Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

Unlocking the Power of Leadership - My Conversation with Ideagen CEO George Sifakis at the 2023 Global Acceleration Summit

Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


Last Fall, I had the honor of being interviewed by George Sifakis, the CEO of Ideagen, for their 2023 Global Acceleration Summit. The summit’s focus? Assessing the progress of the United Nations’ 17 Social Development Goals at the halfway mark to 2023.

It was a riveting experience, and I’m thrilled to share some key takeaways with you:

Key Takeaway 1: The Importance of Mental Toughness in Leadership
Think about one person who has inspired you. Chances are, they exhibited a level of mental toughness that drew you in. During the interview, we dove into the concept of mental toughness, especially for women in leadership. It’s not just about being resilient; it’s about being emotionally agile and prepared for any situation. I’ve even been studying FBI hostage negotiations to equip leaders with the skills to be heard, valued, and respected.

Key Takeaway 2: The Role of Personal Stories in Shaping Leadership
Personal stories aren’t just for memoirs; they’re the backbone of authentic leadership. I shared the story of my mother’s dream to save three species of owls, a mission that sadly ended with her passing and the extinction of those species. It’s a poignant reminder that we all have unique gifts and missions. Our stories shape us and can catalyze change in the world.

Key Takeaway 3: The Power of Big, Audacious Goals
Step outside of YOUR comfort zone and dream big. At the Zone Lab, we don’t work from SMART goals; we work from Big, Audacious, Crazy Goals. Whether you’re two to six years from an exit or just starting your leadership journey, it’s crucial to set goals that stretch your imagination and capabilities. Then, work backward to make them a reality.

Key Takeaway 4: The Need for Cross-Sector Collaboration for SDGs
The summit itself was a testament to the power of collective action. Organizations and individuals from across the globe came together to share initiatives and success stories in pursuit of the SDGs. It’s a reminder that no one can do it alone. Collaboration is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity.

Let’s Take a Step Together
So, what’s your big, audacious goal? And how can you collaborate to make it a reality? As we assess the progress of the SDGs at this critical midpoint, let’s also take stock of our personal and collective goals. Let’s have a call or connect in other meaningful ways to discuss how we can accelerate not just global development but also our personal growth.

Cheering you on always!
-- Sheryl