They Call Me Mista Yu

Father, Son, You - Part 3

Mista Yu

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What do we understand about the principles of sonship and servanthood? This episode of the All Purpose Pod promises to unravel the profound dynamics between fathers and sons, offering insights that can lead to personal growth and stronger communities. Since 2020, this show has been more than just a podcast – it's been a therapeutic journey. We explore the historical expectations for sons, the weight of generational legacies, and the dual role of sonship as both an inheritance and a responsibility.

Delve into the spiritual dimensions of sonship through biblical narratives like Joshua's loyalty to Moses and Joseph's integrity under Potiphar. We discuss how true humility and faithful service can unlock greater authority and blessings, emphasizing that genuine sonship goes beyond mere obedience. With Galatians 4:6-7 as our guide, we distinguish the mentality of a son from that of a slave. This episode highlights the importance of modeling fatherhood after the Divine example, revealing how this approach can transform families and societies. Don't forget to check out our show notes for links to all our shows and platforms.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome back to the All Purpose Pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are today and however you're listening to the Call Me, mr U the podcast. Thanks again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week with your weekly mirror check before you change the world. We thank you so much again for joining our show and for following us on this journey. We definitely appreciate your support. I tell you what there's a lot of great things going on, but this series has been incredible Father, son and you. It's been amazing. It's been life-changing for a lot of people. I'm hearing some great things and I am definitely feeling some incredible things happening in the way I view my personal situation. So I'm grateful for this medium. It's always been therapy for me, even since we started in 2020, one of the worst years in our country's history. I grew up the most in that year because of this venture, because of this effort, and it's one of the driving forces as to why I asked for the support that I do, because I know it makes a difference. I've heard from you guys, I've read the mail, I've seen the messages. I see what it's done for you guys, how it's helping you, and what's being downloaded to me is being downloaded to you guys and it's making an impact on your life and I'm so excited about being a part of that, you guys, and it's making an impact on your life and I'm so excited about being a part of that. In case you're following us and listening for the first time, of course, most of our episodes that are full length episodes you can find on our YouTube channel youtubecom. They call me Mr U, excuse me, and the address is in the show notes if you need it. If you're an audio lover I know many of us are spotify, iheart radio, pandora and apple podcast. You can listen to our show wherever you enjoy your podcast. You can find our show, uh, but apple podcast is where you can subscribe to our show. It's the only place right now. So we definitely appreciate you doing that. It's helping us out big time when you subscribe to the youtube channel and the podcast. Big time help for us. It helps us go to places that we would not be able to go were it not for your support. So we thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

We're in the series Father, son and you. It's been deep. It's been deep for me in a lot of ways, as many of you know, I wrote a book called the Heart of the Stepfather. It's not in circulation but I'm hoping that someday, soon, god willing, it'll be republished. I think it's a story that, even though it's my life on pages, I'm cut open like never before. But I believe that book will heal a lot of people in a lot of situations and I'm hopeful that it gets to the world to be able to see it and to read it and to understand that there is hope. I found that out and I'm hoping that the readers also do the same. But pretty excited about the father, son and you, and I think we're getting close to ending this series. I'm hoping that you're getting a lot out of this so far, so we'll jump into this. So thank you for being patient. Hopefully you're gaining something valuable from this. I know I am.

Speaker 1:

So what is a son? As the same definition with the father? It is very positional, positional in a household, as the offspring of a mother and father. Even in some definitions in the dictionary, they regarded it as the product of a country or a product of the environment or a product of influence. So think about that. That can be used in different terms. Definition that you can find. Also, is the son of my people a male descendant, a representative of the family or the family line, the lineage, a deeper definition kind of goes into the identity of the family, which is very deep if you think about it.

Speaker 1:

Generally, sons follow their father in their vocations and in many instances, in most instances, especially outside of the modern world, and even in ancient times, historically, the son was the carrier of the responsibility. They were the carrier on of the legacy. If your father was working in construction or he was the first doctor and college graduate in his family, guess what, son, what do you say? You want to be A football player? Yeah, I don't think so. Dad wants you to be a doctor and the next one to graduate from college. It's kind of been expected throughout history. It's kind of been expected Throughout history. It's been the norm For the son To follow in the footsteps of his father, to see his father as the ultimate role, model and example, and the son is supposed to be a duplication of that, an offspring of that, a reproduction of whatever the father was.

