosts or you know, in the team shops you never. You never see anything for the women. It's always the NBA players in the tunnel. So I'm like, well, why not I combine fashion, like actual streetwear fashion, and team gear. So that's my whole goal in implementing this into the NBA arenas.

Speaker 1:

So who in team wise, who you've worked with, I know, but would you like to share who have you worked with in the NBA?

Speaker 2:

I worked with a lot of people at this point, a lot of fans like NBA fans, NFL fans, yeah, team wise NBA.

Speaker 1:

and then we'll move to NFL, team wise. Who do you work with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so currently I am working with the Miami Heat, the Suns, the Sacramento Kings, the Clippers, the Spurs the Timberwolves. Nfl wise.

Speaker 1:

NFL wise.

Speaker 2:

Currently, I've worked with the Raiders and the Cardinals. That's major, I mean. This is all within one year, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why I got to take note, remember, this is just one year. It happened at any moment. So what like? How did that happen? How do you get with billion dollar businesses? How does that fall into your situation? How does that happen?

Speaker 2:

Networking it's all been networking. I've never paid for an ad. I've never, you know, put out anything like put money in marketing at all. It's all been word of mouth advertising.

Speaker 1:

You can't like a four-leaf clover or like a rabbit's foot or something. I'm highly favored and blessed. That's what's up.

Speaker 2:

And I'm always out here just putting out good energy and wishing others well, and I feel like when you're doing right by others, you're going to be blessed.

Speaker 1:

So you said you were out here networking and hold on. I completely agree with that. Every time I run into you, the energy is fantastic, it's positive, you're smiling, it's fantastic. So you're going to your networking, and did somebody just say, hey, you know, I would like to do something with that with the sons, or how did that happen? How did that transaction happen, though? How does that start?

Speaker 2:

So originally I was outside of the footprint center selling custom jerseys.

Speaker 1:

I used to like make these just yourself, just out there Industry selling product.

Speaker 2:

So it was actually. It was when the sons were in the finals with the bucks.

Speaker 1:

And that's when it all started.

Speaker 2:

So I started selling these jerseys.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I just sometimes I'm doing a random with it. You know what I'm saying. I'm doing random with it. So you okay, keep going, keep going.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I was selling these stories. Fantastic, thank you. The jerseys with the chains on the side I know you've seen it.

Speaker 1:

I have seen it. I will put it up so people can see it If they haven't seen it. You got to see that, but keep going, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll send you the pictures, but there was a tick talk that went viral. Basically, I did a photo shoot with this jersey. I had the adjustable chains on the side. The tick talk. The tick talk got over to we should have got that.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I want you to know.

Speaker 2:

I offered the water, but I didn't have the bottle water.

Speaker 1:

She looked at me and she had a frown upside. You ain't got no what.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I'm very picky.

Speaker 1:

I need that Fiji, I need the Fiji. Okay, spring water.

Speaker 2:

Spring water. Okay, spring water Got you Okay. Well, okay, anyway, I got over 2 million views Major and you know I sold thousands of those jerseys. So I'm like, well, why not I go like outside and sell them to like to these fans that are walking to the game? So I'm literally walking all the way around the footprint center by all these restaurants. Everybody's outside walking around preparing for the game. So I sold thousands of jerseys outside.

Speaker 1:

What does that feel like to have?

Speaker 2:

something before we get to the sales. How does it?

Speaker 1:

feel like to have something go viral that you've created and it's 2 million views and you're selling thousands of jerseys. I got to get into. How did you even handle the packaging and shipping, because that, by yourself, seemed like a ton of work. What did you do? How were you feeling when all that struck?

Speaker 2:

I felt good, I'm like damn, finally I created something. I mean the valour is before that they went crazy too. So I'm like those were crazy. It's the valour is because I was a shot.

Speaker 1:

I can't even say it now. You know, I'm not even going to say the valour is that I used to wear when I was younger. I can't say it because he was in, you know, he and some other shit. I don't want to say what the name brand and nobody to get mad at me. But yeah, I used to win. When I was younger I had the valour suit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you know, then we brought those back and these fives and all that.

Speaker 2:

So the valour is we're very successful too. But it's like you got to create, continue creating, to sell and, you know, keep up with the trends Right. So you know, I created this jersey. It went viral. It felt amazing Like, just you know, seeing these people wanting to wear my product too. That's a big deal. So from there I was walking around the arena, yeah, sold all those. Then I started going to the Sun's Games. A little bit. I'm like, okay, let me see what these fans are wearing.

Speaker 2:

You know right, Just keep that in mind. And then I, actually, a couple months later then I was walking around the arena again and I ran into one of the players managers. He was like walking outside and we just ran into each other and he's like, wow, I really love that jersey. Can I put it in a fashion show tomorrow? Because basically them, yeah, literally, it's alignment, complete alignment. So I'm standing on the corner of I don't even know what the streets are. Jefferson is something by the way.

Speaker 1:

Jefferson is something We'll go with Jefferson and something it's cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm standing on the corner literally selling these jerseys.

