RCSLT - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

What is Developmental Language Disorder?: a discussion for DLD Awareness Day 2023

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Season 4 Episode 18

For Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day 2023 we pulled together a panel of two people living with DLD and a professor who is an expert in this field and one of the founders of the awareness day. 

We cover:
- What is DLD?
- Why is it important to get a diagnosis?
- What is tricky about living with DLD?
- Is there anything good about it?
- What can help?
- What needs to change?
- What is the focus of DLD Awareness Day 2023?

Ioan Berry,  a young man with Developmental Language Disorder
Sophie Franks, dedicated RADLD Ambassador and adult with DLD
Professor Courtenay Norbury, Professor of Developmental Disorders of Language and Cognition Psychology and Language Sciences, UCL

RADLD - Raising Awareness of DLD Day
RCSLT DLD factsheet
RCSLT DLD clinical information
Me and DLD: Living with a hidden disability
Giving Voice Twitter takeover by Ioan Berry, 2021
DLD DAY 15th October 2021 (Developmental language disorder) Sophie’s DLD in Adulthood
Speaking up for developmental language disorder: the top 10 priorities for research

The interview was produced by Jacques Strauss, freelance digital producer.