Speaker 1:

In many ways, especially in the places where I've grown up, when the son's a reproduction of the father, it's usually not a good thing. If the father was a raging drunk, the son didn't have much hope. The son would have followed in those footsteps. Didn't even much hope, excuse me, the son would have followed those footsteps, didn't even want to do that, but somehow they would quote unquote inherit the behavior. We know now that there's such a thing as generational curses, and it gets a lot deeper than that and we can get into that at a different time. I'm pretty sure we'll be discussing that on an upcoming His and Hers episode. But the son's supposed to reproduce their father's efforts or at least carry on the legacy of what the father has done.

Speaker 1:

Sonship also means to be a servant. There's several examples of that in scripture that you can point to to see what it means. I mean, one pointed example is what's supposed to happen in the realms of organized ministry when someone comes to the church and they stay long enough, whatever that means, whatever that number of years is, I don't know the answer to that. If they stay long enough, whatever that means, whatever that number of years is, I don't know the answer to that If they stay long enough, what they're supposed to do is walk in the pastor's footsteps. Excuse me, they're supposed to walk in the pastor's footsteps, learn the lays of the land, the lay of the land. They understand how the church works, what the church's vision is, what the global components are and what they're trying to accomplish in the community, in the neighborhood, what their responsibility is to their family, first and raising a family without any places where the ministry or the family can be embarrassed, just raising an upright household, clean living, et cetera, et cetera. And then at some point they will be given the opportunity to walk in the Father's footsteps, in this case the pastor or spiritual leader's footsteps, and begin to start doing what they've been doing Up to now. They may have been just doing certain tasks, they may have just been administrating or being support staff within the confines of the organization, and at some point in time they are elevated to a place where they begin to serve on a grander stage, perhaps on a platform, in preaching and ministering of some sort. Maybe, perhaps they're doing more evangelism work you name it et cetera, et cetera. You fill in the blanks, but sonship is supposed to be a component of servanthood. A component of servanthood Now, when I shared last time about Luke 15 and the prodigal son, what I was trying to get you to understand was that just because the son that was the young, impetuous one that wanted to leave, just because he asked for all of his inheritance, didn't mean he should have gotten it just because he asked for it.

Speaker 1:

His father gave it to him for reasons that, scripturally, we don't totally understand. It could have been because of his great love for his son that he wanted him to have what he desired and he wanted the best for him, even though he knew it probably wouldn't turn out very well. But he gave him the opportunity to learn and to grow in some areas. Perhaps that's why I'm not really sure Scripture's not really clear on that but Luke 15 talks about the prodigal son and the parable therein, and what's happened there is that the son had an expectation, because he was a son, that he should have certain things. I am not advocating that. I'm not saying that if you're the son or you're in a sonship arena in your organization of any sort, that you have a right or you deserve to get anything. I'm not saying that there are times where the son that lives inside your household, your seed, or it can be your grandson.

Speaker 1:

They may see crackers and demand crackers. Even though it's time for dinner. They demand candy even though it's time for dinner. They want a fruit snack when they already had four packs already today and they demand to get whatever it is they want and they will scream and cry. You seen them at Walmart in the middle of the aisle, laid out back up feet in the air, screaming at the top of their lungs, because they want that thing on that shelf that their mother or father said they can't have. So they wigged out. That's the wrong example of sonship. That's what sonship should not look like.

Speaker 1:

Sonship is not demanding what you think you're owed. I've seen it many times and I don't want to get into a lot of the deep examples and specifics, but I will just share a few things here. There were times I've seen people who were in a scenario that I just laid out for you a little while ago Gone to the church for a long period of time. They served. They cleaned toilets, vacuumed floors, cut grass, repainted stuff. They did all the things that they were asked to do. I can't tell you what their heart was when they were doing it. Only judge about what they were saying. But they did a whole bunch of stuff and there was a time that came where they felt like they were owed the opportunity to preach from the podium. They were owed the opportunity to have a name plaque with their name on it and a position and a door with their name on the front of the door in gold plate. They feel like they was owed them because They've been there so long and they did all these things. They feel like they were owed some kind of right. That's not true. And now there's a child screaming for the cracker. They're not owed a cracker. They're not owed a thing from on that shelf. They're not owed an opportunity to preach from the platform. That's earned and it's given. It's not. And it's given. It's not taken. It's given. You're going to give your child a fifth bag of fruit snacks. That's your right as a parent. But the son should never think that they owe that. Or if they scream and cry or complain loud enough, they should get it.

