They Call Me Mista Yu

"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 2"

May 09, 2024 Mr. Yu
"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 2"
They Call Me Mista Yu
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They Call Me Mista Yu
"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 2"
May 09, 2024
Mr. Yu

Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we harness the ancient wisdom of biblical parables to fuel our modern quest for personal and communal growth. Drawing from the profound narratives of Luke and Matthew, we reveal how each of us can be a beacon of positive change, not just within ourselves but radiating out to society at large. We delve into the essence of faithfulness, challenging you to embrace your true potential and share your unique gifts with the world rather than be the servant who buries their talents. As your coach, I'm here to guide you through overcoming fears and stepping into a purpose-driven life that not only enriches your own experiences but elevates those around you.

In our enlightening conversation, we also confront the sorrow of unfulfilled potential, with Dr. Miles Monroe's poignant words serving as a stark reminder of what's at stake. We unravel the scriptures of Luke 8:17 and the rich tales of the Book of Numbers to illustrate how perception and faith dictate our actions and the seizing of opportunities. This episode is a clarion call for transparency, courage, and a mindset geared towards positive action—urging you to uncover buried information and actualize the potential that could transform not just your life, but also the world. Join us in this thought-provoking dialogue, where your participa

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Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we harness the ancient wisdom of biblical parables to fuel our modern quest for personal and communal growth. Drawing from the profound narratives of Luke and Matthew, we reveal how each of us can be a beacon of positive change, not just within ourselves but radiating out to society at large. We delve into the essence of faithfulness, challenging you to embrace your true potential and share your unique gifts with the world rather than be the servant who buries their talents. As your coach, I'm here to guide you through overcoming fears and stepping into a purpose-driven life that not only enriches your own experiences but elevates those around you.

In our enlightening conversation, we also confront the sorrow of unfulfilled potential, with Dr. Miles Monroe's poignant words serving as a stark reminder of what's at stake. We unravel the scriptures of Luke 8:17 and the rich tales of the Book of Numbers to illustrate how perception and faith dictate our actions and the seizing of opportunities. This episode is a clarion call for transparency, courage, and a mindset geared towards positive action—urging you to uncover buried information and actualize the potential that could transform not just your life, but also the world. Join us in this thought-provoking dialogue, where your participa

Thank you for listening to the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life and your Weekly Mirror Check before you go change the world! You can find and subscribe to our show on our YouTube channel:

We're LIVE every Monday at 9am EST and the Wednesday Wrap-Up at 9am EST every Wednesday as well as our Facebook, IG, Linked In, and X platforms @theycallmemistayu. For audio listeners, TCMMY is everywhere you enjoy your podcasts. 

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Follow us Monday-Thursday on our Youtube, Facebook, IG, Linked In, and X platforms @theycallmemistayu. For audio listeners, TCMMY is everywhere you enjoy your podcasts. 

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Live eps on Monday morning at 9am EST and multiple live shows during the week!

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, hey. Welcome back to the All Purpose Pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're hearing the Call Me, mr U, the podcast. Thanks again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We're your weekly mirror check before you change the world. Of course, you can find us on all the socials, at theycallmemisteryou, m-i-s-t-a-y-u. If you are listening audio only, of course, apple Podcasts, Spotify, pandora, iheartradio anywhere you can hear a podcast, we're there at theycallmemisteryou. If you're listening and watching us on Facebook, twitter and, of course, on our YouTube channel at theycallmemisteryou, thank you again for joining us there and thank you also for subscribing to the show. It really helps us move things along and takes care of some things that are behind the scenes things. So thank you for subscribing to the show. We know you love us and we can hear from you guys your questions and comments and your support of us vocally. Hit that white subscribe button Helps us out a whole lot when you do that, so thank you for doing that. Thank you for sharing us with friends and family, loved ones, et cetera. We definitely appreciate the support from you guys.