Speaker 1:

You're wearing a million and million players right there and I'm weiolvo, yeah Right, well而且, I mean stuffed in like across that team is just, it's kind of game Open generous players, makes you olog家 ôn, which is meiolvo and I'm that I was going to do the Libraries oversize game in that.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, and I'm like, uhm, I think, attitude of that game, so it was and taking the jersey from her and bringing it into the fashion show the next day. Oh, wow so at this point we got credentials to the Suns game.

Speaker 2:

We're like okay, let's make this. It makes all of them happy, yeah. So from there I actually just walked up to the Phoenix Suns host. I seen her on the court, walked up to her and was like, hey, can I design for you? I have some like custom ideas that I want to make for you and she's like okay, like instantly we clicked. To this day we're good friends. I was just in the Bahamas with her in. Oxford Like we're tight we're good friends.

Speaker 1:

You ain't just gonna mention the Bahamas and not say how well. How was the Bahamas?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was good, it was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

You was having a living life. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

We honestly slept.

Speaker 1:

We were there napping on the beat Sounds right. We were both so busy.

Speaker 2:

Her name's Alicia the Phoenix Suns host, so we're tight. Hi Alicia, good listening. Honestly I'm gonna say she changed my life Like that day. That's the one right there, okay, she changed my life Like she has, like all of these people staring at her every single game you know there's 17,000 people in the sun's arena every single game and she wears my custom designs on the court every single game for almost two years now so.

Speaker 1:

Is there a like every game, you make something for her.

Speaker 2:

Every single game, literally. After this, I gotta go home and make her a jersey I'm annoying with the claps.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. This is my Mori crowd. You know what I'm saying. They get a little ruckus sometimes, but they hear the cheer, they hear the support. So you do some. Every game, every game. And y'all collab on stuff, y'all talk about things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So she, thankfully, she just trust my vision and she's like okay, what you got for me tomorrow, you know, and this week was very busy, so there was a game yesterday and the day before.

Speaker 1:

I know, and now there's one tomorrow. You know the game, listen. You look over here. You see this, what's up here? Oh yeah, okay, you see what happened. Yeah, the game y'all had. You see the name of the sneakers. You see the curries.

Speaker 2:

Were you at the game? No, I was at home.

Speaker 1:

Man, I almost tipped over everything and knocked things over. Look behind you right there. Look behind you, see that pop right there. This is Curry Nation. This is Steffy Nation right here. Oh, I'm like, what are we all looking at? And it's over there, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

I saw the game but, yeah, I was hurt, I was destroyed. Wait so, have you been to a game? Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I went to. You know, my lady. We went to a son's game and seen the Warriors last year around November and yeah. I'm with Steff Curry in that, so it's OK, Wait.

Speaker 2:

so how do you feel about this during my green season?

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. So you saw what happened. Yeah, I was there outside. It brought a little tear to my eye because I knew as soon as it happened. You just knew that my guy was gone. He was gone. I didn't expect all of this, but he's gone. You know, I'm saying I didn't expect indefinitely, but I get it. You know what happened and what he's been doing. It's been a different year for him, so you know as a fan.

Speaker 1:

You hurt, but I understand, you know what I'm saying. But I also do rule for the sons when he not playing the words, because I'm an NBA nut and I've seen your work consistently and all the time. It's just fantastic. But I don't want to stop the journey. I just so you all. Do you pull from? Do you and Alicia pull from anything when you guys are coming up with something?

Speaker 2:

No, and it's mostly my ideas. Again, like she trusts my vision. So it's like well, sometimes she's like well, I feel. You know I want to be warmer today. You know I want to be more covered up, so I'll make her like a blazer. And you know, I always try to put my client's autonomy first, because I'm not trying to change their style or change who they are or what they're comfortable in. I want to make sure they're comfortable at all times, especially when you're on the court and you're 17,000 people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah to be comfortable, confident, all that. So, yeah, she gives me like ideas. Sometimes she's like, well, I have to do something after this, so let's do something a little bit more comfortable today, you know, like a flannel or a sweatsuit or something like that, versus you know, a blazer, you know. So yeah, she'll tell me like what she's in the mood for. But other than that it's mostly my idea From your imagination.

Speaker 1:

Willy Wonka pops in again. So when you now you move your son's your home base, you didn't build it. This is what you're on. How did you get with the heat? How does that that that train roll over to Miami in that situation?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's all Are you doing?

Speaker 1:

the same thing. Are you, you know, their host of the night? Are you providing them with the same?

Speaker 2:

gear. Yes, I actually have a collab going right now with her. Her name is Kelly, she is with. She's a host too. Oh, nice. So I've been able to just network. It's all been networking, it's been social media. You know the Timberwolves. I work with them as well.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually going to Minneapolis this weekend, oh yeah, so you got to wear about four or five bubble jackets. I got you, you got the weather, the triple cruise down.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I'm from the north, so I know what it is. But I've been in Arizona for 12 years so I've been accustomed to this weather now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your body changes, I'm a little afraid to go there. So, yeah, I'm from Missouri, so I definitely know about the cold. So you know about going out scraping the ice.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, don't talk to me about that. I moved to Arizona to get away from that.

Speaker 1:

You ever had to shovel snow before?