Speaker 1:

Some examples of sonship where servanthood was at its best. I'll share some of those Joshua and Moses. Moses was the leader. Joshua didn't look for any kind of authority, but he was faithful, so he was given authority. Joseph and Potiphar. Potiphar's wife went back crazy and accused Joseph of attempted rape, but all Joseph did was serve Potiphar with his whole heart. No complaints, honor and integrity from top to bottom.

Speaker 1:

David and Saul. Saul wanted to kill David. David said Saul is my father. I had three chances to kill him. I'm not going to do it because he is anointed of God. God called him and God is the judge between him and I. So even though he's trying to kill me and do all he can to take me out, I respect and love him as my father and I won't do him any harm. Elijah and Elijah. Elisha wanted a double portion of the anointing that he saw in Elijah. He didn't demand it. He asked, though Elijah said it's a hard thing for me to give you that. If you see me when I'm taken up, you get your request.

Speaker 1:

Sonship and servanthood go hand in hand. If your heart's not right, it doesn't matter. I read that same story in Luke 15 in the prodigal son. The other son that didn't run away from home stayed there and served his father the entire time, but we've seen it play out in the account that his attitude was worse than the son that left home. How can that be? He was at the house serving, doing all the things his father wanted him to do. He still had the worst attitude because he had an expectation that I'm doing all these things to get something. He had an end game in mind. I'm going to do everything that I'm supposed to these things to get something. He had an end game in mind. I'm going to do everything that I'm supposed to do until my time comes, until I get what I want.

Speaker 1:

Sonship and servanthood should go hand in hand. Sonship is the relationship through which God makes promises and covenants to the heirs. That's when he passes on covenantal promises Through sonship, through your willingness to be humble and serve. That's where it's at Now. If you want to think about a son as being Someone who has a father and a mother, that's fine, but it goes a lot deeper than that. I'm talking to you about your service, your humility, your willingness to be a servant. I'm talking to you about your service, your humility, your willingness to be a servant. I'm talking to you about being a carrier of a great responsibility. At the end of the day, that's what being a son is really all about.

Speaker 1:

Check out Galatians 4, 6 to 7. It's really incredible Love for you guys to check this out right quick. But it says because you are his sons. God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out our father. So you are no longer a slave but god's child. And since you are his child, god has made you also an heir. Now check this out now, because this is important.

Speaker 1:

See, there's a big difference between a son and a slave. You got to understand that because the mentality is one that well both mentality we can see in the world around us. I, just being honest, I grew up in an area that had a, that most people had a slave mentality. I'm not saying everybody, but I grew up in an area where there was a slave mentality. I live geographically right now in a location where there is a slave mentality at work. What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is that a slave expects to be given something or think that if they work for it, they can achieve it. That's going to bother some folks who believe in hard work. But don't get me wrong, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about trying to work for something so you can have something. But in the case of what we're talking about in the entire context for this episode in this series. That mentality can't work. I'm going to explain why in a minute.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, a slave expects to be given something. A lot of people in our world around us have their hands out expecting to be given something, not because of the work that they've done or because they've earned anything, but because they feel like it's not fair for them not to have it. So they deserve it. Because they don't think it's fair. Nobody told them they deserve it. They feel as though they deserve it because they think they should have it. It's not much different than a child in the Walmart aisle screaming I deserve that thing on that shelf, I deserve that bear, I deserve that fruit snack. So because I deserve it, in my mind I should be given it.

Speaker 1:

A son understands that what the father has is also theirs. That's a lot different than the slave. Example correct If they're a member of the house, what the father has they have. Every benefit and luxury the father has, the son has because the son is a member of the house. I'm talking about connection more than I am attachment. The son understands that, as a member of the house, every benefit the father has they have also.

Speaker 1:

The slave doesn't think that the slave is hoping to get any scrap. They can get any little boost they can get. If it's 10 cents, they'll take it. If it's a quarter, they'll take it because they don't think they're going to get anything else. They're not sure, they don't have the assurance that they're going to be taken care of.

Speaker 1:

If you understand slavery and the background of all that stuff, you get why that makes sense. It's historically wrong. We already get that part. We should already know that by now. We don't. We might be living in the idiot kingdom if we don't get that by now, but we should be able to hopefully understand that. But the mentality is still present. Right, the mindset is still present. As a matter of fact, I take it even one step further.

