The DäBU

Insurrection 2021 - Part 1

Cedric Clark & Kojo Mensah-Bonsu Season 1 Episode 10

The U.S. government’s response to the January 6 storming of Capitol Hill by Trump supporters is one of the most significant examples of racial double standards from our current moment in history. In this episode, we discuss this issue, exploring contrasts in leadership styles between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Donald Trump, and contrasts in the federal response to protesters who occupy different racial and political groups seen in the U.S. today.

We kick the show off by honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our discussion covers his brilliance as a student, fearlessness in the face of so much hatred and danger, and strong gifts for oration. From there, we talk about recently hearing Professor Ibram X. Kendi speak and the powerful ideas to be found in his books.

After setting the stage for what virtuous leadership can look like, we then cast our attention to Donald Trump and the tactics he used to incite the violent mob of insurrectionists. In this segment, our main point is about how it came to be that these protesters were able to accomplish what they did in a country with the most sophisticated military in the history of the world. Here we highlight the racial double standards behind largely peaceful responses to white mobs inciting violence in contrast to violent responses in the face of peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors, sharing different clips from across the media that elucidate this idea. Tune in today and be sure to join us for part one of this discussion.