The Norris Group Real Estate Podcast

Fighting for our Country, The American Dream & Showing Veterans how to Achieve Financial Freedom #865

The Norris Group, Craig Evans

Buddy and Kimberly run a real estate investment company called White Feather Investments.  Buddy is the CEO and Kimberly is the Chief Brand Officer.  Their mission at White feather Investments is to educate and empower military members to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.  They do this through education, access to deals and their accelerator class with the ultimate goal of creating generation wealth.


In the past 6 years White Feather Investments has been involved with the purchase over 1,700 properties with a staggering 1.2 Billion dollar value and over 118 Million dollars of rental income to date.  White Feather Investments now has over 600 members and 350 graduates from the Accelerator class.  30 of which have gone on to become millionaires.


Prior to White Feather Investments, Buddy was a Marine Officer at Camp Pendleton, Ca.  He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a degree in Aerospace Engineering.  Kimberly studied Business Management and Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania.

They reside in the San Diego area with 2 young kids and a fur baby.

In this episode:

  • How White Feather Investments is impacting veterans through real estate.
  • The White Feather Investment “Eco System”.
  • Shifting roles for Buddy and Kimberly.
  • What White Feather student’s 156 no’s led to.
  • Kimberly and the Military Wives Ministry.
  • What Veterans for Financial Freedom is.
  • How to get involved with White Feather Investments and Veterans for Financial Freedom.

The Norris Group originates and services loans in California and Florida under California DRE License 01219911, Florida Mortgage Lender License 1577, and NMLS License 1623669.  For more information on hard money lending, go and click the Hard Money tab.

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Welcome to The Norris Group real estate podcast, a show committed to bringing you insights from thought leaders shaping the real estate industry. In each episode, we'll dive into conversations with industry experts and local insiders, all aimed at helping you thrive in an ever-changing real estate market. continuing the legacy that Bruce Norris created, sharing valuable knowledge, and empowering you on your real estate journey. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, this is your go-to source for insider tips, market trends and success strategies. Here's your host, Craig Evans.

Craig Evans:

Alright guys, we're back again this week with Buddy and Kimberly rushing from White Feather Investments. Here we go. You know, one of the things from The Norris group, what we want to do is make sure that we're pointing people towards what you're doing, and really bringing awareness to what White Feather is doing and what they're about. So, you know, either of you, Buddy, Kimberly, whoever wants to jump in. Can you tell our audience what White Feather Investments is doing and the impact that it's having on those around you and who your who your audience is?

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, I mean, it's changed quite a bit, right. I mean, you remember whenever we first launched it, like, what was even our idea of what it would be just buy rental properties, right?

Kimberly Rushing:

Yeah, it wasn't even. And then we had all of our friends start asking if they could do it with us.

Buddy Rushing:


Kimberly Rushing:

And we're like, sure.

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, we had a lot of people interested in following suit. And then, and then a lot of people it that morphed into, well, okay, you're helping us do buy properties just like you. But we want to build businesses, we want to build financial freedom, we don't want to just want to have a rental property or two. And so can you train us and so that evolved into a training program and everything. So as it stands right now, White Feather is an ecosystem. It's about 600 people, military veterans and their families spread around the United States and we've trained all of them basically ourselves and learned along the process. It's not like we're...

Kimberly Rushing:

He's being cute. It was not me.

Buddy Rushing:

Well, no, I mean, it's so well, actually, it was kind of funny, because we talked about this right? When I was in Afghanistan, it was basically 99% her. And then when I came back, we kind of shared the responsibilities. And then when we started having children, it was, we made a deliberate decision, like I want, I've always loved the fact that my mom was so invested in our lives, even though she had a job, she was super invested in our lives. And we always wanted Kimberly to be extremely invested. So it was like, alright, Buddy, you handle most of the business. And I'll handle, you know, figuring out this crazy world of parenting, right? And has done an absolutely phenomenal job of it. But one of the aspects of that is most of that shifted over most of the businesses shifted over to me. So yeah, we, I mean, once we started training people, what happened is they would take that knowledge and they would go out and execute and then build businesses themselves. And those businesses, whether they be syndications or funds or flipping businesses or whatever, you know, oftentimes, when you're in a business, like you're a builder, right, among many other things, one of the things you need is you need investors, you also need capital, you also need, you know, people to come in and join your team. And so what they would do is those businesses would go out, and then they curve right back in and come back to White Feather and say, Hey, I need capital, I need this, I need that and so it's created this ecosystem where you train people, they build businesses, and then they turn back and offer those opportunities back to the ecosystem. It's become the 600 person, friend group, basically, that is all chasing financial freedom and helping everybody else do the same. It's awesome. It's turned into something way more than we ever thought it could be. Yeah, absolutely. Well, here's a perfect example. We had, unfortunately, one of the members of our group had probably the most tragic thing that I can think of happened to her. Her husband committed suicide and like, she is left with three little boys. And, I mean, it's the, I don't want to get too much into the story, because it's really, really heartbreaking. But the bright side of it is, it had nothing to do with real estate, but everybody around her that was in part of this White Feather network mobilized in whatever way they could think of to help. I mean, we need to figure out how the insurance works, right? We need to make sure the insurance pays out because there's clauses that were they won't pay out, right. So we got an insurance attorney to talk to, we need to figure out how the, you know, create an estate plan because now you're the last remaining, all these things that you don't want to think about when you're trying to grieve. You know, we had people just offering their time free of charge, you know, offering to take over portions of the business so that she can focus on her family, you know, and so on and so on. My point is, it's so funny when people ask me like, what's your client? Like? what's your, you know, your ideal client? Like, I'm like, bro, I don't we don't have clients, like, we do business with people, but like, you're not gonna come into my office and you know, meet, like, break out my calculator and say.

Kimberly Rushing:

His office is a shed.

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, it's a tough shit out there. Anyway, the point though, is it has become absolutely a 600 person family, where, you know, we, again, we're united by the Well, you know, as I'm, as I'm sitting here listening and common mission that is a beautiful one. And that's, we think that people who have fought to preserve our nation's freedom, deserve a chance to have that freedom in their life. And financial freedom is a bedrock of that. And so that's the mission and because of that mission is so in my mind, so powerful, and so resonates with my soul and ours. That's what our life is built around now. You know, and the mission is just to reach their 16.5 million veterans in this country. And on average, the vast majority of them are not living lives of freedom. And so that's our... thinking through that, while you were active and military and active investors and starting a company, and and and right, all the things that life brings as you're going, what do you think was the hardest thing that you guys went through growing this business early on?

Kimberly Rushing:

I would say navigating the challenges of roll shifting, right, like going from doing it together to then him doing all of it on his own, and me focusing on family and then still wanting to feel involved, but like having no place anymore, and trying to like, dip my little fingers back in there. And then there's nothing for me to do. That was I think my heart is smart. And just the balance between that.

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, I mean, well, at first, like working just I'll just say, four words, working with your spouse, right? So just just for anybody listening to this, just think to yourself, Okay, I have my spouse, what let's build $4 million businesses together, while still having a full time job. How do we think we're going to navigate.

Kimberly Rushing:

Yeah, he would go he would work on base, come home, by the way, I was super pregnant, this point, come home and be like, alright, babe, I'm gonna go to the office. So he's gone all day, he would come home, you go upstairs and work until nighttime, because that's the only time you could, right. I just got used to just not seeing it. But I was like, when these babies come, you better be present. And it just like, the reality is we sacrificed a lot in the beginning to make it work. And

Buddy Rushing:

That's the easiest way. We had epic fights, too. I mean, like, we both I tell people this. We're both the youngest. We're both Sagittarius. We're both alpha types. And we love and fight passionately. Like, that's just the best way I could describe it and so we, you know, when we have, here's the best part is when you can, there's a problem or an opportunity, and there's multiple ways to solve it. And both of our ways are vastly different, but both could work. That's when it's the, it's not when we disagree but there's one right answer. That's not a problem. We figure that out. It's when there's two right answers. And we each have chosen one of them. And we were like, we stand on the ground? No. And it's like, Oh, what is it? What is it? We also? Yeah, this is a it's like, we're in violent disagree or violent agreement? It's like we should do it this way. No, we should do it this way. And both will work, right? That's a challenge.

Kimberly Rushing:


Craig Evans:

Only run six businesses. And I know, I know what it means when you're dealing with that. How do you keep a family going, right? That is always, for me, the business portion to me is always the easy part. Because you kind of said earlier, Buddy, you just put on your boots, so to speak, and go do your job, right? How did we keep a family going and keep my relationship with my wife first and foremost? That's that's always the battle. Um, that to me it was, you know. So, I'm interested. Tell me a little more about the Accelerator Class. What does it teach?

