With R' Nechemya Sheinfeld discussing the Ibn Ezra and his commentary on the Ibn Ezra, "Daas Ezra"
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With R' Nechemya Sheinfeld discussing the Ibn Ezra and his commentary on the Ibn Ezra, "Daas Ezra"
Jan 12, 2021 Season 2 Episode 27

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With R' Nechemya Sheinfeld discussing the Ibn Ezra and his commentary on the Ibn Ezra, "Daas Ezra" (6 volumes, Mossad Harav Kook)

We discussed a basic biography of Ibn Ezra, controversy around the Ibn Ezra's Pirush (Maharshal, Karaites, against Chazal, etc) what Daas Ezra seeks to do and how he did it, Pirush Aruch & Katzar on Shemos, Hakdama on Bereishis, Shittah Acheres on Bereishis, and more
