They Call Me Mista Yu

Spiritual Warfare: The Whole Armor of God Part 2

Mista Yu

Are you ready to fortify your spiritual defenses in a world rife with anxiety and distractions? Discover how to arm yourself with the whole armor of God as we confront the mental and spiritual battles that believers face daily. This isn't just about survival—it's about thriving through biblical wisdom and practical application. We'll challenge casual attitudes toward global events and highlight the importance of preparing both ourselves and future generations for life's spiritual challenges.

We unpack the divine weapons outlined in scripture, zeroing in on critical passages like 2nd Corinthians 10:4, 1 Peter 5:8, and Luke 10:19. We'll provide you with a detailed analysis of Ephesians 6 and its powerful message about the whole armor of God, from the belt of truth to the sword of the Spirit. Think about the importance of proper footwear for physical activities and apply that mindset to your spiritual journey. Learn how to condition your shield of faith, protect your thoughts with the helmet of salvation, and much more. Equip yourself to stand firm and resilient against spiritual attacks, ensuring a legacy of strong faith for the generations to come.

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Shows Tuesday-Thursday every week!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the All Purpose Pod for an all purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're listening to the Call Me, mr Uther podcast. Thank you for making us a part of your week. We definitely appreciate you joining us. You're a big part of why we do what we do. Thank you for all you guys that understand the assignment and you understand the mission of why we're doing this. Simon, and you understand the mission of why we're doing this. If you're following us on all your only, you can subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts and on Stitcher, the only two places that you can subscribe. Not sure about Amazon Music, but you can subscribe. Then, of course, if you are watching and listening, you can follow us on our YouTube channel, youtubecom, at theycallmemisteryou. I did share in a recent episode that we're going to be doing a lot more audio. That really is the root, the origin for this show, and we don't intend to get away from it anytime soon. So you're going to hear that a lot more Gives you the flexibility to do things in your life that you do and be able to still listen to our show, and we are definitely grateful for you doing that. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

We were talking previously about the whole arm of God. I want to definitely jump into it and hopefully you understood everything from the last episode that we did on this, but I'm emphasizing this for a reason. It's not so I can have some platform to teach you about the Bible. It's not really my goal. I think what I'm more concerned about is our state as, not only as, especially, the believers especially. I'm speaking to you guys specifically, but for those that you know that have a sort of understanding about things like this, but they don't understand the world and what's going on around them and they're struggling. They're struggling with the everyday living situation, they're struggling with dealing with the anxiety, they're struggling with the mindset that they have and all the information that they're receiving, and they don't know how to handle it. They don't know how to battle through. They don't know how to battle through. They may be trying different things, maybe trying different techniques and methods, but none of it seems to be working. It may be going to therapy and it may not be working for them.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to speak to those people, as well as the believers, who may have gotten, let's be honest, maybe a little bit of a casual and have a lackadaisical attitude to what's going on around us and in our world. A lot of folks I know and I'm sad to say this, and if it applies to you, today is a great day to change that mentality but a lot of times, people who I know, people who you may know, they're not sensitive to what's going on around the world and what's happening around us and it's like, hey, it's not happening to me, it's not happening to my family, it's not happening to my kids. Sorry to hear that, but you know, sucks to be you right, but that's not God's heart. And if you ascribe to being a servant or a child of Jesus Christ, then that mentality is something that you just cannot afford to have at all, much less let it grow and fester into a tree that produces fruit. We don't want that. So this episode is really for you guys, because the Bible gives us instruction and the Bible teaches us about how to handle these kinds of situations. It's just important for us to actually jump into it and deal with it. So, on the last episode, on the whole armor of God, that's what I was attempting to do. I'm going to attempt to try to do that again in this, I guess, second installment, or part two, if you will, and try to finish the idea and the thoughts that we were trying to put out there from the last episode. Now we talked about the whole armor of God from Ephesians 6. That was the base for the last episode that we did on this and I was talking about how I'm trying to break down the parts of the whole armor of God, which we'll do that more in this episode today. I promise you that much.