Speaker 1:

Even beyond a slave mindset, there's an orphan mentality. People are walking around with what I call an orphan spirit. They don't recognize that they have a father. They don't recognize that they are loved and taken care of and they are important to the household at large, theoretically speaking here. So they think that they the household at large, theoretically speaking here. So they think that they're on their own and they have to beg, borrow and steal to get scraps just to survive. They're in survival mode Best way I can put that.

Speaker 1:

Have you guys heard the story of Little Orphan Annie? I know that we watched it when we were kids and we might even laugh, but we thought it was cute. But some of that story is messed up, man. See, when the part that we're not talking about is when the father leaves in this case daddy warbucks. When he leaves and he goes back to the orphanage. See, he's a rich businessman, but he was never called a father. He was called a benefactor. He took care of a young girl whose parents had died. He gave people money on the situation to try to solve a problem that required more than just his finances. Hopefully no fathers out here are hearing that and are guilty of that. Trying to put money where parenthood and fatherhood needs to be, not trying to buy things that only love can provide. Trying to fill holes with finances and gifts that only unconditional love can fix. I hope that's not what's happening out here, but that's what happened in this story. He tried to put money on a situation that required a father. See, annie wasn't in need of new clothes as much as she was in need of a father. Daddy Warbucks could have provided that opportunity Initially. He did not. But as the story went on, I believe that he eventually came to the realization that he was a father. He was willing to be more than just Daddy Warbucks, but he was willing to be Annie's father and that was more of a blessing to her than anything that he could have done.

Speaker 1:

In the idea of sonship, what I want you to get also is that in sonship, especially in the Bible, there are a lot of themes in there. Sonship in the Bible is kind of like entering into the father's business or the family business and eventually inheriting it. Now, I'm not trying to lose you guys. I don't want you to think about business and e-commerce and entrepreneurship. I don't stay away from that for a minute. We're not talking about that. I'm talking about the father's business. What is the father's business? Excuse me, I know that your father's business might've been construction or accounting or HR or cybersecurity. Maybe being in the military was your father's business. Maybe technology was your father's business. Maybe farming was your father's business and the family business. But I'm asking you, what is the father's business? Not your father, but the father. What is the father's business?

Speaker 1:

Now, in my humble opinion, it breaks down to this. To keep it short. We're going to close our episode out for today, but I want to kind of just share some things to cement what we've been talking about. The father's business is to in short, there's a lot more to it for the children to represent the father and carry his rules and his standards and establish kingdom and take territory. It gets deeper than that, but that's the gist of it. That's the father's business To bring light where there's darkness, to take territory that's his and it belongs to him anyway. Just recapturing and taking possession of what's already supposed to be his anyways. The father's business is to be salt and light to a people that don't even know he exists. You're supposed to be a representative, an ambassador for him, a spokesperson for him. That's the father's business, a spokesperson for him. That's the father's business. Not construction and accounting, not technology, not human resources, not government administration, but that's the father's business.

Speaker 1:

Now think, until all these sons are here and these fathers are here, in my humble opinion, you can't spend your whole life trying to be a good son and a good father in your household. Honestly, if you do the business, the father's business, you get the power. If you do the thing, you'll get the thing if you do the thing, you'll get the thing. If you do the thing, you'll get the thing. Matthew 6 and 33, and I love this, I want to share it real quick. But Matthew 6 and 33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about priorities here. There's levels to this stuff. We're talking about priorities. What are these things? He's talking about? All the things that God knows you need, all the things that people who don't know who he is cry out for, daily needs, daily provisions, issues that you need to have resolved, with things with opportunities, with stuff with finances. God knows. All that stuff is there. He's saying seek me first and you have all these things me first and you have all these things.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you right now whether you're a father or a son, focus on the father before trying to be the best father you can be, or the father that people in your household expect you to be, or the world tries to pigeonhole you and say that you are with all the definitions that we saw earlier in earlier episodes.

Speaker 1:

Focus on the Father and you'll be a fantastic Father because you're modeling the best example one could ever have. I hope this was a blessing. I hope this series ministered to you. It would be more in sonship because it's big on my heart and my priority list. So I'll be talking about this a lot more. A lot more episodes coming your way on this. But wherever you are and have you hearing the call me, mr you, the podcast we thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week where your weekly mirror check before you change the world. Check out our show notes for all the links to all of our shows and our YouTube channels and our platforms. Thank you again for listening to us. We appreciate you so much and we hold this with a blessing to you. Thanks again for listening. Enjoy the music. Coach out.

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