They Call Me Mista Yu

"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 1"

May 07, 2024 Mr. Yu
"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 1"
They Call Me Mista Yu
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They Call Me Mista Yu
"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 1"
May 07, 2024
Mr. Yu

Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Imagine attending life's grand party and having the power to make each encounter shine brighter than when you first arrived. That's the heartfelt philosophy we're bringing to the table, fresh off a rejuvenating vacation with a newfound understanding of rest—not only the physical kind but also the spiritual repose found in divine presence. This episode is a treasure trove of insights as we discuss the imperative to better our surroundings, whether we're in the office, at home, or within our communities. Our deep dive into the philosophy of impactful living will leave you inspired and ready to tackle life with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to positive change.

We then pivot to shine a spotlight on the talents we each hold, urging you not to bury them but to multiply and share them with the world. Harnessing the wisdom of ancient parables, we explore the moral obligation we bear to not only wield our gifts but to let them flourish and enrich the lives

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Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Imagine attending life's grand party and having the power to make each encounter shine brighter than when you first arrived. That's the heartfelt philosophy we're bringing to the table, fresh off a rejuvenating vacation with a newfound understanding of rest—not only the physical kind but also the spiritual repose found in divine presence. This episode is a treasure trove of insights as we discuss the imperative to better our surroundings, whether we're in the office, at home, or within our communities. Our deep dive into the philosophy of impactful living will leave you inspired and ready to tackle life with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to positive change.

We then pivot to shine a spotlight on the talents we each hold, urging you not to bury them but to multiply and share them with the world. Harnessing the wisdom of ancient parables, we explore the moral obligation we bear to not only wield our gifts but to let them flourish and enrich the lives

Thank you for listening to the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life and your Weekly Mirror Check before you go change the world! You can find and subscribe to our show on our YouTube channel:

We're LIVE every Monday at 9am EST and the Wednesday Wrap-Up at 9am EST every Wednesday as well as our Facebook, IG, Linked In, and X platforms @theycallmemistayu. For audio listeners, TCMMY is everywhere you enjoy your podcasts. 

We love hearing from all of you about how you're enjoying our content! A really cool way you can do that is Fan Mail. Check out the promo and starting sending messages right away! It's easy and it's fun too! Trust me! Thank you for reaching out and allowing us the privilege of hearing from our faithful listeners and viewers! I can't wait to get your next message!

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Live eps on Monday morning at 9am EST and multiple live shows during the week!

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, what's up everybody, welcome back to the All Purpose Pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're listening to the Call Me, mr you the podcast, we thank you very much for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We're your weekly marriage hit before you go, change the world, baby. Thank you for joining us again. We are at they Call Me, mr you on all of your social and if you're listening to us, audio only, you can find us, of course, wherever you enjoy your podcast listening Apple Podcasts, pandora, iheartradio, spotify. If you listen to us and watching us on YouTube, facebook and, of course, the Twitter machine, now known as X, you can definitely find us there for episodes on our YouTube channel at TheyCallMeMrU. M-i-s-t-a-y-u. Thanks again for joining us. Your boy was on vacation, coming back refreshed, definitely coming back heated up as well. That's what's up on my mind, and I've been missing you guys for over a week now, and I'm definitely ready to get back to work, so to speak. Drop some things that the Lord has been putting on my heart and a lot of new content coming your way momentarily, but I want to thank you guys for your support. All of our new subscribers on our YouTube channel. Thank you again for not only tuning in to us but actually showing some support. We know we got friends and a family here who love us and appreciate us. But pressing that little white subscribe button makes a difference, gets us a little bit closer to our goal to turn this part-time thing into a full-time thing. So thank you for your help in doing that. And don't be a hater. It don't have to be your situation. It ain't got to be your life. Help somebody else out. Help your brother out. Press that white subscribe button. Help us get to our goal. You else, help your brother out. Push that subscribe button. Help us get to our goal. You get yours. Thank you for helping us out there. Number of love for you guys. Thank you for subscribing, listening and sharing us with your friends and family and so forth and so on.

