Jonesin' for Show

Affect Labeling With Doug Noll

Spencer Jones Season 2 Episode 4

Hey, Energizer. Welcome to another episode of The Jonesin' For Show, the show that's here to help you live your life to the max and just be the best you can be, right? Let your light shine bright. And today, we have a special guest joining us to share his wisdom, his knowledge with all of us so that we can shine even brighter or even better way to say that is to let our true light shine. 

He was a lawyer for 22 years, doing business and commercial trials and all that stuff. But what's cool is he's taken that experience.

He took his experience there and then transitioned it into helping leaders. To do problem solve, peacemaking, do arbitration, mediation, all those things so that he's helping bring peace in the world and especially in the corporate world. 

Let's all welcome Doug Noll.