RCSLT - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

RCSLT News April 2024: member survey; Pride; Greener AHPs; Petitions and more

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Season 5 Episode 7

In April's news:

- The RCSLT Member survey is open now for members to have their say: www.rcslt.org/news/rcslt-member-survey-2024/
- There are RCSLT board and committee vacancies open now, including lay positions:
- RCSLT will be at Birmingham Pride in with partnership with the SLT Pride Network. Participating in Birmingham Pride is an opportunity for celebration and joy, as well as an important platform to voice the inequalities that still exist for the LGBTQIA+ community.
- The third in a series of webinars about the Professional development framework is taking place on Thursday 25 April.
- Watch out for news on our upcoming RCSLT Connect events which will be around the UK.
- Hear about the National Audit Office report on the NHS Workforce plan: www.rcslt.org/news/rcslt-welcome…hs-workforce-plan/
- RCSLT's response to separate nursing pay scale consultation www.rcslt.org/news/rcslt-respons…cale-consultation/
- Waiting lists in Northern Ireland and media exposure there
- Parliamentary petitions:
Increase investment in speech and language therapy: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/657935
Review how to make Parliamentary debates inclusive of communication difference:

Please do take a few moments to respond to our podcast survey uk.surveymonkey.com/r/LG5HC3R

This interview was conducted by Victoria Harris, Head of Learning at The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and features Derek Munn, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at the RCSLT and Cara McDonagh, Director of Engagement and Communications at the RCSLT.