They Call Me Mista Yu

The Power of Parables: Embracing Your Inner Potential

Mista Yu

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Can you truly recognize yourself in the stories of scripture, just like you do with your favorite movie heroes? This thought-provoking episode kicks off with heartfelt gratitude to our listeners and an exploration of the power of dreaming big. We dive into the impact of upbringing on aspirations and share personal anecdotes like watching YouTube videos of grand mansions for dream building. This episode isn't just a motivational boost but a call to expand your vision and dream beyond the limits set by your past.

We delve deeper into the parable of the prodigal son, illustrating how seeing ourselves in such stories can unlock our full potential. By recognizing ourselves as the prodigal son, we uncover the vast resources and love available from our heavenly Father that often go unnoticed. The metaphor of utilizing the "rooms" in our lives symbolizes making the most of our God-given potential and resources. This episode not only provides a spiritual perspective but also practical advice for living a prosperous and successful life. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and share your thoughts on this transformative journey. Coach out!

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Shows Tuesday-Thursday every week!

Speaker 1:

Welcome, Welcome back to the all-purpose pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're listening to the Call Me, Mr you the podcast. We thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We are your weekly mirror. Check before you go change the world. Of course you can find us on Apple Podcasts. You can subscribe to our show for all of our audio listeners only, and, of course, our YouTube channel, youtubecom. At theycallmemisteryous, you can find all of our full length episodes where you can kind of hear us and see our faces at the same time, Of course. Thank you again for joining us and for supporting our show as faithfully as you are. We really appreciate that so much. We got a lot going on.

Speaker 1:

In case you guys are not aware and you've been following us for the first time, I produce and host three shows on our podcast brand of shows. Our little mini network, if you will they call me Mr you presents that Monday, which comes on every Monday morning at 9 am. We talk sports, culture, life, family. We kind of mix it up a little bit, but it's mainly a sports show. Of course, we also have a Thursday night at 9 pm show. It's called the Thursday Night Triple Threat. We showcase the sport of professional wrestling. It's basically the primary impetus for our show. And of course we do host the His and Hers podcast where my wife and I share thoughts on marriage, relationships, popular culture, things of that nature, and we're doing that again starting in the fall of this year. So you probably find us on a Friday afternoon or evening more than likely, but we're starting back in the fall, so you have those days and of course I'm able to be a frequent guest and co-host on a couple of other shows out there in the social media sphere, which you can find all of those episodes no matter where I am on our YouTube YouTube channel at TheyCallMeMrU.

Speaker 1:

But I want to thank you guys again for the support of the show, whether you're listening audio only through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or if you're watching us on YouTube. Thank you again for continuing to support us. Please hit the like and subscribe button. It helps us out greatly with the long-term goals that we have for this network. So we definitely appreciate what you're doing there and just want to take a little time today to kind of chat with you about something that's kind of been on my heart.

Speaker 1:

I seem to be prone to do that. I've been doing that for almost four seasons now. Next month will be our four-year anniversary, which I'm super excited about. But recently I had a very interesting little revelation, if you will. Recently I spent much of this year specifically looking at YouTube videos of large homes and mansions. Now I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I'm not unhappy with my home and my living situation. It has definitely been a blessing for the past eight plus years. So I'm definitely excited about where things are going. But these YouTube videos showcase large homes and mansions in different parts of the country Texas and Tennessee most specifically but they're really awesome to look at. It really helps you kind of expand the way you think it's going to be important what we're going to talk about in this episode to kind of put a pin in that part.

Speaker 1:

But why do I use my time like this? Why have I used my time in this way? I don't think it was a waste of time. Yes, I could be doing a lot of different things I do do a lot of different things but this was something I felt was a necessary exercise. It's kind of what I thought was a form of dream building and maybe you can relate.