Speaker 1:

But in the last episode we were trying to deal with the idea that we need to at least first acknowledge that we were at war. That's a big problem because if you don't recognize that you had war in the beginning, it's like you're going to be caught off guard and subject to a lot of damage and devastation In areas of your life Because you're not prepared. I'm not trying to say Be a spiritual doomsday prepper. I'm not saying that Some of that stuff is really off of the wall. I get some of why people want to live off of the grid. I get that, especially in today's times. I see why they're trying to do that. But some of the things, the ideas that kind of go with that, they're really detached from our reality. They're really detached from the things of God too. To be honest with you, they're not even biblically sound, but that's a story for a different day. But what I'm trying to help with here today is to kind of make us aware that we need to be prepared. I'm not saying go out and get an arsenal of weapons. I'm not even saying that. I'm not against weapons. My only point is that we got to really be careful about how we get comfortable and lackadaisical in this life that we have, because time is not really on our side and we really have to focus on not only us but the generations that follow us and the legacy we leave behind and what we do with the time that we have.

Speaker 1:

I talk purpose all the time, and I would assure you I can practically promise you that if you go back and listen to any episode in the first three seasons of our podcast show, you'll see something about purpose. It's always so important to me to get into it. It's important to me in my personal life, so I talk about it a lot. It's part of my conversation and anything I do with coaching, any kind of mentorship that I provide, any kind of counsel that I'm asked to give. I talk about purpose because it's unavoidable. I can't get past it. I can't get over it and I can't get through it. I got to do it. So it's the kind of it kind of lends itself to what we're talking about today or we're going to talk about today.

Speaker 1:

We got to acknowledge that there's actually a war taking place. We're not in peacetime, I don't care how quiet it seems in your neck of the woods. We're at war and, to be honest with you, we're going to be at war until the end of this age. We're going to be at war until everything that we read in the book of revelations is said and done. So that doesn't sound encouraging, and I get that there'll be times of peace and rest in between. God's going to provide that for his people. I believe that scripture as well.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, we are in a ongoing long-term war and we got to think end game with all that we do. Even the words that we say contribute to the result. The things that we do, the connection that we made, the relationships that we forge, they contribute to the result. We play a part in this. They contribute to the result. We play a part in this and I want that to be clear, because it's easy to watch the news and again be detached, thinking that that's not really about us, that's about somebody else, that's somebody else's situation. I'm sorry for them but it's not me. Or I'll throw a prayer out for them, but it's not me. And we don't realize that we're all part of the collective picture Of what we're going to see with the world and the direction the world goes in and all the things we're going to see that are going to look to you Like we're at war For real. So I'm just saying all of a sudden, just not to scare you but to let you Know that we are Actually at war. We need to acknowledge it.

Speaker 1:

I use 2nd Corinthians, 10 and 4 to kind of help us Out with some of that. And it said For, though we walk in the flesh, we are not Waging war according to the flesh. We are not waging war according to the flesh. So we are waging war, just not according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare. Why do you need weapons of warfare if you're not at war? Think about it, ladies and gentlemen, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds, the weapons of our warfare. In other translations they say the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they're not manmade, they're not humanly designed. We're doing something on a different level than what we're accustomed to, a spiritual level, if you will, and we talk about 1 Peter, 5 and 8.

Speaker 1:

Be sober minded, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour, constantly, aggressively, consistently after you. That's not war. What else would you call it? How would you describe this? Luke 10 and 19. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. This is these are terms that you would use in a war. One party or one adversary is against you, coming after you. Your response can be to sit on your couch, eat hot Cheetos and watch Netflix. That can't be your response to this. Are you with me out here? That can't be your response.

Speaker 1:

We're not in peace times in this moment. We're at war and we got to prepare for it, and the Bible talks about this in Ephesians 6, about putting on the whole armor of God so that you can stand with all this aggression and these attacks come against you. The whole armor of God is for your protection, it's for your benefit. That's the reason why we're being given that we can't buy from Walmart on a discount. God is giving you the whole armor of God and saying take what I'm giving you, put it on. What did he give us? We'll talk about it in practical terms as well as in what it says through scripture, ephesians 6, and I think it may benefit us to read it again.

