Adversity vs Opportunity: The Importance of Perspective in Business Strategy
Create The Next From ProCFO Partners
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Create The Next From ProCFO Partners
Adversity vs Opportunity: The Importance of Perspective in Business Strategy
Apr 25, 2022
ProCFO Partners

Every business in any industry can point to unique challenges it faces. The era we're in presents some of them, from inflation to the pandemic to the Great Resignation and all of their related issues. In today's episode we're calibrating how adversity often presents great opportunity - if you know where, and how, to look. Part mindset and part skill set, the ability to overcome challenges in order to innovate and collaborate is what often sets the thriving organization apart from those that are just surviving. Learn some of the key attributes and characteristics of leaders and businesses who are capable of finding opportunities and putting them into strategic business practice. 

Create The Next is delivered to you from ProCFO Partners. Every week, we explore strategies and ideas for financial management and growth to help today’s businesses put their financial picture in context. ProCFO Partners are expert financial officers networked across industries, verticals, specializations and situations. Fulfilling the role of a part-time CFO with all-time commitment, ProCFO Partners utilizes the innovative and exclusive FGC Financial Flywheel as a framework that creates momentum to drive your financial functions for sustainable success. Visit to explore how we can implement a systematic and scalable financial system to help you achieve your goal.