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, yeah. So basically, so we, at the very beginning, we went through the education courses, like we paid$40,000, on our credit cards for the Rich Dad education course, which was a great course, but wildly overpriced. And, you know, then we went to we educate ourselves in a ton of different ways, right. And one of the things that we noticed was missing from every single course that we were a part of was there was no action component. It was all education. It was like go out there and make offers and do this. And that's great. And then whenever you would go and you'd be like, Well, I'm trying to 'do you have on offer letter, I can use?' No, consult with your state attorney. And I'm like, Okay, I could have done that, right. So um...

Kimberly Rushing:

And we found that's what held most people up.

Buddy Rushing:


Kimberly Rushing:

Those little tiny details because it held us

Buddy Rushing:

...where am I gonna get a proof of funds like up, we're like... I, you know, this guy won't. So all these little things that, you know, really limited. Most of the people that we were in those courses with most of them never ended up doing successful business. And so we saw these really high priced education courses that were cranking out mostly people who just learned and then didn't do anything. And so we're like, why don't we flip that on its head and create an action course that has undergirded with an educational backbone. And that's what the Accelerator is. So it's six months. And I tell people, everybody has to apply, everybody has to go through a vetting process. Because what we ultimately want is we want your success story. That's what ultimately I want. Because here's a perfect example. So the Accelerator at least right now, as of this recording is, is 1250 a month for six months. So 7500 bucks total breaking up into six months, so relatively inexpensive in the scheme of things. And if you look at it, you've run a business, how much of that nets do I actually make out of each to write a fraction. So you're, the money for the tuition, we'll call it what you want is not going to change my life in any way. But if you go turn into a Justin Lofi you go turn into a Molina, you go turn into Dave Ortiz, or any of those other people who had massive success, and turn back in and said, 'Hey, Buddy, let's do this deal together. 'And then we made 30, 40, 50 times as much off of your success as we ever would off of your tuition. So what we tell me was we vet people very hard, because we want the most success stories, and the outsize results for an average student going through is eye popping. It's unbelievable. And so the Accelerator is six months long, and it teaches everything from how to do your own, you know, financial snapshot, basic vision board, figured out your wide creature financial freedom, blueprints, on to everything acquisition, strategies, we teach creative financing strategies, teach how to wholesale, how to do market analysis, both macro and micro cash flow analysis.

Kimberly Rushing:

We them make offers.

Buddy Rushing:

Make them make I mean, it's, well, we heavily recommend that they make offers. And because we make it abundantly clear, if you don't make offers, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, right? And you protect yourself with contingencies, right? Always just protect yourself with contingencies. And what's the risk and making an offer? The real risk is not making an offer, because you're never going to change your life. If you don't do deals. And, and I tell people, and you know, this is true. If it is a good enough deal, the money will find you I promise. Money is the last like everybody says, I can't get into real estate investing. Why? Because I don't have any money. And I'm like, Oh, if you only knew that there's oceans of money out there waiting for your deals, there's not enough deals is the real problem. There's not a real deal. There's money everywhere. And so once they learn that, yeah, man, they turn into monsters and it's amazing. It's beautiful to see, so.

Kimberly Rushing:

I think Justin's stories make right he went and made offer after offer after offer after 100 was 156.

Buddy Rushing:

Yes. 156 offer I believe.

Kimberly Rushing:

He scores a ocean front row of 13 homes.

Buddy Rushing:

12 or 11. Ocean's 11.

Kimberly Rushing:

Wasn't originally...

Buddy Rushing:

...Yeah, you're right. No, you're right.

Kimberly Rushing:

And then ended up negotiating a group deal of multimillion dollar...

Buddy Rushing:

No, it's a five minute he got it at a $2.3 million discount.

Kimberly Rushing:

No, not even close to that the bank right. Like... Yeah, yeah, he so, he, this was a brand new developments where the guy that developed went under and the hard money lender took it back. So he's in it for 50, 60%, LTV, whatever, right. And so these are brand new homes with Ocean View in Daytona Beach Shores, and he negotiated down over months, and he negotiated$2.3 million off of the value and got it locked up. He had 10 grand in the bank. And he calls Buddy, he's like,'Oh my god. Oh my God, what do I do?'

Buddy Rushing:

You can find all this sounds...

Kimberly Rushing:

...accepted. Oh my gosh.

