Bourbon and Breakthroughs
Chris Goodman is a leading life coach for executives and business owners. His clients include startup founders, real estate experts, influencers, world-class coaches, CEOs, and small business owners across dozens of industries. He brings 15,000+ hours of coaching and training to every conversation and has a reputation for asking tough, transformative questions in an approachable way. After years of coaching inspiring leaders in life and business, Chris brings their profound wisdom, advice, personal growth tips, and heartfelt lessons to your ears so you can grow relentlessly to become your best. Book your own coaching consultation at www.goodmancoachinginc.com
Bourbon and Breakthroughs
EP 11: Do You Need To Raise Your Standards?
As coaches, it’s so important to meet clients where they are. But it’s not always that simple to know what people’s standards are before you have even spoken to them. In this episode, Chris shares a framework that he uses to figure out his potential clients’ standards. We hear about the eight key areas he gets people to rank, including health, money, romance and relationships, career, personal growth, spirituality, fun/hobbies, and family. These rankings are not judgments, but simply insights future growth areas. We then hear about the steps you can take after knuckling down on what’s good and what needs to be improved. From clarifying your goals to getting clear on a timeline, Chris guides us through this simple approach we can take to get that much closer to what we want. Be sure to tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Chris’s story of watching his dad crush public speaking when he was growing up.
- Meeting people where they are — A key rule to successful coaching.
- The eight key categories Chris asks potential clients to rank to understand where they’re at.
- Where do your standards fall? Answer the categories honestly.
- Get curious about your rankings and ask what it would take to get it up to a 10 and why.
- The next question to ask, “What’s holding you back from getting to your ultimate goal?”
- Consider the first step you would take to get where you want to be.
- Time matters — When will you achieve what you want to?
- Have someone in your corner to support you through decisions and growth.
“There’s a big rule in coaching and that rule is that you have to meet the person where they are.” — Chris Goodman [0:04:11]
“You need somebody, at least for the short-term to get you over those goals.” — Chris Goodman [0:16:51]
“This might seem like an oversimplification, but honestly, the simpler, the better in coaching. We make things complicated all the time and that complication slows down our progress and our growth.” — Chris Goodman [0:17:26]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Get to know Chris -
- Connect on Instagram
- Coach with Chris
- Learn more about Goodman Coaching