They Call Me Mista Yu

Inspiration Station: The Real Superheroes

Mista Yu

Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Have you ever wondered how to strike the perfect balance between the wild realms of imagination and the grounding force of reality? On this episode of "They Call Me Mr. Yu" podcast, I take you back to my childhood, where comic books were my gateway to a world of superheroes and endless adventures. Yet, despite the allure of these fantastical worlds, I realized early on the importance of staying anchored in reality. Join me as I share personal stories and valuable insights on how to navigate the delicate dance between fantasy and our daily responsibilities, ensuring a life that's both imaginative and purposeful.

Discover how faith can be a powerful tool in overcoming obstacles and fulfilling your true potential, regardless of your background. Get ready for a journey that promises not just inspiration, but actionable advice to help you unleash your inner greatness.

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Shows Tuesday-Thursday every week!

Speaker 1:

I Welcome back to the all-purpose pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're listening to the Call Me, mr you the podcast. Thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We are excited to be back with you for all you guys that are listening Audio only, of course. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, among several other platforms Spotify, iheartradio, pandora, et cetera. Apple Podcasts is the only location right now, including the app Stitcher, that'll allow you to subscribe to our show, our audio podcast version of our show. Thank you for doing that. Go to Apple Podcasts. As soon as you can Hit the follow button and follow our show, all new episodes will be uploaded to you. You can download some of the old episodes you haven't seen. We're going to be on our fourth season now, so you can find a lot of content, a few hundred episodes, to say the least. We're grateful for you listening, seeing where we came from and how we got to where we are today. If you're following us or watching us on YouTube, you'll see some content there from our sports show on Thursdays and some other content from our live one-on-one interviews and things of that nature. So it's YouTubecom at theycallmemistayou. Thank you again for your support for our show and for me personally. I definitely appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to share a few things with you guys today, just to kind of encourage you as I'm encouraging myself. We call this show the all-purpose pod for an all-purpose life because we talk about a lot of different subjects. There are some areas that you well know and we discussed it in the past. We don't breach those topics on this particular podcast and we do that for very specific reasons, so we just stay away from certain things. For the most part, we want to be your station for inspiration, so we thank you for following us and all of our content, whether it be gardening, whether it be spiritual development, whether it be entrepreneurship, family and relationships or even just our purpose in this world. We talk about all those things and even sports and some entertainment as well, and popular culture, society and culture. So we talk about a lot because we care about the whole person and we definitely want to address all those things in as much detail as possible. But I want to show a few things from my heart today for you guys.

Speaker 1:

Now, how many of you guys have been, uh, acquainted with growing up? A comic book. I was an avid comic book collector. I used to collect baseball cards as well, but I was an avid, avid comic book collector early on in my life. Now that I look back, I wonder why I did that. It creates a lot of questions for me now. When I watch TV shows, they're talking about people who are comic book lovers and they're adults. It looks kind of weird. Now, sitting back on this side of the perspective, I'm like, wow, if I didn't stop collecting comic books and going to comic book conventions, I would have been a 30, 40, 50 year old madly in love with comic books. I just wonder what my life would have looked like if I had continued that way. I didn't, and I say thankfully, because that's not really where I needed to be, but it produces some thoughts. So how many of you have been an avid comic book collector or reader growing up? Ok, I can relate to that. I know I have been. Maybe you can too.

Speaker 1:

In a comic book is that it gives you an opportunity to escape your reality and venture into a world of adventure, of intrigue, of uh, mysticism and and magic, and whatever terms you want to use. The comic books always seem to encapsulate encapsulate, excuse me, things like that and I wonder how many folks are still lost in that world. Even if it's not comic books, we often find ourselves getting ourselves lost in the world of adventure, in what we read or what we see on television, and it really creates some questions that I think we should talk about. I've been dealing with it and I think it might be of value to you to kind of hear what I've learned and maybe perhaps you can also share what you learned in the comments section. Let us know what you think about the show, any other topic, what your experiences are. We'd love to hear it. I think it's valuable.

Speaker 1:

But there is a place in this world that obviously is not rooted in reality. You can imagine yourself having a cape on and being able to fly or shoot laser rays from your hands or scale a building, but it's not a reality and I think that some of these things may be fun in the interim, but if we don't deal with our reality and not hide in the fantasy world, we find ourselves in trouble. We find ourselves in perhaps a dangerous state. As human beings here on Earth, we have a responsibility and we have a purpose, and a lot of times it's not going to be found in those places that make us comfortable and allow us to imagine or see ourselves in a place that we're not hoping for, something that maybe perhaps we don't need. I know.