Speaker 2:

Yes, my family has videos of me like offering to shovel. You act like I'm not going to ask one Can I get?

Speaker 1:

can I get one of the videos? No, can't get one of the videos. Ok, it was. I always used to have to do it and my grandma had a driveway. Now listen, we're poor, right. So I never understood how she had a fantastically long driveway. I can't get, you know, a decent happy meal but she had this drive that extended forever. So when we went over there, the first thing that was can you go down and get the shovel and go to the drive? And it was a process, and I mean a process. So I don't miss the snow at all, I can visit it, but I don't miss it.

Speaker 2:

I don't even want to visit it. I'm only going because I design outfits for the NBA dancers. They're going to be wearing it on the court. So I'm going to get some content. See it, you know. Network.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm different.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally there for less. I think it's like 12 hours on the dot.

Speaker 1:

You have like a packaging form. What's the packaging? Like you hook up the package? Would you? Would you put the gear in? Do you have like a special box or anything like that? You know, you know, you know you. Just you just send a box.

Speaker 2:

you know you're selling, you're sending a lot of product and it gets very expensive with how heavy the product is. So I tried to limit that because you know I'm not trying to charge five, six hundred dollars ships and products you know, so I have to consolidate as best as I can. But yeah, I still have good packaging.

Speaker 1:

Your materials? Where are you getting you? Can you talk about that? Is it like a like a like a secret? No, it's not a secret where you get your materials from, how you figure out what materials you're going to use and vendors and all that stuff. How you figure that out. How do you work out a lot of research.

Speaker 2:

A lot of research. You have to buy and test materials. Again, it's. It's taken me a long time. I've worked with the NBA for a little bit over a year now, but even before that I had to do a lot of research and just test material.

Speaker 1:

So pressure on you. When you're designing, do you feel pressure? You just, do you really pressure?

Speaker 2:

especially working with the NBA. They have a lot of deadlines. So, and their budget and stuff. They don't get that approved until maybe a month or two before they need the product. Yeah, yeah, and all of this is customized, like 100 percent customized. I'm not getting just like sweat suits or something wholesale. This is all one of one for the NBA, customized from the, the, the straps, the, just everything. Everything about this product is customized.

Speaker 1:

I can only imagine. The research.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ours. I barely slept the past like since June probably.

Speaker 1:

And never, never, nothing. Like you be on Tiktok or the Graham, nothing really strikes you and you sprinkle a little bit of it here and a little bit of it there. Do you get ideas from social media? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And there's some creators and stuff that I'm like. Oh, I really like how they styled that. Let me you know. But I don't look at brands or anything because you know that that ruins your creativity Right.

Speaker 1:

So you don't want to like steal anybody's ideas oh here goes a random moment of who is the best dressed in the NBA. Hmm, that's hard.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I'm not going to say names. I'm really not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But yeah, there's been a couple of people on the sun. I'm like, ok, they could dress, yeah, but this year not so much OK.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, have you outside of teams and in NFL NBA, have you done customs for other athletes?

Speaker 2:

No, my target audience isn't necessarily the player themselves. It's more the mamas, the wife the sisters, the daughters, the son's fans.

Speaker 1:

Is it cool to see mom and mom and daughter wearing your together.

Speaker 2:

You've seen that a lot. So I've actually designed for Seidel Curry Lee that's Steph and Curry's sister. Listen what I just talked to you about.

Speaker 1:

I know you love Steph Curry.

Speaker 2:

Look at the shoes, look at the pops.

Speaker 1:

You already know soon, as you heard Curry, I'm about to ask him can I meet the third cousin of the third cousin? Is that possible? No, but go ahead yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I designed for her and her son last year. So I designed them custom joggers and flannels, so they were matching. They were super dope. Like it's just crazy the amount of people I've been able to network with just being in these NBA arenas. That sounds crazy, you know that was just in alignment as well. I actually met her mom first.

Speaker 2:

Really Steph and Curry's mom, yeah, and they're all so dope, they're so sweet. So I met her at the game and she's like, wow, my daughter would love your stuff. So she was able to connect us.

Speaker 1:

That is major, that's cool. I don't even know what to do right now. I'm like I'm actually in a little bit of shock right now. That's really cool.

Speaker 2:

Wait, you never seen it on my page?

Speaker 1:

No, like I don't. So the thing about it is, if you've seen me, I am a social media duck. That's how I make my money. I'm a nut, I'm a crazy for social media, so that's how I make my duck it's. I'm always on there. Yeah, I'm always trying to build and I'm always trying to figure out what's coming around the curve and how do I stay relevant from the young audience and stuff like that. So I'm always on there. But the way I'm on there, I'm always searching. You know, I'm always diving into different videos, marketing videos, all types of stuff. So I don't get a chance to see my own timeline. But when I lock in and I pay attention to what you do, that's how I see. But I didn't see the Steffi. I've seen a lot of stuff. I haven't seen the family of the Currys, where I can, but I'm going to, because now I'm like, yeah, I'm running over there.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's like her husband actually plays for the Sun. Yeah, that's why, yeah, that's why, like her mom, was at the game.