Speaker 1:

Ephesians 6, I'll read the part starting from verse 14 and we'll end at verse 17. We'll just highlight the parts of the whole armor of God and we'll kind of move on from there, so we don't go into a third episode trying to do this. But verse 14 says stand there for having girded your waist with truth, having put on a breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. So that's six things I just named. Did I miss one? Yeah, six things that I named Having your loins girded with the belt of truth, as you will, the breastplate of righteousness, your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which, again, is the word of God. So that's six areas that the Lord gave us that comprise the whole armor of God that he's telling us, commanding us, demanding that we put on every single day.

Speaker 1:

What's that like in practical sense? Okay, we used to do this in Sunday school when we teach little kids, because we're trying not to use too many big words but make it on their level so they can understand how to put on the whole arm of God every day. It was part of my assignment as one of the teachers for the little kids. I forgot the age group, it was probably like from five to 12, something like that. But we teach the kids about what it means to put the whole arm of God on every day and we just meet with them on Sundays for Sunday school. But we have to try to teach them so they can apply it every day in their life, in the world that they live in. But we talked about it the first part. Stand, therefore, having good your ways, be truth. We talked about it a little bit on.

Speaker 1:

Stand there for having girded your waist with truth. We talked about a little bit on the last episode. But let's use, instead of a girl, let's use, a belt as an example. It's a good way to hold up your clothing. I mean, have you ever seen somebody pants fall down in public? And I have. It's pretty embarrassing. The belt prevents that from happening. If you're trying to run and you can't run because your pants fall down, because they're too loose on you and you don't have a belt, that can be embarrassing and dangerous depending on the situation. So the belt not only holds you up, holds your clothes up, but it prevents you from being embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

And the belt of truth in this scenario, which is a practical idea of the loins being girt about with truth, that's what it seems. If you're walking in truth, it's going to be really hard for you to be embarrassed and shamed in public. If you're walking in truth and integrity, it's going to be really hard to be shamed in public because you're doing it consistently and you're doing it in a way where you are unable to be shamed and embarrassed because you're walking in truth. And those are the things that have derailed us in the past. Because we didn't have truth, we were leaning to our own understanding and we were finding ourselves in really bad situations where we got embarrassed and we just embarrassed our parents and we embarrassed, you know, those that we saw as mentors and we didn't properly represent God well in a lot of public scenarios. But you know, that's just a little personal coming out. But the belt can be used as a practical example of how to gird your loins with truth, to keep, to keep your clothes up the belt, okay.

Speaker 1:

So breastplate of righteousness Okay, obviously, in war times, the breastplate was designed to protect the heart, usually from arrows, from the enemy who was in the war that you were faced, that you are a part of in those times. I think the application is still present now. What does righteousness mean? Righteousness means being made right. It doesn't mean that you are right because you read a book or you got your own podcast. It doesn't mean that you're right because you got a video that's trending on Instagram. No, you're right because you were given righteousness.

Speaker 1:

Now, for those that don't understand that Christ gives us righteousness and we can see that in 2 Corinthians I believe it's in the 5th chapter, verse 21. We were given righteousness, so the breastplate of righteousness is something that has been given to us as saints. So what does that mean? That essentially means that Our heart is being protected with righteousness and people don't think about that kind of stuff Because I guess it doesn't strike them as important To protect their hearts. But the Bible says that we should guard our hearts with all diligence because out of our heart comes all the issues of life. All that we deal with comes out of our hearts and if we don't take care of that organ and make sure that we don't put in a whole bunch of junk, we don't have to worry about a whole bunch of junk coming out. Right, it's just a thought.

Speaker 1:

But in that area I was talking about with righteousness, this is where it says Second Corinthians, five and twenty one, and it reads for he made him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, which was Jesus, that we might become the righteousness of God. It was not earned, as you can see from that passage. It was not anything that we did religiously to warrant it. We didn't do anything in our church to make us worthy of it. It was given to us that righteousness was given. So every time the Lord looks at you, he's supposed to see Jesus. It was given to us and that righteousness is supposed to protect the heart because we recognize it. And we should always go back to the fact that we weren't given the righteousness Excuse me that we didn't earn the righteousness it was given to us. So we can always say you know what? Before I get a big head and think it's all about me, let's go back to remembering what happened, remembering the gift that was given to me.