Speaker 1:

On our last episode, we were talking about making things better than it was. On our last episode we were talking about making things better than it was Ran out of time, so I'm going to try. I'm going to attempt to try to finish that today, but we talked about it, of course. Please go back and catch the last recap. The last episode for the first part of this little series we have here Came out of Luke 16 through 18 and Matthew 25. Please jump in and check it out. It'll make a lot more sense to hear this episode once you've heard the first one. But we talked a lot about making things better than it was, creating an environment and an atmosphere where things are improved because you're there, because of what you bring to the table. We talked about being a light or a lighted candle, and that you're qualified to profit others because of what you've profited from yourself. It's really all about sharing and evolving and developing based on what you've learned, what you've experienced, what you've grown in and the person that you've become Not going to be that for other people. It's a pretty simple concept. I guess it's kind of hard in application if we're honest about it, but one of the things that I wanted to share, also to kind of trail on for what we talked about in that first episode.

Speaker 1:

Even in the business world, we have the ability to make things better than they were before we got there Some people who are in sales and heavy sales they'll sell you a vacuum cleaner that ain't much different than the one you already have. It's not even better, it's just more expensive and it helps meet their quota, but it's not making your quality of life any better. If you're in business and you have, or you're in, some level of service, you got to solve problems. You got to meet needs. You got to open doors that many thought was impossible to be open. You got to solve problems. You got to meet needs. You got to open doors that many thought was impossible to be open. You got to make a difference in the areas that you're trying to step into and travel into. If you're just there, it's inconsequential. You got to be able to be at a place, in your own understanding of who you are, your purpose, where you are and what you're doing and why you're doing it, to understand that it's not just about you. You're making a difference, theoretically, in the life of somebody else that needs that difference, and we've got to think outside of ourselves. For once We've got a responsibility, like we discussed last episode. We've got a responsibility to improve, duplicate and multiply what we have available to us. We can't be that wicked and lazy servant who buries his talent and ability in the ground, therefore being a threat to the giver of the gift and being a treasonous in the eyes of the Lord. One of the reasons why that happens is because of fear and because of carnality.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people don't realize that fear paralyzes you and it really causes you to look more unfaithful than it does to look faithful. People think that you know what? Hey, I'm a good person. I'm not doing what God says to do right now, but I'm still good. Understand this, brothers and sisters. If you fall in that category, I'm not judging you. I'm not feeling anything that you share with me in confidence, or anything I've even heard.

Speaker 1:

But if you're in that category where you are fearful about taking steps that you know God said to take and to step into areas that you know he calls you to step into, it's not faithfulness. I don't care how much you show up In his eyes. You are unfaithful servant in a place where you should be faithful, pure and simple. We got a false opinion about God. A lot of the time, we think that he's okay with our not obeying him or not doing what he says, and that's really not what should come from, or shouldn't be, a fruit from, a loving, fruitful relationship with the Lord. We're not being faithful and it's really become a habit to bury things that God says need to be exposed. They need to be publicly seen and known, whether it be a gift or ability or talent. We're staying there because we're a bunch of gifted people and we got talent for days. Around us, we're surrounded by talent. We're staying there because we're a bunch of gifted people and we got talent for days. Around us. We're surrounded by talent.

Speaker 1:

A lot of time, we think it's about us and not about the giver of the talent, the giver of the gift, and we don't think about that when we do these things. We think about the impact on us, how we feel about it. Will we go back on that platform and do what we've been instructed to do, or are we going to cop an attitude and not do it because of how we feel, because our feet are tired or because we're tired of this or we just don't feel like it today? Is it about you being a gift, or is it about the giver of the gift using you to perpetuate that gift? Something to think about.

Speaker 1:

You know why families are so screwed up. We're still in the same place. We're talking about making it better than it was. You know why families are so screwed up? Because they make a habit out of burying things that make them look bad. That may be cause it to be a blight on the family name. You see it in movies and TV all the time. That's because art imitates life and families are worse off because they bury things that need to be exposed Family indiscretions, if you will, things that have been damaging to people, and people have been suffering physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually because somebody wouldn't tell what's going on in their family.

Speaker 1:

If you're looking for your local national news to tell you the truth about something that you heard about, you're in for your local or national news to tell you the truth about something that you heard about. You're in for a long wait Because news outlets just in general, they share segments of information that they find relevant or that may often have an agenda attached or they may have a mandate to share that from somebody with special interest. It's pretty like that. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I didn't hear that on the news. That's a really pitiful approach to getting information. You think the news is going to share vital information with you, about you and about your neighborhood and your community and your world and your nation. Forget about it. It's not happening. It hasn't happened. As long as there was TV, as long as there was radio, it's never happened.