Speaker 1:

So Okay, so there's nobody in the fashion world that you would want to meet. There's nobody you would be like you know what, if I can meet this person that's in the fashion world or that's in the same lane, or maybe they own a brand that you may wait, is everything you have when you rock your own.

Speaker 2:

No, I do most like when I go to the games again, I design team gear.

Speaker 1:

So you know.

Speaker 2:

But I enjoy wearing other brands too, because it's exhausting, like, oh, I'm about to step out, let me make something.

Speaker 1:

It's so I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it.

Speaker 2:

It's the start. Does it ever?

Speaker 1:

feel like just a straight up job. Sometimes you'd be like or do you just because you love it? You doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sometimes when I'm up at 5, am Literally working all night. I'm like, oh my gosh, is this real life?

Speaker 1:

But no.

Speaker 2:

I enjoy everything I do the traveling, the networking, just meeting so many people, getting to wake up and do what I do every single day is bad.

Speaker 1:

That's right, I love it. So again, there's nobody out there in that world and that atmosphere that you'd be like you know what If I met this person that's in the same lanes it means pretty bad ass.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I would love to meet Tiana Taylor I feel like her style is fire and I definitely get some inspiration from her. I'd love to meet her and I'm manifesting that right now.

Speaker 1:

There you go. What is some of the fits or some of the pieces that she's put together, that of you? Have anything you can just drop to me that I'm going to go take a look and see what she's just, oh, that's it, it is dope. Anything she's rocked where you was like yeah, that's dope.

Speaker 2:

Not that I could remember, not that I could think of. Yeah, it's like I've been scrolling on social media and like, oh, that's fire yeah. But nothing I can actually think of.

Speaker 1:

You're not in the scams world and I'm like that.

Speaker 2:

Not really. I have mad respect for her, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like as a woman entrepreneur.

Speaker 2:

It's very difficult, for sure, especially in this industry. The NBA is not easy for females, right? You feel me Like you really have to hustle to be noticed, did you?

Speaker 1:

run into some of that, or do you feel like once you started to get into that process, you've seen that it was a little tough to get all the way in the door?

Speaker 2:

I feel like everything so far has been in alignment. That's dope. Everything has gone very smoothly. Yeah, I just take note of a lot of things I witness, you know, because I'm not an employee. I have my own business and I just partner with these NBA teams to create custom designs for their dance teams.

Speaker 1:

Nice In the host Nice.

Speaker 2:

So you know, I just take note of a lot of things I see and notice. It's just not easy for females, especially female entrepreneurs, it's difficult to be taken seriously, yeah, yeah, but that's why I prioritize my presence and where I'm at, I'm very picky on who I surround myself with, just all of that. You have to protect your energy at all times because you never know who's watching. For sure. You never know who's looking. I'm a businesswoman first. That's dope.

Speaker 1:

If you got another young lady that comes up to you. She's in the same world as you and she has some questions you open, for you know, do you drop that knowledge to someone? Do you drop that knowledge to somebody or to a young lady that's trying to do the same thing? I know there's a word everybody use about gatekeeping and not sharing, but do you feel like you're a person that? No, I'm going to give you some game, I'm going to school you a little bit, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm always putting people on game for sure on how to start your business.

Speaker 2:

You know how to get started as a designer in just the process, but I'm definitely not going to tell exactly what I do, Because you know, but it all starts with networking and I will always tell everybody that, like whoever's trying to start a brand, especially younger females or even females my age, whatever if you're trying to start a brand, it all starts with who you know and you know what can you bring to the table Right? And it's about your energy too, because if you're not here, you know again doing right by others, or you know prioritizing peace and energy and just being a good person and positivity. You're not going to get too far, because that's very important, especially as a business owner.

Speaker 1:

Would you ever? I don't know, this is a thing I could just be shooting from the hip. Is it possible at one point you'll further in your career, maybe next year or maybe even sooner you would put together like your own? Is that a thing, a lookbook? Is that a thing that you've done for the NBA? Have you done anything like that? Or?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's all on my phone. I just keep it low key because, like, I share what I want to share on social media. You know I don't share my personal life or anything like that, but I do have a lookbook and it's in my phone. Yeah, just keep that. Maybe one day, maybe one day you put it out, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So is there a next step to so? But wait a minute. The average person, could you know manner, I mean women could go on and to shop crystals and buy the same stuff that Alicia works. They could just head on and.

Speaker 2:

So right now I have my website. It's up, but I took everything down because I just had a collaboration with the footprint center which is the arena that's on display. I just did a collaboration with them. We did a whole giveaway for the Devin Booker Wolven Hoodie that I created.

Speaker 1:

That was literally designed, sewed and themed by me.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

That is fire.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

You did all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that the images that are on there were gathered, created by my graphic designer. I had it printed on Wolven material. Well, actually it's literally weaved the images. Yeah, and then sewed a hoodie out of that. I originally did the first one for Devin Booker's dad.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He wore the very first one back in. I think it was April. Yeah, he wore the first one I ever sewed and from there I've been able to just elevate it and now it has a satin inside, like the hood in the body, the sleeves, it's all satin inside. It has zippers so you can get it on easily. That's crazy yeah. So we did a collab with the footprint center.