Speaker 1:

But if any of you come from a background that didn't seem to have a lot of opportunity in it like like mine didn't seem to appear to have you might notice that your current dreams seem to cap at a certain point. If that makes sense to you because of your background, because of your upbringing and the mentality you walked in for years, even decades, it does definitely impact significantly the level in which you dream, how much you dream, how far you can see and imagine your life going because of what you've seen or what's been ingrained into your head. You got people who have come from upbringings where they were never encouraged. Their parents or parent may have told them how worthless they were and they were not even able to dream because their lifestyle was so bad that they can't even see anything good for themselves. They can't believe anybody is for them and that everybody is against them is more accurately how they may feel. I mean, that is an easy low-hanging fruit that can cause you to be limited in the way you dream and what you can imagine for yourself.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people can't get to the big picture. They're in survival mode, Just trying to have a little bit better than what they used to. If it's incrementally a little better than what they've been accustomed to, that's just good enough for them. I know a lot of folks, persons that will live there for years Long. They had a little bit. It's good enough for them because it's much better than what they had. They don't even care about the big leaps and the big jumps. They don't even care about the big leaps and the big jumps, the big breakthroughs. They just want a little bit. Just to say they did something in life and it's a part of a defeatist mentality and we're going to touch on that a little bit, if we can, during the show today. But there's a lot of people who have those kind of challenges and it's a challenge for them to dream.

Speaker 1:

My upbringing and my childhood wasn't the worst in the world by any means, but I had a lot of challenges. A lot of them were inside me that nobody even knew about. I was dealing with a lot of things, Things I didn't understand about my upbringing and my lifestyle and family relations etc. You name it. So for me, this exercise of watching these videos was therapeutic, because I've always lived in brownstones and, in some degree, in apartments. It wasn't until many, many years later I even had my own home. I rented co-ops and things of that nature back home in the city but it was rare that I had my own home until recent years. So to see those kind of homes and look at that it could be pie in the sky to some people but for me it was like you know what this is. The first of all I want to know that it existed. I see it on TV but I've never seen actual, realized how real life houses up close and almost be able to step into the house and see it. And those videos give you that kind of inside view and it kind of made it real for you. You know what? This is a real thing and it is not only possible but in a lot of ways it could be even attainable. I know during the first three seasons of our show I shared many of my historic challenges. You can catch those on almost every episode. I've been pretty transparent about those for the past three seasons.

Speaker 1:

But the bottom line in some of this mentality shift that's going on is that I believe that the creator of heaven and earth has a cattle and a thousand hills and the gold and the silver is all his. My favorite psalm says the whole earth is his and everything in it. And on top of that, if that's not enough to get you to understand that you have value and that you are connected to a prosperous and encouraging and fruitful system, Jeremiah 29 and 11 is a great place to look at that, to hear what that same creator, the only creator, thinks about you. He says that he thinks about us and he has thoughts of peace about us and he has a bright future in mind for us. Now that transcends anything that we grew up battling with. As a matter of fact, that mentality in Jeremiah 29 and 11 is a wrecking ball to anything that we grew up challenged with thinking about ourselves in the areas of self-esteem or whatever it may be. That puts a wrecking ball to their whole mentality.

Speaker 1:

God has a bright future in store for us. We are thought of, we are highly regarded. Even if you didn't highly regard yourself, you are highly regarded in his eyes and that is a powerful statement. Some of our parents didn't see us in high regard, but God sees you in high regard. Think about that. You might have grew up in a situation in the neighborhood where nobody thought highly of you. Nobody saw value in you as anything but just some snot-nosed punk out here. And God sees great value in you. He thinks that highly of you. He thinks peace when he thinks about you. He thinks prosperity when he thinks about you. He has a bright future in store for you, already planned out. Despite how things look right now. He has a great future in store for you. I hope that encouragement is sure encouraging me this morning. Doesn't that absolutely obliterate all the limitations we've been so accepting of? I hope it does. The revelation I received is funny but it's deep.

