The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!

Under Construction Is Good For Business

May 09, 2024 Ed Drozda
Under Construction Is Good For Business
The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!
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The Water Trough- We can't make you drink, but we will make you think!
Under Construction Is Good For Business
May 09, 2024
Ed Drozda

Under construction- conjures up ideas of not being ready for prime time, eh? Not so fast! A business that is under construction has chosen to remain open to possibility. It is a business that knows that the status quo is not reliable. It is a business that understands, innovation is a key to success.

Show Notes Transcript

Under construction- conjures up ideas of not being ready for prime time, eh? Not so fast! A business that is under construction has chosen to remain open to possibility. It is a business that knows that the status quo is not reliable. It is a business that understands, innovation is a key to success.

Welcome to The Water Trough, where we can't make you drink, but we will make you think. My name is Ed Drawster, the Small Business Doctor, and I'm really excited you chose to join me here as we discuss topics that are important for small business folks just like you. If you're looking for ideas, inspiration, and possibility, you've come to the right place. Join us as we take steps to help you create the healthy business that you've always wanted. Up and back to the water trough. This is ed draws to the small business doctor. You can probably hear the sound in the background. And if you're wondering what's going on. We live in a community that's still under development. In fact, we're surrounded by houses under construction. That's an apt name for today's recording. under construction. We just moved into our own house about four months ago. And we're still trying to get herself settled or at least I am. And it's interesting because with all the activity going on around, it's not unlike being in business People in business. Are always under construction to some degree. That is to say that our best made plans are going to be subject to the environment that we live in, the things that are going on around us. There is no set expectation about what we're going to encounter as we go day to day. Uh, business is always under construction because in fact, it's always responding. To what's going on. A business that is not under construction. Is one that probably is having a difficult time keeping up with the realities of the environment in which it. Operates. Just because we're under construction does not mean, of course there were unavailable. We operate our business in this state of flux. If you will. And necessarily, so. But it doesn't mean we're not available. to provide the services that we wish to provide, to sell the products that we wish to sell. and so on and so forth. What it means is that while we are available and doing what we intended to do, we're constantly being vigilant to those things that are going on around us and inside the organization. To ensure that we're able to deliver upon the promises that we've made both to ourselves and to our clientele and our customers. And that's a good thing. You might look at it this way. Being under construction is like being innovative, not just simply accepting the status quo. But taking measures to ensure that that, which we offer. Is currently in always currently. Satisfactory and a value. To those that would pay for these things. It's easy to get caught up in the status quo. It's easy to say. I make a great widget. People are buying the widget. I've got a good income. Profitability is fine. But. In that state. That laissez-faire state where things are looking good. We're failing to notice that at some point in time, Things can change abruptly. Being in a state of construction. Being in a state of preparedness for change to occur. Is critical for us to maintain. Our presence and to maintain. Our impact. In the community that we serve. You're probably thinking. Under construction. People are going to get the wrong impression. If you're under construction. let's be clear. You don't have to put up a sign saying we're under construction. It isn't necessary. To broadcast the fact. What's necessary is that you're able to demonstrate that you're keeping up with changes to demonstrate that you're keeping up with the needs of your clientele of your customers. You don't have to advertise it, but on the other hand, you don't have to be afraid. To admit to show to demonstrate that you are. Reactive. And proactive. Ideally to show that you're proactive and when need be that you can be reactive to the situations that arise. Stagnation. Is most certainly going to lead to a degradation of business. Sure you might have something completely unique, something profoundly, radically innovative that nobody else has. And for a period of time. You can get by on that. For a period of time, radical innovation, innovation. That brings something totally new. To the marketplace. We'll hold sway provided. There's an audience that has an interest in it. But in time. In time, there will be more entrance into that same space. And stagnation. Should you choose to take that course? We'll leave you behind. So my hope today is that you'll consider. The importance of being under construction. You can think of this in a variety of different ways. I just happened to choose construction. Cause that's going on around me right now. But. I hope you'll give it some thought. It really is important to stay. Aligned. With what's going on around you. It's important, To build a good foundation. And a strong enough foundation upon which you can make additions. Or in some cases, deletions. Construction is not a bad thing. Well, you choose to share it with the world openly or not. This is your choice. But I encourage you to consider the stagnation. Being simply happy with what is good. Wilson day, come back to, as they say. Bite you in the boat. More business people. This is people in general. We want to succeed. We take pride in our success. We take pride. In our innovation and the things that we've accomplished. And so. It's really important. Too. Make sure. That we are not simply content. With what's going on. This is a drowsy. Until next time. I not only want to wish you a healthy business, but I want to wish you a business under construction. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Um, uh, Um, Uh, transcript.