Speaker 1:

Are you sure that you know about all the plane crashes and whether it was related to a malfunction or not, a faulty construction? Are you sure that all the schools shouldn't have been reported on? How about all the deaths due to viruses and diseases and such? Are they all accurately reported? I hear it a lot and it's not a pretty picture, but there's a lot of things that happen on college campuses that if you knew about it, you'd be outraged. All these questionable, dangerous behaviors on campuses being explained and shared publicly. So you know what's going on with your children at these schools or colleges in your neighborhood. It may be harboring some people who you probably wouldn't want to be around, your children and your family, but these are college students. Do you know about all these things? No, because they're being buried. There's that word again. Parents and concerned citizens are going to do their best to try to expose it because they care about families and neighborhoods and stuff like that, but they get buried.

Speaker 1:

Good information gets buried too. Information that's helpful for you to know gets buried. How would you like it if you live in a neighborhood and you found out there was a prison break but nobody told you about it on the news. They didn't think it was relevant. And you had an escaped convict in your neighborhood running amok or perhaps causing a safety concern for you and your family, but nobody reported it. A safety concern for you and your family, but nobody reported it Because it would make the institution look bad if somebody got out of the institution, out of custody. This is one wild example. You can find your own examples in your own scenarios. You know what's up.

Speaker 1:

I always quote our old mentor, dearly departed Dr Miles Monroe, and he says it. It's a long quote, but the gist of it is that the wealthiest place on earth it's a cemetery. Why? Because all of the books, poems, songs, organizations that haven't been built are left buried in a cemetery. They haven't seen the light of day. It was potential that never was realized. It's one of the biggest tragedies that the world's ever seen.

Speaker 1:

In my humble opinion, people would rather let things stay buried so they won't embarrass or tarnish or unsettle the lives of good people. That's why families are so screwed up. That's why we have such a bad situation going on in our world, because people are so prone to bury stuff rather than deal with it, face it head on and confront it. Old mentors used to say that you can't conquer what you won't confront. If you bury it, that's not confronting it, so it owns you. You live in fear that one day it's going to be uncovered. Look at all the things that have been buried around the world and people live in fear of all their days trying to hide it and somehow, some way they all get uncovered. That's a rough way to live, man. We've got to the point where we become a people willing to rationalize questionable behavior and call it morality or call it goodness.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing it for the greater good. I'm doing it for the good of my family. I'm doing it for the good of my own mental health. So I'm deciding to conceal this and not allow it to see the light of day, and hopefully nobody will ever see it. Nobody will ever know. We can't bury anything that needs to come to light.

Speaker 1:

We talked about that in Luke, chapter 8. I think it was verse 17 specifically. The things that have been hidden are going to come to light. You can't hide light. You can't hide greatness. You can't hide greatness, you can't hide it. It's going to come out. It has to. That's why they call it greatness. It can't be limited, it can't be hindered. It rises to the top every time. You can stay and look at people who are doing great in life and successful, or you can recognize that inside of you, that same seed, that same potential to be great, to prosper, to be successful. When you bury something, you say I don't want to see it, it's no longer important, it's best kept in the dirt or even the public eye. But that decision to conceal that when it matters to somebody else, it could be potentially life-changing to somebody else, it's a selfish act and, according to what we talked about last time we talked together, it's an act of treason. I want to close with this.

Speaker 1:

There's a passage in the book of Numbers. Here's the context At this point, moses had commissioned Caleb and some of the children of Israel to go to a land that God said was going to be theirs. Israel to go to a land that God said was going to be theirs had them going forth to go and spy out the land to see what's going on. Do a survey of what's going on, the people there, their demeanor, the ability to have livestock and to grow fruits and vegetables. Go see if the land is good for you. We believe that God is saying that. So he sent people out to go spy the land out, unbeknownst to the people who lived inside the land that God said needed to be moved because God was taking territory. And several folks went, but they all had a different report. I'll read it to you real quick.