Speaker 1:

But I got a couple things I want to share with you guys. It may be a little bit lengthy so this may end up being a two-part episode. It's that much stuff on tap here. But I was telling you guys just got back from vacation, learned a lot from that. I mean, I learned definitely how to rest because I haven't been doing a great job of that when I was here. No complaints about serving you guys and putting out content and being there for you guys, answering your questions offline and dealing with topics and issues that we've been posting and sharing here on the Call Me, mr you, the podcast. No problems there. Not a complaint out of me, you know. At the same time I haven't been resting like I should, especially resting in the word of God and resting in the presence of the Father and doing things that are necessary for my personal and spiritual development. So I learned that a lot on this vacation. I learned a lot about people we were out in the beach community and they are an interesting group of folks. I'll just put it like that. So a lot of learning was taking place and a lot of downloads I believe the Lord was giving to both the Queen and myself. So a lot of things. You'll be hearing from us soon.

Speaker 1:

We got a lot of things to share, but I want to talk to you about a few things, but one thing most notably if you have to have a title for this, if you're writing this down to keep it in notes, like some of our faithful followers do, you can call this Make it Better Than it Was. If you're writing this down to keep in notes and and you want to keep tracking the episode, it's called make it better than it was. I've heard that phrase off and on for about close to a decade now. I thought I understood what it meant to make something better than what it was. I've heard it in the context of when you go into a new situation, you make it better than it was before you got there. That means whatever it was before you leave, it better.

Speaker 1:

If you go to a party and there's a lot of disarray, arrangements, that kind of stuff. Before you leave the party, you will help clean up, you'll help arrange, you'll help sweep, you'll help mop, you'll help wash dishes, whatever it is. I know it's a party You've been invited. I'm just trying to give you a visual of what making it better than it was before you got there kind of looks like. Before you leave the party, there's less work to be done for the person that organized the party on your behalf. There's less cleanup. They end up with all the trash that needs to be taken out. Do those things because you contributed to this event and you want to make things better for the person that organized it than it was before you arrived. Some folks got an opposite mentality and they'll make it worse. They'll make more of a mess, more spill. They leave behind, more trash they leave behind and then they go and leave the party or the event or the gathering and the person that's organizing it and their crew has to do more work because you didn't leave it better than it was before you got there.

Speaker 1:

That's just a basic, general idea of what we're going to be talking about. It goes deeper, but I want to kind of just give you a little bit of a visual, because I am a personal believer that you make situations better than they were before you got there. I believe that's right. I believe that's the just thing to do. I try to live my life that way. I'm not sure if everybody even believes this anymore. If this is a thing in people's lives I hardly ever hear it now but making things better than it was before you got there.

Speaker 1:

Think about that in context. What does that look like? What does that mean for you on a personal level? What does that mean for you as it pertains to your ministry? Will you meet to have said ministry? What does that mean for you in your household? What does it mean when you go to somebody else's household? What does it mean when you go to a restaurant that you don't own and you're eating food as a consumer or as a customer? What's that mean for you? What's that mean when you walk into any kind of establishment and you bring your children with you there and they make a mess? What does that mean? What does that indicate For me? I really want you to understand that today, because I think that's going to be really important to what we're talking about Making something better than it was before you got there. I use it very often, but now it's time to really think about what that actually means.

Speaker 1:

Look at the world around us. I mean, I think part of that could be kind of depressing to kind of walk through this episode of doing this little exercise, but let's do it anyhow. Look at the world around us. Look at the world around us. Look at the chaos ensuing in the name of improvements improving on cultural things, improving on ethnic things, improving on world status and world economics, and so on and so forth. How are we looking right now in the world of trying to improve on something that's already going on, or trying to make things better for some people in the guise of making it better for all. How are we looking right now in the world of trying to make everything better for everyone, equally and fairly across the board? How's that going? How's that looking right now?

Speaker 1:

The one thing I am learning is that you can't compound light and darkness together. They can't coexist. Excuse me, they can't coexist with each other. The same way, oil and water can't coexist. Excuse me, you can't make pitch black better with shades of gray. They don't work well together. One's going to overtake the other. There's no even mixture of these things.

