With Dr. Moti Benmelech discussing Shlomo Molcho (1501 - 1532)
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With Dr. Moti Benmelech discussing Shlomo Molcho (1501 - 1532)
Oct 31, 2021 Season 3 Episode 8

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With Dr. Moti Benmelech discussing Shlomo Molcho (1501 - 1532) and his book (in Hebrew), "Shlomo Molcho: The Life and Death of Messiah Ben Joseph"

We discussed Molcho and his upbringing in Portugal, David Ha-Reuveni, what did they really want, and more.

To purchase the book: https://www.ybz.org.il/?CategoryID=632&ArticleID=6480#.YX3ntsD3YWM

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