Speaker 1:

So here was a report that Caleb gave, verse 27 out of Numbers 13, verse 27. And he told him and said we came onto the land where thou sent us. Indeed, it's flowing with milk and honey and here is some of its fruits. However, the people living in the land are strong and the cities are large and fortified. Now, that's one report, so obviously great potential there. He did mention how people are. You know how they're living. They live in a fortified, in fortified cities, but there's opportunity there.

Speaker 1:

Verse 30 caleb said. He quieted the people in the presence of moses and said let's go up now and take possession of the land, because we can certainly conquer it. That's a positive attitude. But the men who had gone out with him responded we can't attack the people because they are stronger than we are. So they gave a negative report to the Israelites about the land they had scouted. The land we passed through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants and all the people we saw in it are men of great size. But at that last statement I wish we had time to get into that. But they said here's a negative report. The land we pass through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants. It eats up its inhabitants, it eats up those that live there and all the people we saw in it are men of great size. This isn't literal. The land's not eating people up. This is a figment of these people's imagination.

Speaker 1:

For the most part, their lack of faith has them seeing the situation way different than what it actually is. They see it way different than what it actually is. God is saying this land is yours and despite the inhabitants, despite the situation, this land is yours and it's profitable for you because I'm sending you there for you to profit, for you to prosper, for you to grow, and these people have what the Bible calls a negative or evil rapport. Why is it evil? Because it's without faith. It's evil because it's without love and it's without obedience to what God said. That's what made it evil. If you ever wonder you know how God feels about you not doing what he said and burying a talent or an ability or an instruction that he gave you and putting it in the ground and not doing it, the Bible says it's negative. The Bible says it's evil. Not me, not Mr you. The Bible says it's evil. Take that for what it's worth. Is this evil? Take that for what it's worth. But this was an evil report because it saw the situation from vain, carnal eyes, from fearful eyes, unfaithful eyes, as opposed to what was actually happening, which was Caleb said we can certainly conquer this land. We can certainly have this territory that God says is ours. I don't know where you are and I don't know how you see this, but I hope that this couple of episodes inspires you to make things better than it was before you got there. Go into the situation that God is calling you to go into. Go into the territory that God is saying go.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter if you are fit in your mind for public speaking. It doesn't matter if you're fit for ministry. It doesn't matter if you are fit to touch people's lives and help lead them out of dark places, because you're the light. It doesn't matter if you think you have the ability to do it or not. It doesn't matter if you have a doctorate or a master's degree. It doesn't matter if you've been ordained by a ministry. It doesn't matter if you have any of those credentials on paper.

Speaker 1:

What matters is are you sent? If you're sent, then you have everything you need to make it better than what it was. When Jesus sent his disciples out, they were not ready for that. Jesus said don't take a purse or a script. Don't take a staff. Don't take any extra bags. Take what you and go and proclaim the word of the Lord. They don't receive you. Take the dust off your feet and move on to the next place. It doesn't matter if you feel like you're prepared or not. How you feel is not relevant. Are you sent? If you're sent, do you have the capacity and the bandwidth and the ability to make things better than it was before you got there, pure and simple. So first ask yourself are you sin? Then say you know what? If you are sin, then you can say you know what. I'll make this better than it was before I got there. If you see it like everybody else does, you can't do that. But if you see it the way it's supposed to be seen, through God's eyes, through faithful eyes and not carnal eyes, you see a totally different picture.

Speaker 1:

Wherever you are and however you're listening to the Call Me Mr U the podcast, we thank you once again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week with your weekly marriage check before you go change the world. You can find us on all the social media platforms at they Call Me Mr U. If you're listening on audio only Spotify, iheartradio, pandora and, of course, apple Podcasts and where you listen to your podcast regularly, you can find at TheyCallMeMrU. And, of course, if you're listening and watching us Facebook, twitter or X and our YouTube channel at TheyCallMeMrU you can find our full length episodes there. Thank you again for joining us, for supporting our show.

Speaker 1:

Please like, share and subscribe we definitely would appreciate your help here and, of course, listen to both episodes of Make it Better Than it Was. We hope it means something to you. Leave it in the comments. Share with us on our social media platform what you think about what you heard. We hope it's a blessing Love to hear your questions, thoughts and comments. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day, enjoy the music. Coach out.

Making Things Better
Uncovering Buried Information
Engage With Make It Better Podcast