Speaker 1:

God gave his son to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. So it wasn't anything that we did. It wasn't by works that we performed anything to make us worthy of it or warranted for us. It was given to us and it's a very sobering and humble reminder that it really ain't about us and we have to protect our heart with all diligence that we talked about, but the breastplate of righteousness is what it's supposed to do, that. So we are looking at that as a reminder that we are only walking in righteousness at all because of him. It's not because we're great or we're better than anybody else next to us. It's because God gave us something, because it was a gift that he was offering and we chose to accept it. That's the bottom line. We chose to accept what he gave us.

Speaker 1:

So breastplate can be almost like in a practical sense, almost like a bulletproof vest. In today's times, you know, I'm sure more folks think about that more now than ever, about having a bulletproof vest. But when you have a bulletproof vest on, when somebody shoots you in the chest with a gun, with with a bullet excuse me the bullet is not going to penetrate the vest and cause you a mortal damage or cause you to lose your life. So the breastplate can be almost like a bulletproof vest to protect your heart from what's being shot at it. And if you look at all that's going on in social media and that's a story for another day I'm doing an episode on that coming up soon on social media it should be fun Well, probably not, but it's insightful and needed. So we're going to be doing that, definitely coming up soon.

Speaker 1:

But if you look at social media and if you look at television and movies and whatnot all of the images and the ideas and the things that come at us. It's incredible how many things come our way in a matter of minutes and seconds. It's like we just get in bliss creed with all kinds of information and thoughts and suggestions and it's like, wow, what an onslaught and the breastplate of righteousness is needed for so many of us to be protected against all those things. I heard a stat, not sure which one is true or not, but I heard a couple of stats is needed for so many of us to be protected against all those things. I heard a stat, not sure which one is true or not, but I heard a couple of stats One. Every day we hear 30,000 words directed at us. And then I read another uh stat that said it was 100,000 words coming at us a day and I'm like I don't know which one is true, but wow, that's incredible. Now here's a question Whether it's 30,000 or 100,000, it ain't really relevant. The question is how many of those words are good for you that you hear, whether it be on social media or in television shows, your favorite TV shows, movies that you go and see or even podcasts that you listen to? How many of those words are actually good for you Do. You need a breastplate of righteousness? I think we do. I think that kind of solidifies that. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Now the next one is defeat being shy with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Let's just use it. The way I did with the kids in the Sunday school I talked about shoes. You need to have the right shoes for the right occasion, because you are a believer and you're walking around with a gospel that brings peace and liberation to people, which is what the gospel is all about. You got to have the right attire on for the right occasion. You need the right footwear. You need to be at peace yourself in order to bring that kind of gospel, that kind of good news. You need to have a certain character to bring that kind of good news. You need to be able to stand firm yourself to bring that kind of good news. You need to be able to stand firm yourself to bring that kind of good news.

Speaker 1:

If you're a reformed addict of some kind and you have been acquainted with the opportunity to receive salvation but you haven't fully received it, it's going to be really difficult for you to go and try to tell another fellow addict about what you have, because you haven't even solidified it in yourself. So you know what I understand this is. It is for me, and I understand why I need this and why X, y and Z have to change. How do you give it to your fellow addict if you haven't fully received it yourself? So it's about having peace and walking in a specific character, having faith in what you have received and being at one with the Lord so you can receive the peace that he's given you.

Speaker 1:

And when it comes to the shoes, if you're hiking, running, walking extensively, working out, you need to have peace and stability in your feet. The wrong shoes can cause a lot of bad things to happen If you go hiking I've seen somebody do it when hiking in the mountains in North Carolina and somebody had on the wrong shoes. Guess what happened? I'll let you let your imagination run wild. Bad things happen If you go running and you don't have the right shoes. You don't go running in the high hills. That's just dumb. You don't go running in in in just wearing flats. That's not smart either. You got to have the right athletic shoes to go running or walking extensively. The right shoes matter. The reason why is because they bring stability, they bring firmness to you physically so you can get that job done. Whatever it is that you're doing, whether it be running, hiking, walking, working out, whatever it is you need to be firm. You need to be at peace and stability to be able to walk and to function. It's the same thing with this People talk about.