Speaker 1:

I mean, how do you? Even my brain doesn't even work like that how do you come up with something like that, the zippers on the side and all that stuff, how do you? And then the sizing how do you work the sizing? I got so many questions. How do you work the sizing of something like that.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's a hoodie, so it's not too complicated with the sizing. You know you just take measurements from other hoodies. You know there's templates out there, so that part isn't difficult. I'm all about functionality. When I design my product as well, I want to make sure it's easy to get on, because the woven material is not stretchy at all.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I added zippers on the side. That way it just opens it a little bit to make it easier to get on. And then I added satin inside, just because you know people wear their hoods up a lot and that's not good for your hair. The woven material, so make sure to put satin inside, but yeah. So the first one was created for Devin Booker's dad, Melvin.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

And he wore that one to the game and from there people loved it. So I'm like okay, let me like create more of these. And yeah, the Footprint Center reached out just a few weeks ago, wanted to do a collab, so we did a whole giveaway and posted that on Instagram just last week and the engagement was crazy. There was at least 6,000 likes, over 3,000 comments, people wanting this hoodie. So I only have that on my website. That was the whole point in telling you all that.

Speaker 1:

I want the story that was. That's amazing. But when you have to do a custom project like that, you know it's just you right. How long does that take you to get done? Or is it by order, or is it you have to want a certain amount?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I have a team now, back then when I was doing the last time that was on me and my mama was helping me pack it.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to my mom. Shout out to my mom. That's what's up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Is everything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so, but now I have a whole team helping me, you know, especially with these hoodies, because they are hand sewn by myself and my team. Yeah, all perfected. So, yeah, it does take some time, especially to actually create the material itself. Again, it's all like woven, literally the image is woven in.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, it takes some time, but you know, I feel like we've been able to get these hoodies out pretty quickly. I say my processing time is between like two to four weeks, just because most of my products are custom made to order, so, but yeah, so I got all the. I got like at least 15 of them sent out today.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, that's. It sounds like an amazing situation, and then it also gets thing kind of daunting. You know, I'm saying when you see the amount of orders or amount of people that want it, you're like I'm just saying it's beautiful. I bet it is.

Speaker 2:

It might have been like seeing all that, like I actually had tears. I'm like wow. I work so hard to get here. Just hustling day and day out.

Speaker 1:

Are you satisfied? This is where you're comfortable at, or do you want to? You got more.

Speaker 2:

Never comfortable.

Speaker 1:

What is more, what is more when you want to go next with it.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, just keep expanding and elevating. That's why I always say, like there's there's no end to this. There's a million sports fans out there whether it's NBA, nfl, mlb, it doesn't matter Like even high school teams, college teams. You know you have to just continue.

Speaker 1:

When you were a young, young lady is this is something that you wanted to do.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy because I never thought I would be like an actual fashion designer. But, remembering back, I used to tell my mom like I want to design. They always wanted me to be like have a good job, a good career, you know which? That's what they were taught. So they continued on to teach us to have a good career and all that. So that's why I pursued law and you know I'm still very passionate about that. So I do want to continue that in the future.

Speaker 1:

I'm not some folks back home that might need you, so I might have to go ahead and cheer on you going through and getting that law degree and becoming a lawyer. So, family, wise mom's, the biggest inspiration that you when you was young was was it mom's? That was the, the she. She inspires me, she fuels me. Is that who that? That was for you, of course, well both of my parents they were also entrepreneurs.

Speaker 2:

Growing up, my brother and I would just be with my family at all times. They had businesses as well. Yeah, yeah, a sports store. They owned a movie store, a pizza restaurant, all before we moved to Arizona, right? So I grew up watching entrepreneurs do that, do, do what they do, you know, just hustle. So that was my whole life and I mean you can keep going.

Speaker 2:

No, you're good, yeah. So I just my parents were entrepreneurs as well. So just taking note, even though I didn't know back then, I was watching them taking notes on that. Now I'm like, oh, that makes sense. So my dad, to this day, gives me advice on like business tactics and stuff, because, again, I didn't go to school for this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So he's very knowledgeable on that. My mom too. Like they're both just very smart, giving me advice and just always being there for me.

Speaker 1:

You gotta support system I do my parents.

Speaker 2:

they've been married for over 30 years.

Speaker 1:

So that poster for love, that's what you then game is Finding somebody that you can, you know, go through decades with. So Christmas is here, Holidays is here. I know things are given past. Are you a big holiday person? I'd like to get into you now. We know that you fire, go, continue to fire. You know and do amazing work. You're not a big holiday person. I'm not treating you to grinch.

Speaker 2:

I'm not the Grinch, but I'm into conspiracies and all that.

Speaker 1:

You just rabbit, rabbit every day.

Speaker 2:

That's literally where I listen to all day, every day, when I'm working when I'm sewing, when I'm pressing everything that's, I'm not listening to music, ever, I'm no music at all. Rarely. If I listen to music, it'll be one toy lanes or two meditation music.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so other than that, I'm always listening to ebooks and you know just yeah, going down the last E-book. You were you know, I was just listening to the mountain, is you? That's not a conspiracy theory.