Speaker 1:

For myself, I definitely imagine I was a kid about having superpowers. I mean, I jumped off all of our furniture in the house and I did that on a daily basis, imagining myself being able to fly and leap and jump and get the bad guy. I lived in that world quite a bit and it was a lot of reasons personally in my life that kind of caused me to kind of find myself in those kind of places, in those mental spaces. But was it good for me to stay in those places? See, I've got nothing against somebody having the imagination. I think imagination and creativity is par for the course for invention and innovation. We need to have that Imagination and creativity. Help us to build things that haven't been seen, haven't been done. Help us to be the pioneers that we all have the ability to be, I'm okay with that. But when you live inside that world to such a degree that you can't see anything but that world and your reality in your mind is sucked so bad that you retreat into fantasy.

Speaker 1:

That's a problem, and I really believe, as though, in a lot of ways, people who call themselves believers, who kind of ascribe to the idea that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior like I do and you heard me talk about it on this podcast many times I think the problem is that a lot of believers are treating the Bible like a comic book. Now, that's not a good thing. Just to be clear, the Bible shouldn't be a comic book, even for the little children in Sunday school. The Bible shouldn't be treated or handled in such a way that it resembles a comic book or allows us the opportunity to treat it as such In the comic book. These people are literally out of this world. They do things that we can't do. They do things that we can't imagine. They have means and abilities and powers that we don't possess. So we idealize it and make it into some kind of grand thing, not a goal, because it's probably unattainable for us, but for most of us, almost all of us. But it's just some things that we look at and we put on a high pedestal and a high priority, and it's not a good focus for us. Our mind shouldn't be fixated on that.

Speaker 1:

We read the Bible in the same way. We look at Jesus Christ and all he endured and say, well, jesus did it. He's different than I am. I can't accomplish that. Or we look at Paul, who wrote almost all of the New Testament. We say, oh, I can't even write in my journal. That's too much for me to handle, I can't accomplish that. But, honestly, we can't treat the Bible like a comic book.

Speaker 1:

The Bible has people in it. I'm talking about people who were considered murderers, who were considered to be unscrupulous in the realm of business and commerce, people who had questionable lifestyle, people who had background in idolatry and animal worship, people who had backgrounds that most of us can't even relate to. They were far worse than what we've dealt with in our life. The Bible is full of people like that, who had limited expectations, very troubled backgrounds, but still powered by God to do great things. I want that to be the message for you today.

Speaker 1:

The kind of powers that we look at in a comic book are not the kind of power we should ascribe to have. I know many people in our midst that desire those powers so much that it causes them to enter into realms of that desire those powers so much that it causes them to enter into realms of demonic possession and witchcraft and voodoo and etc. But those are not the kind of powers that we should be trying to possess. There's a power to influence, a power to change lives, a power to heal, a power to deliver, a power to open prison doors on people's lives and set people free. That kind of power we actually have access to. And the same Bible I'm talking about talks about that same power. But we can't treat the Bible like a comic book. We can't look at it with that kind of perspective.

Speaker 1:

The people in this book all it was specific to them. It's not possible for me. My life is too bad. My background was too rough. I don't have enough talent and ability. I can't read like they read. I can't write like they write. I don't have the courage to go into uncharted territory and establish things the way that they did. All those things are false. You most definitely have the ability to do that and I'm encouraging you. Even though the voices in your head may be saying this man is not telling you the right things or you're not capable of accomplishing this. You are capable. I want to encourage you today that you are capable of doing those things that we see written out and accounted for in the Bible. We have the ability to accomplish that.

Speaker 1:

Look at one passage John, chapter 4, verse 12. It says greater works and this is the words of Jesus Christ himself. It said greater works shall you do, because I go to my Father the things that I've done. You can do that, and even greater, you have the ability inside of you. Now, if the creative heaven and earth can tell you that you have the ability inside of you, what voice can speak to you and say otherwise and you believe it and you listen to it and you lean into it? What voice is greater than the only voice that called the world to be framed, that the earth to be formed?