Speaker 1:

In watching these videos I never really chased after things. I kind of had a humble upbringing. I was raised in such a way that you know you learn to earn your keep and not try to chase things that you know were kind of out of your spirit. As far as you know, lusting at the things that you don't need, kind of just having almost a minimalist mentality. You can call that good or bad, but that's kind of how I was reared. But I really realized that in watching these videos, with these 10 room mansions with 12 bathrooms and it's not as enticing as it sounds without a plan and maybe you want a house full of your relatives and your friends that come to visit and you never leave. Want a house full of your relatives and your friends that come to visit and they never leave. Some folks don't even want a house that big or a mansion of that size because they know it's going to attract people that they don't want in their life. It's going to attract attention that is unwanted to them. I totally get that. If you got any kind of introvert in you, like I do, I understand where you're coming from. A 10-room mansion means everybody's going to be up in your house all the time living off you.

Speaker 1:

That's the first thought that comes to mind for a lot of people because of what we dealt with, because of where we came from. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just telling you what the first thought is in a lot of cases. Don't ask me if I got it wrong. I'd love to hear your thoughts and your experience and your testimonials. But a lot of folks think like that.

Speaker 1:

But there's one thing that's really true about these kinds of situations that I want to caution those of you who disagree. And you want to have the more, you want to have more space, you want to have more levels. You want to have more homes. You want to have bigger this and bigger that, and greater this and greater that. Having more space equals more responsibility. Yeah, I didn't mean to throw cold water on your awesome dream, but it's a fact. Having more space equals more responsibility. Nothing wrong with having more.

Speaker 1:

Matthew 5 and 3 says blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. God wants you to have more. Just by that statement, Just by that passage of scripture in Matthew 5 and 3, it's clear he wants you to have more. But that's not about a financial portfolio. Please don't get that twisted. It's about a heart posture. It's about humility. Please don't get that twisted. It's about a hard posture. It's about humility.

Speaker 1:

That bad theology has enslaved many people for years and even longer, For decades, even for centuries. Trust me on that. If God has the whole world, which he does, he's not angling for you to live beneath your privileges, which he doesn't. He's the father and we're his children. So whatever the father has, the children has. That's one thing that the world around us will not teach us. We're not going to be encouraged to understand that, even from the confines of our own households and upbringings.

Speaker 1:

A lot of parents don't teach their kids that. They teach their kids that you know I'm your supplier, I'm the one from which everything you get comes from, and they will often even teach that the parent got it from someplace. The kids don't even know where that came from. The kids think it's from their job, from their parents' job, that they get all the things that they want in life. But there's a higher purpose and it's definitely a higher source than just somebody's employer that allows us to have the benefits that we enjoy. We need to teach our kids that and get that ingrained in them that you know what this is. Bigger than just a job. It's bigger than your parents. We have a God that supplies all of our needs according to his riches and glory, by Christ Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Let's get out of Sunday school mode for just a second. I want to chat with you guys a little frankly here. Have you ever heard of the parable of the prodigal son? I don't care if you're not spiritually or religiously inclined. You can't say that you haven't heard of the parable of the prodigal son. I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of it. But in the off chance that some of you that are listening today have never heard of the parable of the prodigal son. I want to share something with you real quick. It's not about some random kid trying to push his weight around with his father's money. That's not the moral of this story. Please don't take that approach with this. It's a little bigger than that. Think of it this way Every time that we read a passage in scripture or we hear some kind of inspirational quote, we usually don't have the mind to put ourselves in it.

Speaker 1:

What I mean is we see it as a story that is independent of us. We don't see it as an extension of where we are. We don't see ourselves in the picture as the person that's in the story, the main character in the story. We don't do that. But when we go to the movies, though, we see ourselves as Iron man and Superman or John Wick, but we don't see ourselves in these accounts in scripture, and I think that's sad, but it's a challenge that we need to overcome.