Speaker 1:

No, I know, but like like a ebook that's. Was that the ebook you're jammed out to? What is that?

Speaker 2:

Well, the mountain is. You is all about just self-sabotage and like getting past that. You know there's a lot of things in life that we don't even realize that we're doing, that we can fix. So it's always about elevation in those type of ebooks and audio books that I'm listening to while I work.

Speaker 1:

Nice, yeah, I'm so I'm. I'm getting more into the. You too, like my boy, craig visions. He's a youtuber. He's everything that he's diving into his YouTube. Is that mostly where you get watching?

Speaker 2:

Honestly take. Talk is really good for a lot of conspiracy theory.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you can't talk about it, but Can we, can we ask about aliens a little bit? You, you believe a little bit for sure. Okay, cool, I won't go no further. Yeah, I'm gonna get some people away, but I'm very knowledgeable on a lot of things that people don't like to hear about yeah, um, and we talked before we got on here you don't do no water, I mean you don't do no coffee, you know. So, not coffee, nothing like that, nope.

Speaker 2:

So I drink water, spring water, bottled spring water, I'm gonna remember that.

Speaker 1:

I gotta take the notes down for that name. Name a few of your spots that you enjoy in the city, like in your food spots. I know we talked about the Thai spot uh, vegan hut or vegan love vegan house.

Speaker 2:

I think it's called vegan house. I'm happy.

Speaker 1:

I think that's the spot because I order from all these places because I'm lazy like that. But um, yeah, give me a couple of the spots around the city that you like to go to eat at.

Speaker 2:

If I go out I like to go to mass shows or ocean 44, but remember y'all. I'll be paying for my own shit, okay.

Speaker 1:

You like to spend the duckets that you don't play about the meals. I mean, if I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna treat myself.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, because I work so hard so yeah, but I always get the Caesar salad literally everywhere I go, but they're always fire. You can not go wrong with the Caesar salad.

Speaker 1:

What was something as a kid like you, just that was your snack, that was your, your food. Do you remember that? Just you know, maybe you go back to it today, maybe you enjoy it still to this day, but what was a snack or like a food you just loved when you was a kid.

Speaker 2:

That's a good question.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I like chips. That's something I do.

Speaker 1:

You're a chipper, you snack on the chippers.

Speaker 2:

I do like chips. Um honestly, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

No I.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't always like vegetarian.

Speaker 1:

How are you feeling now? Feeling a little, a little snacky.

Speaker 2:

No, you try to give me to eat these snacks.

Speaker 1:

Can you grab the donuts? What about the donuts? They're like cool little donuts.

Speaker 2:

Chocolate sauce. Oh no, oh, let me show the camera this time, my bad.

Speaker 1:

Wait, do I have to make those?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I love the fact that we just randomly I think you do.

Speaker 2:

It says make donuts.

Speaker 1:

Oh do I. Yeah, so that means you're forced to eat the.

Speaker 2:

I don't make me eat that.

Speaker 1:

That's nasty, that even listen, you think I'll tell you.

Speaker 2:

Can we turn the camera? Wait, you're not even on camera, are you?

Speaker 1:

No, this is just. This is all you. You're the most important person here.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me take my camera out. We're gonna post this too.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm out of shape, so you can't put me on camera.

Speaker 2:

I look at the shape.

Speaker 1:

All right, so we. So just I'm gonna try to show the people this. Oh wait, I saw that camera right now because my other one's uh charging right now, so yeah, let me record this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you could go ahead eat that. I say hot dog, but does that mean it's hot dog flavor? I think it is. It's upside down. Oh, is it yeah?

Speaker 1:

Get away from the camera because I'm scared of the camera. I don't.

Speaker 2:

Why are you scared of the camera? It's just artificially flavored, but does that mean it's hot dog flavor?

Speaker 1:

I promise you can, I can you, I promise you you try it. Just a little snippity. I promise you'll love it, if okay.

Speaker 2:

So did you already. There's one missing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there is, I've worked see.

Speaker 2:

Is good, I promise you. So it's not hot dog flavor.

Speaker 1:

No, I would never do that to you. That's, that is jackass type stuff, just a little nipple. No I don't even eat candy Is there is there wait, is there like a charity that you can I donate to, something for you to do? What can I do to convince you to enjoy just a little hot, a little Oscar Myers hot dog gummy? There's not a kid on earth right now.

Speaker 2:

You go give those away. That's nasty, All right.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you live on this one. I'll let you live on this one. Do you got um In this city, um, you know it's a lot of you know, it's a lot of nonsense and stuff like that. But do you got like a good set of homegirls? You just got like one Best friend, that's it like that. Are you got like a whole crew?

Speaker 2:

Um, I do have friends, but we're all entrepreneurs, so it's not like A click or anything, nothing like that is the whole group chat Just business? Um pretty much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, honestly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, my girl, right now my closest friend. She's actually in the east coast. So, but she's a business owner as well, so she just be out there exploring, traveling financially free.

Speaker 1:

I know you don't like this, no, so you probably would never move to east coast, would you?

