Help and Hope Happen Here
This Podcast is going to be about Pediatric Cancer and the need to keep the awareness of this terrible disease in the public eye. My plan is to be able to interview a wide spectrum of people who all have a passion and a stake in finding a way to make the lives of these Pediatric Cancer Patients easier. I will interview oncologists, nurses, recovered patients, parents who have had to oversee their children's cancer fight, heads of Pediatric Cancer Foundations and Organizations , and others who would like to use this forum to advocate for these children.
Help and Hope Happen Here
Robyn Spoon will talk about her son Justin who was diagnosed with Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma as he entered his final year of college in 2020
Mark Levine
Season 4
Episode 377
As he was beginning his final year in college and having an excellent season running Cross Country , Justin Spoon developed a strange lump next to his nostril. After a very long and difficult wait for 4 weeks after a biopsy was performed , Justin was diagnosed with Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma in the fall of 2020. Justin not only fought his battle for 2 and half years, he decided to donate his tumor for research which has proven to be of great help in learning more about this form of Pediatric Cancer. Justin passed away from his gallant fight in March of 2023.