Speaker 1:

The parallel of the prodigal son is you. You're the prodigal son Even if you didn't have a rich father who had so much that you couldn't even number how much he had. You're still the prodigal son, Even if you didn't have a rich father who had so much that you couldn't even number how much he had, you're still the prodigal son in this scenario. The prodigal son is you. The prodigal son is us, living beneath our privileges, that son had access to everything that he needed, and then some Wealth and benefits and support without limits Love, at the end of the day, without limits. But he went away from what he had access to Impatience, greed, lust, whatever the reason was, pride, whatever it was and went outside of what he had, outside of the loving arms of a loving father, into literally a pig pen when he was tempted to eat the slop that pigs eat. Now, if you do any kind of homework on your own and you want to check out what pigs eat, It'll blow your mind. Pigs eat things that are not even edible to the human person. But this son, because he disconnected himself, unhitched himself from his father's love, was out here eating what pigs eat, living way beneath his privileges. That's us, that's you, that's me. The breadcrumbs in this account are right there. The father has so much, so the son, by extension, as a member of the household, as a high-standing member of the kingdom, has extension to that same much that the father has.

Speaker 1:

We're not supposed to live like paupers and beggars and borrowers. We're supposed to live well, prosper and be in good health. Yeah, I know that you read some scriptures. People taught you at church that you're supposed to be poor and have a poverty mind and that will please God. God wasn't broke. Bible says that God has a cattle in a thousand hills. He wasn't broke. Why would you? Why would the scripture say that Jesus came and made himself lesser than the king made himself poor, put his riches and than the king Made himself poor, Put his riches and his deity down to make himself poor. Why would he do that if God was broke?

Speaker 1:

God has more than he has everything you could possibly imagine. You're looking at corporations and Fortune 500 companies. God has everything. It's all in his hands. He can move it, transfer it, switch it and shift it However he likes, and it's not a person, all the way up to a CEO, that can do anything about it. It's totally out of their control. He's the authority in every situation. He's the last word in every situation. Your biggest enemy without breath becomes nothing and breath comes from God, so he takes back his breath. Everything. That's the biggest impediment in your life the biggest enemy. The attack is over, the battle is won. He controls the breath in our bodies.

Speaker 1:

Joshua 1 and 8 says Keep this book of the law always on your lips, Meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. It's clear from the past few passages that I read to you that God cares about you being prosperous and he cares about you being successful. But I know a lot of people who are cool with living with less and that's fine. You got to measure first off where you come from, how you think what you want, and then decide kind of how you're going to manage your life. In that regard there's nothing wrong with that. But there's some people who have access to much but they don't use it and that's a really big problem in our midst. Let me kind of get into that a little bit.

Speaker 1:

What value is a furnished room that's never fully utilized? When I was talking about that 10 room mansion, it's strange. I've seen several videos like this and I know that there's a lot of play setting that's done for these videos. There's a lot of structure that takes place for the video just for the sake of the camera and promoting the property. I understand that, but there's been so many times I've seen big rooms like that and there were maybe a 10 room mansion or 12.

Speaker 1:

I've seen a lot of really big ones and what ends up happening is that there's always two or three rooms that are just there Functionally. There's nothing to them. They're kind of just spaces being used, perhaps in an unproductive way. You got your bathroom, you got your kitchens, you got your laundry rooms or your mud rooms, you got your garages, you got your living rooms and you got your breakfast nooks and all of those things. But there's always a couple of rooms that are just kind of there. There's no beds in them. There may be a chair, it's just a room, Kind of like.

Speaker 1:

What do you do with this? It's kind of left to you to figure it out, but we got a lot of rooms in our life that are not being fully utilized to maximum capacity. That's a huge problem. Are you in a place or space where there's plenty of room but every room is not being utilized? I know you're busy and you got obligations, but you don't fully use all that you have in your hand. Some resources are still sitting on the shelf, Some keys are still in the drawer, Some resources are hanging on the wall with a pin in them for you to come back to them at some later date. That's how a Christian who goes to church and plays the part on the outside looks. They look great on the outside. Stand outside of the mansion. You see, wow, look at all this space, Look at all this acreage. Then you go inside. You see rooms that are empty, Potential and spaces that are being wasted, that are not being put to full use.