Speaker 2:

Um no. I mean, if I did, it would be Miami. I guess you could say that's east coast it wouldn't move to Miami outside of the hurt?

Speaker 1:

No, I've never you would, but you would to move to Miami, you know. That's why I really like Arizona. There's Now we that's it and that's why I like ultimate that I want to San Diego. San Diego is my spot, that I would like to hang my cap up, be old and be wise, next to a beach in San Diego.

Speaker 1:

But my problem is they occasionally have some weather and some earthquakes. I do not fuck with here in az, there's nothing. I just deal with the sun, an occasional dust storm and that's pretty much about it. And so is that. Would you ever leave az?

Speaker 2:

I would for a little bit, but not to like, retire somewhere else, you wouldn't go over to pears and live in pears. I don't know. I've never been. I would love to visit, but I don't know. There's a whole different world out there that I haven't experienced yet, and I really plan to travel more as I I continue success and become more and more financially free.

Speaker 2:

Um, you know, it takes funds to get over there, so Right now I have a business to run so I can't go too far for too long, but that is the goal to travel, even to buy, and all that I love it sounds amazing.

Speaker 1:

You got a business to run and I know that. The toughest thing, because at one point I was doing shade hats and and listen, that was a long time ago, don't worry about it we needed the lorry and to find out how far I had to go back to when I was doing that. But the toughest thing that I found when I was doing that is, you know, when you want to do other things and something is rolling right, trying to find somebody to put in place.

Speaker 2:

That's my biggest problem.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel like you could just go to is it was indeed, or LinkedIn. I feel like that's. You need to find somebody that has that same type of passion that you have to know that your baby is okay. You ever thought about that in part of that. Finding somebody that it feels like it's almost an impossible task.

Speaker 2:

I mean. That's very difficult for me, especially with who I work with. Obviously, I work with very high-end clientele. You can't just trust anybody and I have NDAs in place for everything, yeah, even yeah, ndas in place for everything. So but it's very hard to find employees, even now people you know they want to be a part of the team, they want to model and all that, and I love that. It's beautiful to see people want to work with me, but it's also very difficult to find people to trust.

Speaker 1:

Well, what if there's some ladies out there that want to model for you? What do they have to do?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I mean, you have models, you see, got models. Yeah, loyalty is number one for me.

Speaker 1:

So, you know I feel like it feels really soprano right now. Loyalty, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm very big on principles in general, like loyalty is huge. So right now, my main model, nefia. She's been rocking with me since I started my business in 2020. So, she's been modeling for me since then Nice. So you know I'm big on loyalty. You know, you just got to prove yourself, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm assuming like having a little bit of that fashion mind and stuff has to be there. You feel like you'll always be doing some sort of designing and in sewing and you know you feel like that's something that you'll always be. You feel like there'll be a point where, okay, this is rolling and now I want to do this, and it's not necessarily fashion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's all about I know you want to do.

Speaker 1:

You know you want to lock folks up or, you know, prosecute, because you're going to be a lawyer.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, no, prosecution Okay.

Speaker 1:

It's law and order. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

No, no, prosecution. Defense attorney. Nice, nice, okay, okay, I'm on this. Did any of these one of them? Okay, got, no, I'm just.

Speaker 1:

I'm just Keep going, keep going.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean, it's all about multiple forms of income too. So you never know like, maybe this will work itself and I can step aside while it's still operating in the future and continue on. But yeah, multiple forms of income. So you just never know what that's going to look like.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

And this is wild Because you get the traffic that you get. I'm assuming your TikTok does pretty well yeah.

Speaker 2:

Pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Do you make dollars off your platforms?

Speaker 2:

Mostly just through sales. I did try the TikTok creator fund or whatever.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I didn't see too much success with that. Maybe I'll try it again. I've heard other people make a lot from there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Currently I do have bonuses on Instagram. Nice, yeah, I can profit on that.

Speaker 1:

So is how did you use social media? I know you talked about the two of me, and was that just something that you was like I just put it up and I showed it, or did you? Did you edit it a certain way? Did you use any apps? I'm like. I'm like I said, I'm social me. I'm the psycho for it.

Speaker 2:

I love it. Dad, don't you remember? You helped me with my social media like forever ago.

Speaker 1:

Did I.

Speaker 2:

I think that's how we met. You see the grace.

Speaker 1:

I'm not the grace in here. I'm old.

Speaker 2:

Wait, where did we meet? Did we meet at international South Africa?

Speaker 1:

You know, no, no, I think it may. It probably was international.

Speaker 2:

I think that's maybe where we met, but you did help me with social media. I think you were helping me like grow my page or something forever ago.

Speaker 1:

Listen, something about social media. It's always driven me because I think, because it's free. I don't think a lot of people understand free. So I'm going to take your lane, for example, and we're going to say we're going to talk about Gucci, we're going to talk about Fasachi, we're going to talk about give me another brand.

