The 4 P's of Transition Management: Embracing and Implementing Change
Create The Next From ProCFO Partners
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Create The Next From ProCFO Partners
The 4 P's of Transition Management: Embracing and Implementing Change
Apr 18, 2022
ProCFO Partners

Change management for a company is situational. Something is transforming, and there must be operational events and impacts for change to succeed efficiently. In today's episode, we're discussing the other side of the coin - the psychological phenomena of Transition management. With Change management, there are specific people, roles or positions involved. To embrace and implement Transition, your team and employees must understand and benefit from communications on the 4 P's: Purpose, Picture, Plan and Part. 

Change and Transition aren't always easy, but they need not be as difficult as they sometimes are. Your team will be more engaged and invested in successful outcomes with a Transition management framework.

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