Speaker 1:

And I'm saying to you, because I'm asking you to think about this as we move into the episode what do you bring to the table? What do you bring into the episode? What do you bring to the table? What do you bring to the event? What do you bring to the party? We don't think about this kind of stuff because it's not at the forefront of our minds. But in everything that you're involved with, everything that you do, everything that you're associated with, everywhere where you volunteer, everywhere where you serve, everywhere where you work in your job or in your business capacity, what do you bring to the table? What do you do that makes the situation that you are stepping into better than it was before you got there? You think it doesn't matter? It definitely does matter. It matters to God most of all. Believe it or not, it matters to the people that you are serving or working with and it should matter to you. You should have enough integrity to care about the impact you make when you step into a situation. I'm going to be real man.

Speaker 1:

I know a lot of people and some of these are saved folks, just to be honest about it and they don't care what they do and where they go. They will trample their way to whatever it is that they want and they don't care about who they hurt. It's not about safe. It's just a human experience as we're seeing it played out in today's times. People will run you over to get to the place they want to get to, to do what it is they want to do and how they want to do it, and they don't care who they got to trample to get there. Like I heard of Buffalo, they run you over to get to the place they want to be at. How was that right? How was that making something better. The whole bull in the China shop is not a great scenario. The China shop isn't better because the bull is there running stuff over and and knocking over precious artifacts in in china and bowls and bottles and cylinders, etc. The china shop isn't better because the bull is there.

Speaker 1:

Are you being a bull in a china shop? Are you doing more tearing up than you are building? Are you doing more destroying than you're actually helping? You ain't got to be a troublemaker or a loud mouth to tear something down. That's a myth as well. You can be quiet and demure oh I don't bother nobody. Be quiet and demure, oh I don't bother nobody. But your whispers to somebody else can spread division and a fission or fissure in that environment, in an organization. That can cause a ripple effect that can destroy the whole thing just because of your whispering. You ain't got to be loud and publicly obnoxious to be damaging to your environment. What do you bring to your environment? What do you bring to the dance? We talked about it several episodes ago.

Speaker 1:

See yourself as the light of the candle. I want to share this with you out of scripture because I want some context for what I'm about to talk about. But Luke, chapter 8, verse 16, check it out. It says no man, when he has lighted a candle, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand for those that come in, or who may come in, can see its light, for nothing is concealed that won't be revealed and nothing hidden that won't be made known and brought to light. Therefore, take care how you listen, for whoever has more will be given to him, and whoever does not have even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him. Luke, chapter 8, that's verse 16, 17 and 18. This is talking about obligation and responsibility as those that carry the light. This is coming out of the mouth of Jesus himself. He's speaking to those that are supposed to be fully persuaded. Those are supposed to be quote unquote the light.

Speaker 1:

There's no room for a mixture of light and darkness. One's going to move the other. If you ever walked into a dark room before and turned on your light, maybe you came home late at night and all your lights were out. When you cut the light on, all the darkness disappeared. It works every time you do it. Try it at home for practice.

Speaker 1:

Be in a dark room and cut the light on, you'll see what happens. There's no darkness whatsoever, not even a shadow. It's lit. That's how your light should be. In all the places that we call dark, in this dark world, dark society. You should be the light when you show up. Everything should be radically changed. There should be a change in the atmosphere. There should be a seismic shift in whatever's going on in that arena that you're stepping into, that mountain. You're on that environment, that atmosphere that you're in. There should be a dramatic change. That should happen. When you step into that arena, when you walk foot into that room, things should radically change. You should be noticed right away because you are lighted candle. You profited by the word of God and now you're qualified and obligated to profit other people. That's what Luke, chapter 8, 16, is talking about those that have been fully persuaded, that know the benefits they carry, they understand the obligations that they have now because of what they received, and now they have the obligation to go and profit other people. Are you a lighted candle? Are you a light in dark places? Are you wreaking havoc? Are you creating foolishness and hot messes wherever you go? Are you creating division? Are you creating mean girls clubs? Wherever you go, are you creating good old boys systems? Wherever you go, are you creating something of value? Are you being the kind of light that we talk about being?