Speaker 1:

Dior, dior, we're going to talk about those brands and we're going to think about when they came up and how they got big and what they had to do, whether they had to get pressed in magazines or they had to buy billboards or they had to use papers or word of mouth to get into the space or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Now you have a free, multiple free platforms where you can sit back and in the world of a match, you get Willy Wonka on you and you could just think of things and you could put your ideas out there and the dollars are there. And that's why I feast off of it so much, because it's like it's free.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

It's crazy, yeah. And as much as I complain about the squeeze that like I'll use IG, for example I know you're just looking at me like this motherfucker's gone it ain't even about me no more the squeeze that IG puts on you to like your engagement, and I know what that's about.

Speaker 1:

They're like very popular platform and have hard time making dollars, so they put a squeeze on you and I always use Kim as like an example. Kim is like this person who can create something, drop it and it sells out. Now, as a business like Instagram, you're like this is bullshit. You know what I'm saying. She just made millions of dollars in a matter of seconds for us. She did it for free, so they put a tight vice grips on your engagement to get you to pay for ads, but it's still free and you can still use it and I love the fact that you found a lot of success off of the platform or TikTok, I should say so I'm learning TikTok. My lady's like. I call her AR15 at TikToks because she'll just send them to me.

Speaker 2:

You're not really on TikTok.

Speaker 1:

So I'm learning.

Speaker 2:

That's really where the money's at with the brand For sure.

Speaker 1:

You kiss it yourself and influence her.

Speaker 2:

I don't really like that term.

Speaker 1:

I don't either, but that's what I have to you.

Speaker 2:

I always preach impacting and inspiring other people. That's very important for me and my business also Just being able to share the success but also impact other people while I'm doing it, you know, through fashion, but so I don't really like the term influencer. Yeah, I mean yeah, I don't like it either.

Speaker 1:

So now, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you're going to do a Target fan. Yeah, you know a Target.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm an Amazon fan, really I just, I don't have time to go shopping. So Right, you want me to use Target's Cool, it's just cool.

Speaker 1:

huh, it's not like a place that's, you know, full of hope and dream you just go down and play Target.

Speaker 2:

I know a lot of people love Target which. I see why it's nice there, it's comfortable.

Speaker 1:

It's nice, you know. Everybody seems to be quiet. It's not a loud place you go into.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There's an ass whooping happening. There's an old lady screaming, but Target has this. It's nice in here I'm going to spend some money, but I'll use Amazon. Since you're an Amazoner, I'm an Amazoner too. All right, you could choose two people, dead or alive, to come over to your crib. Celebrity wise this is celebrity wise Dead or alive, come over to your crib and y'all can all just go on Amazon shop and talk. Who would you have come over to your crib to go Amazon shopping with?

Speaker 2:

That's a hard question for me, because I don't have fun with it though. Have fun. I just don't know, are you going to do?

Speaker 1:

something you got to eat the gummies or you got to get me through this Somebody who's wealthy that could put me on game because we'd be talking.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Dead or alive, though, but I just don't. I don't like it like a Elon Musk, no See now. No, the reason behind it is again conspiracies, because so you got something on we're going to talk about that. I mean, we all know about Hollywood. Yeah, we do, we do, so there's no Nope.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to say too much, but I don't think I want anybody over my house.

Speaker 1:

I respect it. I don't you know if it wasn't for me knowing you, I'm very so I've had and everybody I've had in my spot I know. Other than, if I don't know you, I'll move it from out of the crib and we'll go somewhere else because I'm really worried about my energy. Who comes in here? I'm sorry that you have the conspiracy and I got the light up Christmas tree next to you. I feel like I'll cheat you right now because the light up Christmas tree is right there.

Speaker 2:

No, it's okay, I'm scared of you.

Speaker 1:

I'm scared, but is there anything out there you want to share with the audience, with the people listening? Because we don't, we're done.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we did damage, oh yeah, we did damage.

Speaker 2:

It's been an hour.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, 58 minutes, cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

So talk to me, we can talk away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, talk to me, tell me you know any. They can find you on social media, your TikTok. You want to drop all that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so my Instagram is by Brooklyn. Make sure you spell it right with the E and a double N. Yeah, so by Brooklyn. On Instagram and TikTok my business Instagram is shop underscore crystals with the Zee, nice. So, yeah, all my social media is TikTok, all that.

Speaker 1:

You got away without eating not a nann sweet, so we'll just move on. I am Thaddeus shade. This is the double cloud. You can find me on Instagram at Thaddeusshade. You can find me on Twitter at Thaddeus. You don't be on Twitter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Listen, Twitter is a place of comedy.

Speaker 2:

We can make money on there too.

Speaker 1:

Twitter is a place where adult content makes money. You are in the adult, but it is the place where you can actually share your opinion and feel like people really here?

Speaker 2:

Wait, do you go on threads? Is that a scar?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I don't know. Let me see here, let me see what is threads like? Threads is like. I don't know, I don't like threads at all. It happened and then it was gone. You know, it seemed like it caught its buzz and then it was gone. But maybe it'll pop back up. But Brooklyn, I want to say thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Very talented, very amazing, very dope, the energy special and I want to thank you for coming on and just chatting with me and looking at my recliner that I don't let nobody sit in that.

Speaker 2:

That's my baby right there.

Speaker 1:

I care about that damn thing. No, thank you very much and I appreciate you for coming on. Yeah, I appreciate you. Thank you for having me Peace.