
Zachary Watterson

Zach was born in New York City. His short stories appear or are forthcoming in Chicago Quarterly Review, River Styx, Commentary Magazine’s Summer Fiction, and The Salt River Review. His essays appear in The Massachusetts Review, The Paris Review Daily, Post Road Magazine, The Stranger, and the W.W. Norton anthology named Inheriting the War: Poetry and Prose By Descendants of Vietnam Veterans and Refugees. His work has received a nomination for New Stories from the Midwest, as well as a Pushcart Prize nomination, and a Notable Essay listed in Best American Essays. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Elizabeth George Foundation, the Jentel Arts Foundation, and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. He earned an MFA from the University of Washington, where he received the Richard Blessing Award and the Eugene Van Buren Prize for Fiction. Watterson taught writing and theater in prisons and jails in Michigan and Washington
