TLT Series Episode 2: R' Fishel Mael - The Twelve Tribes from a Torah perspective
TLT Series Episode 2: R' Fishel Mael - The Twelve Tribes from a Torah perspective
Dec 24, 2023 Season 5 Episode 20
Nachi Weinstein


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> Episode Sponsor: Mosaica Press
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> We discussed the 12 Tribes generally and each Shevet's specific characteristic. We also discussed the order of the tribes and if there are different orders, whether Shevet Levi is counted as one of the tribes, the berachos of Yaakov, individuals in Tanach wh personify their Shevet, the 10 tribes that broke away to form the Malchus Yisrael, if Shimon is lost (as Shimon's land was in the south in the midst of Yehuda), whether the Shevatim got along with each other, and much more.

To purchase R' Mael's sefer, "Shivtei Yisrael":

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