Buddy Rushing:

You can find the story on our YouTube and on Instagram and things like that we call it the ocean's 11 deal, because we ended up doing 11 of these townhomes. And yeah, he I mean, he ended up scoring those and then we ended up bringing a bunch of investors in and wholesaling it to the White Feather Investors wholesaling it to them, giving them, we got it. Yeah, each one was $165,000 discount, and so we ended up giving them to the investors for a 50 $60,000 wholesale fee. So they just got $100,000 discount, and Justin ended up you know, creating almost $600,000 in two months that we split 50/50. So he came into the course pay just 1250 a month, then went out and made offers and tenaciously made offers and then plugged into the network. We brought the capital, we brought the investors, we bought the know how, and the execution and we just chopped it up 50/50 And here's the and I'm not saying I recommend people do this, but here's a glimpse into the power of trust inside the White Feather network. Justin and I had an agreement to split the proceeds 50/50 It was a verbal agreement, he had the escrow send the money to my bank account. And he knew without a shadow of a doubt that every single penny that I promised him he would get any good.

Craig Evans:

Wow. Well, so that one of the things that I found interesting about you guys is as a trend, you know, we tried to dig in and learn more about you guys behind the thing. And it's key to me, faith, for me is one of the biggest things in my family's life. Kimberly, I learned that you've been involved a lot with military wives and ministry at Daybreak Church if I'm not if it's that correct, Daybreak Church. Okay. So can you share why you got involved and what the ministry itself does?

Kimberly Rushing:

So when we first moved here, this was what 10, 12 years ago. This was right when Buddy was training up for deployment. And we moved to a state I hadn't really been yet because Twentynine Palms doesn't count....Mojave desert. They film horror stories there.

Craig Evans:

They did, 'The Hills Have Eyes.' They film it out there.

Kimberly Rushing:

So we move to California to get the full experience. And then he basically leaves right away. And that was if you remember right after I quit my job. So now I have nothing to do. And I know no one. And I had just found this church right before he left we had just plugged in. So I basically went there. And I was like, 'What should I do? You know, how can I help?' Is it the best way to learn, right? It's to volunteer. And then it turns out that there's a lot of military wives there that husbands had just left, or were gearing up for a deployment with a different time. And so I was like, what if we start a military wives group, and I met with some of the leaders at the church, and they're like, if you want to run it, and I was like, I didn't mean that. I just mean like, can I just like, join someone? So then, of course, that's how it works, right? You asked, and they empower you. And that was some other girlfriends of mine. And we just we decided to start this group. And so it was meant specifically to help military spouses. And I don't think they have any more. It kind of died during COVID as all things did out here. But it was years and years and years of support and love and pouring into the spouses who felt alone and isolated and struggling, because it's hard and where we are in this space here. They deployed a lot during that time.

Buddy Rushing:

So yeah, I remember whenever there's a one time, she saw a news story. So there's a, I was at a place called Leatherneck, Camp Leatherneck in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, and there was a adjoining British base called Bastion. And that's where Prince Henry or one of the princes was, and he, I don't know, the SEC, so one of the princes of the UK, joined the army and was kind of a high level he was he was a, like a...

Kimberly Rushing:

Pilot, right?

Buddy Rushing:

No, he was a basically of what we call a fac afford air controller. So he would call in the aircraft to do bombing runs and stuff anyway. So the Taliban knew that he was on Bastion. And so they actually, they actually broke through the wire and started blasting the aircraft and everything. And Bastion was like, roiling up in smoke. And it's international news, right? You can, you can go back. But it's international news. And so she sees this news story of these, you know, help from a helicopter like filming, basically, my base, she didn't know that, like Bastion was right next to our base. So she thought, you know, and it looked like our base was completely under attack. And I had left for a mission, a big mission at the time. And so I was completely off the net, right. And so she couldn't reach me, she saw my base up in flames. And so like, imagine that and by the way, a lot of the girls, a lot of the women in the, wives group, their husbands were over there, because a lot of the same women in the battalion get together to you know, and, I mean, really, all that you have is prayer, and faith, that, you know, that your husband will make it through and come home, or your wife, um, some of some of them were, you know, we had a lot of females over there, too. So, you know, I mean, it was kind of the, I don't know, the glue that held your, your emotions and your life together.