Speaker 1:

You know how much they know the Lord and they have the gospel and all this old thing. They don't have a. They don't have a firm life. They don't have a firm grasp even on who he is. So their ability to share him, their ability to exemplify him in their life is hampered because they don't have a firmness in that themselves. They're still kind of dipping back and forth, they're kind of hitting the off and on switch whenever they feel it's convenient, kind of having one toe in the world and one toe in the faith and they're wondering why things aren't going well for them. They're going to have on the right shoes the shield of faith. Pretty explanatory what is a shield? It's a device that is used to protect you from objects that are flown or shot at you.

Speaker 1:

When Paul wrote this passage in Ephesians 6 and 16 about taking up the shield of faith, roman soldiers would carry shields. I think it was made of leather or covered with a heavy animal hide and before the battle they would dip their shields in the water. I've seen it. I even seen it in a movie, I think it was I forgot which movie it was but they would dip their shields into the water so that when the fiery darts would hit the shields, the red hide would cause the fiery darts to be extinguished, which I think is an amazing imagery. I'm not sure if it was a brave part, it was something that I've seen. Maybe you guys know the movie. It can remind me of what that is. But in taking the shield of faith up, the whole goal is to repel the fiery darts of the adversary, almost in the same way the Roman soldiers did with the heavy animal hide and making it wet, so that when the fiery darts were shot toward them, the fire would go out because of the wet animal hide.

Speaker 1:

Even in Isaiah 21 and 5, there's instructions there to oil the shields. Why? Because in those days the shields were made of leather and they would protect against future threats and prevent the leather shields from getting brittle and becoming unusable. So they had to oil and condition the shield. Very important, we do that with furniture. We do that with firearms, conditioning it to make sure it stays, especially leather, even a leather couch. You got to condition that bad boy or it'll get brittle and start cracking and it's over with. If you got pleather, I don't know what to tell you. But we have to do that In the shield of faith.

Speaker 1:

It has to be conditioned, and I think about the shield of faith being conditioned, and that gets real deep to me. How do you condition your shield of faith? How and that gets real deep to me how do you condition your shield of faith? How do you condition it? The oil, the anointing, the water, the Holy Spirit. Your faith has to be tested and it has to be conditioned and built and grown. You can't just sit back and say I got saved 40 years ago, I'm not doing anything today. There has to be a continuous effort, a conditioned. You can't just sit back and say I got saved 40 years ago, I'm not doing anything today. There has to be a continuous effort, a continuous conditioning, if you will, because your shield can get weak and brittle and when somebody launches an attack, an assault against you, or your adversary launches an assault against you, guess what happens? Your shield can't hold up and it starts to penetrate and you find yourself weak and broken and unable to function in the manner and the purpose that you were created to function in. Your shield will be conditioned. We've got to do that every single day, without fear. We can't afford to take a day off. Our faith can't afford to rest. It needs to be in action and inactivity all the time.

Speaker 1:

The helmet of salvation. I discussed that with the kids in the Sunday school as well. It's pretty easy. If you're riding a motorcycle or a bike, it's wise to wear your helmet in case you fall down and you hit your head. You're protected from having any severe injuries. That's the whole point of the helmet. People don't even want to wear seatbelts in their cars, which I don't really understand at all. But with the helmet it's really important. Because the helmet of salvation. Why is that important for you to have that on your head? Why is the word helmet being used here?

Speaker 1:

Because a lot of what we understand about our salvation, it comes under fire from the thoughts in our mind, or the thoughts that are, you know, all launched at us. The battlefield of the mind is a real thing. It's a primary place where spiritual battle is fought. It's in our minds and a lot of what we deal with in our thoughts affect our day and it affects our disciplines and it affects our disciplines and it affects our trajectory and, before you know it, we're off path, we're off kilter, we're out of focus because of the thoughts that we've engaged in, the things that we thought about we allowed ourselves to think about too long and we found ourselves in a situation where now it's like, oh, my goodness, how did I get here? It's because of the thoughts. If you conquer those, there isn't anything you can't conquer. That's where most of the stuff happens. Most anything you find to be a spiritual battle or a conflict, it starts with a thought, it starts with a suggestion. Your mind is the primary battlefield where the spiritual battle is taking place.