Speaker 1:

All of us have the ability to impact and to change and to radically transform environments and make things better than what they were. We all have that innate ability inside of us. We don't have to be Bible scholars, we don't have to be those with a doctorate or master's in anything. We do that just because of who we are, who we innately are on the inside. Maybe on the outside we don't see that person fully developed yet, but who we actually are. We had that ability to do that. What we can't afford to do and we discussed this on previous episodes as well we can't afford to bury the treasure that we are.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we see people who have such talent they have so much talent and so many abilities and gifts and when they're not using it, we all stand back and look like man. If I could do that, I'd be here. If I had that gift that you have, I'd be doing this. I don't understand why they're not doing more with that. If it was me, this is what I'd be doing and we make judgments like that because in our minds it we can't fathom having a level of ability and not using it. Even in our human brain, we recognize that that's weird. We recognize that that's weird. We recognize that that's wrong. So imagine it from a spiritual standpoint Burying a treasure or an ability is actually an affront to the giver of the gift.

Speaker 1:

So if you believe that all the gifts you have and the talents and abilities you have are from God, when you bury your treasure or bury the ability that you've been given, what you're saying to God is I don't respect what you gave me. I think you made a mistake. You should have gave it to somebody else. I shouldn't have this, but since you gave it to me, I'm going to bury this in the ground because I ain't trying to do nothing with what you gave me. I ain't trying to work with this. I ain't trying to grow it. I ain't trying to evolve with it. I ain't trying to develop it. That's what they're saying to the giver of the gift when you bury your treasure and abilities. And just as a little side note, a lot of folks today already know what that is. They do a little thing well and they say you know what, this is my gift, this is my talent, and they roll with it and they ignore certain other areas that are perhaps even more important than what they're doing. It's a scary thought. We'll touch that at a different time.

Speaker 1:

But sometimes the thing you're in, the thing you're involved with, isn't actually the thing. Yeah, you get the most praise from doing that thing. More folks seem to like you when you're doing that thing, but the question is is that the thing I mean, the thing that God says I want you focused on this? It's worth thinking about. Don't blow me off. Don't assume I missed this one. Don't assume that. Think about it. Assess your life. Go back to the place where you were first, being obedient to God, and think about what he told you to do and what you've heard. Think about the words you've even been given. Are you doing the thing that he said, the way that he said, do it? Or did you make a curve or take a detour? And now you're in a slightly different place? Looks like it, but it's not exactly. It's kind of like, almost like a counterfeit of what you're supposed to be. Something to think about. No shade, excuse me. No judgment. You're thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

But anytime you've been given a gift, this is the one way you can make things better than they were before you got there. Because all the gifts that you have, all the abilities, they're for the greater good. Especially in a household of faith, they're for the greater good. So hiding them or submerging them under your stuff and not dealing with it and growing it and developing it, is an affront to the creator. It's an affront to the giver of the gift. You make those gifts known and you credit the creator for what he's given you, or if you don't do that, it has to be considered treachery against you.

Speaker 1:

What does treachery mean? It's a violation of faith, a betrayal of trust, willful betrayal. It means treason. It's a treasonous act to bury what God has given you and not make it known and give him the credit for it. I'm going to say it again for those in the back. I think you need to hear that part. If you bury the treasure or ability that you've been given, it's an affront to the giver of the gift. It's considered treasonous and treachery to not make it known and credit the creator for what he's given you. It has his trademark on it. He wants you to give him the credit. It's like going to try to write an article and taking pieces from other articles that have already been written and not crediting the source. For those of you guys that are writers, you get what I'm talking about. You got to credit the sources. It's bad for you when you don't do that, even when you were in college and you were writing essays. It's plagiarism to not credit the source where it came from and pretend like it's all yours. We do that a lot of the time, but it's treachery, it's a violation of faith.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite passages in the parable is the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, verse 14. Basically, one of the men who had one talent willfully buried his resource instead of stewarding it. So, instead of being a good steward, he buried it instead Out of fear, out of doubt, maybe out of religion. He figured. You know what? I ain't trying to mess this up. The safest choice for me is to put this in the ground until the master comes back and give him back what he gave me 100%. But the master wanted 200% return, 300% return, 400% return, 500% return. But you gave them exactly what they gave you. Imagine what a smack in the face that is. Imagine what a smack in the face that is.