Craig Evans:

You know, when it's in so many things that that we're talking about, and you guys are going through, as you're giving me these answers, and I'm kind of listening and pulling that through. It amazes me how consistently, the response is, you saw a need, and you jumped in to how do we be a part of providing solutions? Whether it's to for financial freedom for your brothers and arms, for those around you, whether it's for women that are going through something like you even in a time when you needed that here you are saying, 'hey, let's start that for each other.' I think those are the things that I've listened to your story. So much of that is what's interesting is that you're no,t you've never looked for just a while, while the Rich Dad Poor Dad may have started out of how do we fix our city? situation, how do we, how do we get out of you know, the Tennessee lifestyle that I had that was no way out. It's turned into this is how we help other people. Right. So that's, it's really cool to hear about this stuff of your story. So, you guys are involved in a new venture Veterans for Financial Freedom? Can you can you tell our audience? Can you tell us? How do you get involved? And is it for military only?

Buddy Rushing:

Yeah, so this is our, I don't know what you want to call it, like we. So as we built White Feather, it morphed over time, it was initially just about us. And then it became about helping, you know, the Marines that I had worked with, and then it kind of gradually spread over to other people that were been through similar situations to me, like gone through the Naval Academy, or whatever, well, the vast majority of those people are officers, right. And for anybody that, you know, doesn't realize you're in the military, you have most of the people in the military are enlisted. And then you have officers who tend by and large, to get paid more, and to be, you know, more educated, like, from the perspective of college and stuff, you have to get college graduate in order to become an officer, and so on. And so by and large, those are the people that can take more action and make more investments. And so we started there, just because that's where we found that we could get the most traction, but it always weighed on my heart, that the vast majority of the Marines I served with, and the people that are also fighting, oftentimes even harder to preserve the American dream, and suffering even more weren't a part of this. And that weighed on me heavily for years. But again, we had to start somewhere. And so we decided last year, we're like, okay, we built in private long enough. And we have hundreds and hundreds of success stories that prove that this works. I mean, it's beyond the shadow of a doubt this works. And it's like, you know, you if I were to ask you, 'Hey, just real estate is real estate, a good path to build financial freedom.' It's like, bro, you've been doing this how long? 30 years, you know, like, there was no doubt in your mind, right? And so for us, there's absolutely no doubt in our mind that a veteran can build financial freedom, using real estate. And so we were like, Okay, how do we do this? There's 16.5 million veterans out there. And how do we reach them? Well, in order to reach people, you have to lower the barrier of entry to basically zero, which means it has to be free. Okay? And so we're like, alright, so we're gonna launch this massive scale, right? This this, this community, we want to reach 1000s, and then 10,000s, and then 100,000, and then eventually, millions of people, and we want to do the community for free, it's going to take a huge effort, and we are not going to make money off of the community itself. Put that into a business model, will you, right, so how do we do this, right? And so obviously, in any business, you have to be able to pay for it. And so, you know, we're like, Okay, so we've got things, we've got things we do that make money and they're making plenty of money. Let's launch this free community, that's about bringing people together, it's about educating them. It's about showing them what's possible, and it's about linking them up with other people that can help like VA loan officers, and, you know, people that can teach them how to get their VA disability, right, so many people that are deserving a VA disability rating, which 100% rating, by the way, gives you around four grand a month of tax free risk free income for the rest of your life, you tell me if that can't solve a poverty issue, right. And a lot of people that are really struggling, they deserve 100% because they got jacked up, and they just don't, it's just not something that's focused on and so we we don't want to, as I can tell you as a Marine, you never want to complain. So yeah, my ankle so yeah, my hips hurt, like, yeah, my back hurts. Yeah, I've got PTSD. And I've got, you know, issues with my emotions and with anxiety and yeah, yeah, sure. I mean, I'm, you know, pulled dead mother when her baby out of the mud in the Philippines when I was 23 years old, like, like, you know, like, yeah, sure, but we don't want to complain. And so you don't complain. And thereby you don't normally get anything I got out without any VA rating. So teaching people what's available for them, and how to use the things that are available to them to improve their life, and to create some financial stability and so on. That's the focus of the FF. That's why we call it Veterans for Financial Freedom. The answer to your question, though, is no. It's not just for servicemembers. It's thought about this long and hard and we said, Okay, what's our real mission? We love this country so much. And the reason we love this country is because of how free it is. That's it, we love how free it is, right? And it's that's how this country was founded on it. Like, go f yourself, Britain, we're gonna live in freedom, right? We're gonna fight for that freedom, right? It's founded that way and that pioneer spirit is still very much alive regardless of who, I don't we're not political at all. So, regardless of what you think, politically, like, I wouldn't find me one person thinks America isn't free, and I'll find you 100 that knows that it is right. You know, right, because that's where we live. So anyway, the reason that we believe that this country remains free, is because if somebody breaks into my house and I call 911, there's going to be a police officer that shows up, and, and gives me my freedom back, right from this tyranny, from this threat. If my house catches fire, I'm gonna call 911. And there's a firefighter that's going to save me and my family and give us the freedom of life from this fire. If I have a heart attack right now, and I call 911. There's an emergency responder that's going to come save my life and take me to the hospital and give me the freedom of life, right. So who are we to say that military are the only people who deserve a shot at the American dream? Because we're not feeling wants to defend it. And so parents for financial freedom, I look, man, I'm just getting all jacked up just talking about Veterans for Financial Freedom is for anybody that has served in a capacity to keep this beautiful dream alive. military, veterans, firefighters, police officers, emergency responders.