Speaker 1:

For those of you who want a 10 or 12-room mansion, that's your dream, it's your goal. I met you. Some of you who want a 10 or 12 room mansion that's your dream, it's your goal. I met you. Some of you are friends of mine. I know where you're coming from. I've heard your testimonials, but the rest of our listeners and viewership have no idea what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

But for those of you out there that have a dream for a 10, 12 room mansion or even more, and you want to have all of this, Do you have a plan for all of these spaces, Something that is better than just a storage room for all of your stuff? Do you have a plan for that? If you don't, then why do you want a 10 room mansion? Why do you want a 12 room mansion if you don't have a plan for it in advance? See, the Bible teaches us also that we all, as men, we have dreams, but God makes the ultimate decisions. But at least have a dream, at least have a goal written down, ready to rock and roll. And if it has to change and be adjusted, that's fine, but at least have one. Most folks I know that want a 10 or 12 room mansion have no plans for it. They don't. They haven't started that business that God told them to start. They don't do anything extracurricular except that they got kids and they go to church and they might have a hobby. How does that equate to 10, 12, 15 room mansions? It doesn't.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of times we go out into the public or the marketplace and we play the part on the outside and the exterior that looks dutiful and faithful and present, because we're so concerned about appearances. But on the inside things aren't quite right. We got some gaps and some voids that we're not taking care of all of the spaces and capacity that's available to us. First, Samuel 16 and seven says. But the Lord said to Samuel do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature speaking about David, because I have rejected him, For the Lord sees not as man sees. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. And that first part was about David's brothers, who were tall in stature and kingly looking, but Samuel was there to anoint David as king. So my correction on that the interior tells a different story.

Speaker 1:

Is your interior neglected? Is it left unfinished? Is this one wall is painted but the rest of it has been forgotten about? Is it a nice looking room that's unoccupied? What does that open the door for? To leave all that space there and not utilize it? It may symbolize some ungratefulness or lack of stewardship. Do you have spaces and opportunities in your life that you're not using right now? Are you sitting on a resource God told you to use but you're not using it? Did he give you instruction to put into someone else's hands a key or an opportunity or a resource and you haven't done it yet?

Speaker 1:

I was very careful about watching those countless videos of all those brand new homes. I think I did it for a couple of reasons, but one was definitely to stretch my capacity to dream Mission accomplished. It stretched my capacity to dream, Mission accomplished. It stretched my capacity to dream Coming up in the brownstones of New York City and Brooklyn, New York specifically. I never thought for one minute I'd be living in a mansion. As a matter of fact, I never even saw a mansion, except on TV. I never thought that anything other than a brownstone would be my life. I thought I would live my whole life in one of those. But I also want to know what my heart was. That's why I watch those videos. I wanted to test myself when I point at the screen and say, ooh, I want that. It's really all about stewardship. The empty spaces, the open opportunities, the neglected resources they're all about stewardship.

Speaker 1:

Luke 16 and 11 says if you're untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? I'll say that again for those in the back who need to hear this and if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? Luke 16 and 11. Remember what I told you earlier that the Father wants the best for you. He does, Even if having a mansion doesn't matter to you at all.

Speaker 1:

Hope you heard two specific things from this episode. There are big things in store for you and you're at the center of an incredible plan. Scripture has just taught us that today. And the second thing is fully utilize the few things you've been given. Your ability to do it well has natural and eternal consequences. Thank you again for listening. I hope this was a blessing to you. I hope it touched you in all the right places to kind of help you evaluate where you are, what you got your hands on and what you're doing or not doing with it.

Speaker 1:

Wherever you are and however you are listening today, call me, Mr U the podcast. We thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week with your weekly meal check before you change the world. If you're an audio only listener, you can find us on Apple Podcasts. We can subscribe to our show and listen either on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Pandora, Amazon Music, or you can get our full length episode, where we're live and in color, on YouTube at they Call Me Mr you. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel there as well. Be a great help to us. Thank you for enjoying the show and for listening to us, and hope you are enjoying it and let me hear your comments and thoughts on today's episode, but have a great day, please, and enjoy the music. Coach out, Ciao, Thank you.

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