
Fall updates: Prota Ventures, AI Layer, Impact Stream, and REST

Will Little Episode 158

In this episode of Ventures, I ( walk through a number of updates with my for-profit and nonprofit venture work. I talk about Prota Ventures, our second fund, how we get operationally involved in our portfolio companies, and who we serve. As an example, I discuss my involvement with AI Layer, which is a new company providing AI inference computing services that leverages an upcoming Web3 protocol that will be decentralized and widely available next year. Finally, I talk about updates - and my volunteering involvement - with Impact Stream and Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST). 

Visit for more information. 

You can watch this episode via video here

0:30 - quick overview of Will’s bio and current activities - check out 

1:15 - More about how Prota Ventures services Founders, Investors, and Talent. 

2:00 - Investing multiple forms of capital (not just financial capital)

2:40 - More about AI Layer - decentralized compute for AI inference

3:45 - West Africa work - Impact Stream updates - local people solving local problems 

4:35 - Beyond the standard development work, more about the well-drilling business

5:15 - More specifically about Impact Stream’s vision of connecting digital communities to IRL impact. Quadratic Voting mechanism. Local projects and funding pool on-chain.

6:36 - More about Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST) see more from Episode 2 →