Craig Evans:

So, Kimberly, let me ask you this kind of as a as a closing process of it. You're responsible for the branding and the brand management of the company. So how do people get involved with what you're doing? How do they reach out? How do they get plugged into you?

Kimberly Rushing:

I would say the easiest thing is go to the website, Veterans for Financial Freedom Network, there's a whole link on how to get plugged in for free to join, they immediately send you to the community site. And then you'll see a whole calendar of events, you'll see where we are in person. So our event is the 24th here in San Diego. So, Tony is going to be there, Bruce is going to be there, obviously we'll be there. And that's step one. So we meet face to face, we help people get that connection in that community together, which I think especially once you're out, you lack the most right? You're gonna see masterclasses that we do for free. So we do those once a month. And we'll do, we'll bring in an expert on something like the one that we just had was on

Buddy Rushing:

..Real estate. Yeah, VA house hacking, what was it digital... disability benefits, like investment opportunities, stuff like that, right? How to how to, you know, how to house hack and like live for free, right, and how to, you know, tiro your car, and you know, have it pay for itself, while you drive it the rest of the time, you know how to turn your, if there's a ton of really, really cool stuff.

Kimberly Rushing:

But yeah, so that's the classes that we put on. So they can just go in and figure out what it is they want, and then plug in. And then there's a community for them to help support them, and then offer them suggestions of where to go from there. So that's...

Buddy Rushing:

The whole goal is to take somebody new, regardless of where they are, I don't care if you're we've had somebody with $150,000 in credit card debt that he started out at$150,000, credit card debt, and now he's completely debt free. From a credit card perspective, he has a good healthy debt, but like he's paid off all these credit cards, he's purchased, like three, four rental properties. And what's most powerful is that he sent me an email, and he said that the biggest change has not been the credit card debt, or any of that all that stuff is very awesome. And it's functional. And I've worked really hard to do that. But my wife and I are so much happier, now we fight less, we're more excited about our future than we were because we don't have this hanging over our heads instead. It's a hopeful, exciting, compelling future. So you know, on one hand, it's like, okay, money is, you know, financial freedom and creating money and paying off debt and all this stuff. It's all good and exciting. But what's the point, right, when you get when you get to the point, and the point is beautiful relationships and memories and excitement, and, you know, we have no idea how many days we have left in this life. And so, if you're spending every single day, just surviving, just existing, that's not what you were aiming for. That's right. But you only get to wake up to your purpose when you're not crowded by crap. That's like taking up all of your bandwidth, you know. So, anyway, that's I've digressed a little bit, but But you know, people can start anywhere, whether they're, you know, like I said, $100,000, in credit card debt, or we have a guy who was, you know, we had a guy join our group who, you know, was the, in the C suite for several major multibillion dollar corporations, that guy's worth$100 million. And he loves the community loves being able to work together with people and give back and take advantage of investment opportunities that are not in stocks and not in startups and things like that. So yeah, I mean, whether you're worth $100 million, or your$150,000 in credit card debt, or anything in between. There's a place there's a place for you.

Craig Evans:

Guys, listen, I am so grateful for the time you've given us today. I wanted people to get to know, Buddy and Kimberly, I want them to hear who you are and what your story is. So all those listening, I appreciate your time with us. We look forward to next week and we'll talk to you soon. Have a great day.

Buddy Rushing:

See ya.


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Joey Romero:

The Norris group originates and services loans in California and Florida under California DRE license 01219911. Florida mortgage lender license 1577 and NMLS license 1623669. For more information on hard money lending go to and click the hard money tab.