Speaker 1:

You give somebody a new blouse or a new shirt or a dress and they gift it back to you unused, untouched. How did it make you feel, just as a person who's a generous person and a lover of other people, and you give them a gift that cost you, something that mattered to you, and they gave it back to you untouched it's in great condition, but still got the tags on it Untouched, not worn, not taken out of the packaging, not taken out of the box. How would it make you feel? Well, imagine when God gives you some of his best gifts Gifts of prophecy, gifts of writing, gifts of music, gifts of administration and you give it back to him the same way he gave it to you Untouched, unworked.

Speaker 1:

How do you think he feels anybody ever give you a gift that you hate it and you hit it as far from your side as possible because you couldn't stand the gift. You thought it was ugly or undesirable, and one time you pull that gift back out, but when the person that gave you the gift is scheduling a visit you wasn't going to see it. You still got it, I still got it, but you know in your heart that you hate it and you also know in your heart that you would never wear it. I still got it, but you know in your heart that you hate it and you also know in your heart that you would never wear it. You just pull it back out because you want to try to impress the person or give them a sense of ease that you know you're still using their gift when deep down you know you're not. You're lying and you're operating in deception. That's what we do when we take something we're entrusted with and put it out of our minds until it benefits us to expose it.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't somebody who has a cure for a life-threatening disease have the moral obligation to share it and disseminate it to the world? If you had that, you'd feel that weight of the obligation to share with the world because you know it's going to change the world, it's going to change lives. The person that won't do that, that refuses to do that, is considered cruel and evil. How do you consider somebody who has a cure for darkness, like you do, and carries a light like no one else has but never shares it? Is that person cruel and evil too? Is that person that has that light that carries those benefits inside of them, that has the ability to break chains off people's life, but refuses to do it because they're shy and they don't want to talk to people, they don't like being around crowds, they're not good at public speaking, they're not good at meeting new people. Is that person cruel and evil too? I can answer that question, but I think you need to. If the person has a cure for a life-threatening disease, doesn't share with the world, is considered cruel and evil, then. So how you, who have pain-breaking ability in you, a light that dispels darkness and opens blinded eyes and causes the lame to walk and the mute to talk, but doesn't share with anybody, isn't that cruel and evil too? Isn't that wicked?

Speaker 1:

See the whole condemnation of that servant that was in Matthew 25 in that parable, who buried his one talent. It has a lot of layers to it, man. Really, possession was not enough. I think you get that part. It was considered, in the words of the scripture, wicked and lazy to bury the talent and not use it. So just having the talent, to some folks they think that's enough, but it's not. It's wicked and lazy to have it and not use it. He has a responsibility to improve it, duplicate it and multiply it, and I want to leave you with this and we'll move on. You got the obligation because you've been given a talent.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 25 and 18 takes away all the excuses. It doesn't matter how little you have or how little you've been given. Your responsibility for Matthew 25 and 18 is to use it well. All the excuses. It doesn't matter how little you have or how little you've been given. Your responsibility from Matthew 25 and 18 is to use it well, what you've been given. It doesn't matter how much. The quantity doesn't matter. It's about the quality. It doesn't matter if you have a little bit or if you have a lot. Use it well, because condemnation comes to you if you don't use it well, and that's your responsibility to improve it, to duplicate it and to multiply it, like this man with the one talent did not do, and he was considered wicked and lazy. He was cast out because he didn't do that, and that's symbolic for a lot of things that we get into at a different time.

Speaker 1:

But I want to just encourage you with that. We have another part to this in a couple of days or so. I wanted to share that with you now and let you know it's our obligation, it's our responsibility and we can't move away from that. Make the situation better than what it was. You've been given all the tools. You have the resources. You don't have to wait for them 10, 15, 20 years down the line. You have it right now. You have the ability to make things better, make lives better than they were before you got there. Now go, do that, wherever you are and however you're hearing.

Speaker 1:

They call me Mr U the podcast. We thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We're your weekly mirror check before you change the world. You can find us at TheyCallMeMrU, on all the socials and, of course, our show is on all your audio listening for podcasting and, of course, our YouTube channel at TheyCallMeMrU. Thank you again for joining us. Thank you for listening. Please share us. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel and our podcast on Apple Podcasts. But thank you again for your support for us and we love you. We appreciate you. Guys, go out there, get it done. Make it better than it was before you got there. Enjoy the music. Coach out.

Make It Better Than It Was
Be a Light, Not a Treachery
Responsibility to Multiply Talents