Speaker 1:

Sword of the Spirit is the last one, or the Word of God, and this is one of the most interesting pieces of the whole armor, because it's defensive and it's offensive at the same time. You can defend against attack, but you can also launch attacks with the sword. And one thing that it may be common to you, but it's just something I think is just revolutionary and it comes from, it's definitely come from the word of God for sure. But my wife, my wife and I do this. We do what's called prayer targets, and I know that that's something that you probably can relate to. You've seen it before, you've been there. If you haven't, it'd be new to you. And that's fine. It's great.

Speaker 1:

But there's a parable in Luke 18. I want to read it to you real quick, or at least a part of it, not the entire thing, but Luke 18,. It's the parable of the persistent widow. In some books it'd be the parable of the unjust judge. They're both the same thing. But it talks about a judge in a certain city who did not fear God nor regard man, and it was a widow that was coming to him for justice from her adversary there's that word again from her adversary and the judge would not help her for a long period of time. She would keep asking and he wouldn't help her. And he didn't fear God, he didn't regard man as important, he was all about him. But the widow kept on troubling him, asking for the judge to help avenge what the adversary was doing to her. And because she kept on asking so much, he said I got to do it. I'm tired of her, she's making me weary, she's wearing me out, asking me constantly, over and over again. I got to just go ahead and help her and help her get her land back, help her get her finances back, help her to get straight.

Speaker 1:

And the example of that parable is what we should understand about God. That's an unjust judge who does not fear God. We ask God for anything. Imagine if we asked anything from him on that level, with that kind of consistency. I'm talking about continually, steadily going before God. Do you think it's not going to happen? If you ask for a fish, do you think he's going to give you a serpent? If you ask for bread, will he give you a rock? He's going to give you a serpent. If you ask for bread, will he give you a rock? He's going to give you what you ask for. And then some Excuse me I think the point of this is that, with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, we have the ability to launch attacks against the kind of things that have been tormenting us and beating us down, causing our family to go through things that they shouldn't be going through.

Speaker 1:

We've got a legacy, we've got a strong heritage and a rich history in many of our families and a lot of things that were supposed to happen haven't happened, and we have the ability to attack that with the word. So what I was saying before was that my wife and I we do what's called target prayers. We'll take a specific thing that we are dealing with Once you break the wind and we'll stay on it. We haven't always been as consistent as we need to be, but we'll stay on it until we saw a breakthrough and that's going to be a lost art nowadays, but think about that one. To stay on something until you see breakthrough, to continue to fight and keep pressing into you see breakthrough. That's something that the world around us right now does not teach, nor does it advocate. To stay in something until you see a breakthrough, you fight until you see it resolved and you see the answer you're looking for. So just something to think about. That is a part of what makes the Word of God so beautiful. If you continue to speak that and you drive that, so many amazing things can happen. I've seen it in my own life. I'm sure you've seen it in yours as well. But those are the six parts of the whole armor.

Speaker 1:

I think that one of the things that we have to really learn, especially from that last one, is let's use Jesus as an example. He modeled it so beautifully. He was in a temptation in the wilderness and the devil tried to tempt him to not only turn against God or renounce God and worship him, but also to make him try to move before his time and do things that wasn't in the timing of God. And he responded with the word of God every single time. Three times he was tempted. Three times he returned the favor and responded with the truth of God's word. Every single time An enemy had to flee. And that's just a great example of what we have in our hands. The word of God is that powerful. But those are the six parts of the whole armor of God. I hope you found it helpful in some way, shape or form, definitely excited about hearing what you got from it. Definitely excited to hear about how this has been a help to you.

Speaker 1:

I know there's so much more that we could have touched on, but here's some scriptures to kind of go out with something to be thinking about Matthew 24, 42. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day the Lord will come. Ephesians 6 and 18, praying at all times in the spirit, with all prayer and supplication to that end. Keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. And 1 Peter, 5, 8 and 9. Be a sober mind and be alert. Be firm in your faith and resist him. The enemy Roams around like a roaring lion Looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him. The enemy roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him. Thank you for your time on this and listening to our show. Please continue to keep listening. Have a great day and enjoy the music. Coach out.

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