Speaker 1:

Hebrews 11, 1-3 talks about how faith is the substance of things hopeful, the evidence of things not seen. By faith, the world is reframed by the word of God. The things that we see were created from the things that we don't see. Because of faith, you don't have to even ask for this faith. You don't have to develop it. You don't have to even ask for this faith. You don't have to develop it. You don't have to get bitten by a radioactive spider. To get this faith, you don't have to touch a meteorite that fell from a faraway planet. To have this faith, it's already inside you, you're born with it. You're actually born with it.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in Matthew 17 and 20, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you're actually born with it. The Bible says in Matthew 17 and 20, matthew 17 and 20, excuse me, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, then you can move mountains. You Point to yourself and say you, you can move mountains if you have faith the size of a mustard seed. I don't know if you know about a mustard seed, but if you've ever seen one, it's probably the smallest seed out there, if not one of the smallest seeds originating on planet Earth. It's a very, very small seed and the Bible is teaching us that if you have faith the size of that seed, you can move mountains. So imagine if you had faith the size of a pebble, or the faith the size of a quarter, or the faith the size of a tennis, or the face the size of a tennis ball what kind of mountains you can move. The potential of greatness is inside of you. You have that inside of you. You have the seed of greatness inside of you, the mustard seed, faith that the Bible is talking about. You already have that. I can prove it to you.

Speaker 1:

When you sit down in a chair, do you wonder if the chair is going to fall down when you sit? It doesn't even cross your mind, does it? You just sit down in your chair, put your warm blanket on you. That's me. Probably not you guys, just me. Curl up with a good book and something hot to drink Hot chocolate, hot tea, hot coffee. You're good to go. You don't think about whether the chair can hold you. By faith, you sit down every single time, multiple times a day, whether it be in your home, whether it be in your office, whether it be on your job in your cubicle. When you sit down, you don't think about whether the chair is going to hold you up or not. That's faith. It's already embedded inside of you. When you start your car in the morning provided you didn't have any problems the week before and your car drives fine you don't even think about it. You turn that key or press the button which is common nowadays in cars and the car starts. You don't think about it. It's faith, it's instinctive, that's inside of you. It's already there.

Speaker 1:

Now we're talking about having faith in specific, different areas outside of our comfort zone. Now we're talking. The faith is still there, but now we've got to be employed in a different way. See, right now I believe that we're focusing on all the wrong things. A lot of people are looking at the wrong thing, they're focused in the wrong areas. They're looking at alternative sources for peace, alternative sources for health and wealth and prosperity, and we're looking at the wrong areas for it, when a lot of the answers are found in us because of the sea of greatness already inside of us, the potential for greatness and for prosperity and health and wealth already inside of us. We've been given the power to achieve those things already and the Bible teaches that we're not going to get too far into those things now. But I want to just encourage you that the answers are not found in these gurus, these online so-called experts. The answer is found in you. We're going to decide if we're going to put down all the things that we're focused on, the things that have been holding us back, the things that have represented shackles on our feet, and just decide if we're going to look toward where the answers actually are, as opposed to the counterfeits that we see.

Speaker 1:

So very often, most of us got our gazes on things that are not even consequential. There are people who are walking around with church hurt and, I'll be honest, there's no hurt like church hurt but our expectations are high. And why does that happen to us? Why do we get embattled or kind of limited by church hurt? Why is it so impactful in our life? It's understandable. I've experienced it myself. I've noticed like and what it feels like. I can relate. But my question to you is why does that affect us so much? It's because our expectations are higher. We know that that is the place where certain things should be a certain way. Even right now, if you're listening and you're not a believer and some of this is going over your head, I apologize.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to make sure that you understand this from the perspective that I did when I was in the same shoes you were in. What I want you to understand here Is that when you see that kind of stuff happen or you've been hurt by church, or you've been hurt by somebody's ministry or what they said, or the people in the ministry, the parishioners or whatever that have wounded you. I want you to understand why that happened. It happened for a lot of reasons, but one reason is that you had expectations that were high. You knew. You knew deep down Somehow you didn't know how but somewhere past tradition and past religion you knew that in that location there should have been a higher standard, a higher level of dignity and integrity. You knew that the things of God were higher than what you could explain or imagine or understand. They were higher than where you were in your life at the time.

