Help and Hope Happen Here

Jack Gates will talk about his Non-Profit- Triumph Together which he started to help pediatric cancer patients and other children battling serious illnesses to make Memorable Moments with the help of collegiate and professional athletes and teams.

Mark Levine Season 4 Episode 373

Jack Gates went to Colorado College where he played Division 1 College Hockey, but he had no real idea early in his college days about where his career path would take him. After going to visit children with pediatric cancer in a hospital setting along with some of his hockey teammates, he decided to start his own non profit called Triumph Together, which makes it possible for these kids and adolescents battling cancer and other serious illnesses to make Memorable Moments, with the help of both collegiate and professional teams and individual athletes. His career choice is now well established, as he is helping and will continue to help so many kids who can use all the happiness that they can get.