
Elwyn Laud-Hammond

Elwyn Laud-Hammond is a 44-year-old black man, who is an activist and Philadelphia native. He is extremely passionate and dedicated to the upliftment of Black people and to having cross racial dialogue about race relations. In August of 2000, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Pennsylvania State University. He currently earns his living as Real Estate Appraiser and investor, and as an entrepreneur.  He loves football, boxing, and coaching. He is married and has an 11-year old daughter, who attends a Friends school in Philadelphia. His hope and aspiration for this world is that we try to honestly and openly work on our differences so that we can collectively find ways to create progress for our children and the next generations because that is the true definition of happiness.  His mission on this earth now is to be a contributor and to grow with passion.