Speaker 1:

So when you got hurt by somebody in this sphere, in this level of authority, it wounded you deeply. It made you not want to go back to church or be involved with anything that looks like organized religion. I'm telling you this because I know this. Ask me how I know, because I've been through this, and the fact that the expectations were higher in that place lets you know that that's the right place. Maybe not the building that you went to or the ministry or organization that you were a part of at the time when you visited, but that is the right place. Something greater than you is supposed to be there. Something that represents love and faith and kindness is supposed to be there. Perhaps you didn't find it in that location, but it's supposed to be there and you knew that instinctively. That's faith.

Speaker 1:

Also, in this case, it was just misplaced. We got our eyes and our gaze fixed on preachers or the parishioner. That heard us, and our focus is on the wrong place and it should be on the Lord himself in relationship. Reference Adam and Eve again, you heard the comparison. Even if you're not somebody who ascribes to the Bible, it still matters. This still makes sense, it should make sense, it should still make sense to you. But his entire goal, the Lord's entire goal, was what was going on in the garden, not the snake and the fruit part, the other part, the relationship part, where he was walking with Adam and Eve, his creation, in the cool of the day, conversing with them, fellowshipping with them, connecting with them. That's his end game in all of this stuff.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm trying to tell you today is that he wants relationship with you, the person, the individual person, the you. And you've got to reckon yourself with that, because all you go on and do it in your life, all the areas where you reach out to other places, other sources for peace and health and wealth, those areas. I'll be honest with you spoiler alert is probably not going to work out long term. You may feel good about where you are, but that's not an indicator that you're in the right place. It might be a fit, but is it the right fit? It might be a fit that you can justify today and say you know what it works for me where I am, but my question to you today is is it the right fit?

Speaker 1:

As a former life coach and mentor, I still do some of that stuff offline today, but as a former life coach and mentor, I've heard this so many times and every complaint, concern that was brought to my desk, every single phone call that was made to my phone, every email I received, everybody that jumped on my website to ask for advice on specific things or, whatever the case may be, a coffee meeting at a local coffee shop the question was always, always, always and I mean always, 100% always went back to purpose why are you here? Why are you doing what you're doing? What is this for? What's the reason why this is necessary right now? Why are you here? Why are you doing what you're doing? What is this for? What's the reason why this is necessary right now, what's your part in the larger picture? It always came back to purpose.

Speaker 1:

So if you can sit in the place where you are, where you think you found peace and health and wealth and it is working for you, and you're doing it, and you're doing it without God being involved, more power to you. But it's not going to work, it's not going to last, it's a counterfeit, it's not authentic, it's not going to last. And if your idea of God is just throwing some pennies or some coins into an offering plate and showing up for Easter and Christmas at church, you got that wrong too. He's after the relationship, like I referenced, with Adam and Eve in the garden, the book of Genesis. That's what he's after. He's after that, he's after the relationship. He wants that with you and the only way to get that is for you to be engaged and allow him to re-engage or draw you back into a relationship or into a relationship for the first time. But this is what is required and, honestly, if you read the Bible and don't treat it like a comic book, you're going to notice, you're going to see flicks of relationship, or flicks of relationship all through the scriptures. You're going to see God talking to man and man talking back to God and having connection through prayer and having a dialogue and interaction. This is what he wants from us, and the Bible is not a comic book.

Speaker 1:

There are people who I think are superheroes in it, who have done amazing and courageous things, things that in my mind, I'm like, wow, I wonder if I could do that. But the answer is yes, under the right circumstances, empowered in the right way, empowered from the right and appropriate source, which is God. No spoiler on that this is God. When you do it that way, yes, there's nothing that's impossible to you. The Bible even says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that's impossible to you. The Bible even says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing is impossible to you. There's nothing you can't accomplish. There's nothing that you can't do.

Speaker 1:

I just want to encourage you, guys, because the scripture is for people who have limited expectations and people who have troubled backgrounds and have been unable to accomplish things in their life on their own, with all of their efforts and all of their family dynamics and all the things they tried to accomplish, even fishermen that couldn't catch fish until they allowed the Lord to power their situation and empower them to do great things. Were they able to do so, and then, beyond that, to feed thousands of people with limited means to perform miracles. The power and the seed of greatness and potential is inside of you and you can accomplish that. You just have to believe that it's so and tap into the right sources. Now, offline, I'm definitely happy to help you out with that. If you require that kind of assistance, hit us up in the section of the comments under the show. Wherever you find us, be happy to help you with that. But thanks for listening. Thanks for enjoying the show. Hopefully you did and we hope it would help you.

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