Our MBC Life

Episode 6: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo (18:50 min)

SHARE Cancer Support

 Welcome to the  episode 6 of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind. In today's meditation, we will be focusing on how in meditation we're listening to ourselves and finding space to open up and offer ourselves the attention and the care.

Sit back and prepare to become calm and relaxed for the next 19 minutes 

Inspired by a very enthusiastic response to monthly meditation sessions from one of SHARE’s MBC support groups. These sessions are on average  under 20 minutes long. Our meditation leader is Barbara Chutroo,  an MBC patient herself and a member of the group.

Barbara is a longtime meditator and experienced meditation teacher. She's also a movement therapist and a clinical social worker.
Thanks for listening!

You will find all the past episodes  for this series  in The Podcast Vault, on our website:  https://www.ourmbclife.org/vault/meditation

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