Stop Drinking Podcast by Soberclear
The Stop Drinking Podcast by Soberclear is here to help you stop drinking alcohol and achieve the life of your dreams. We want to support people getting sober so they can get on with their life without feeling miserable. If you want to learn more about stop drinking coaching, head over to https://www.soberclear.com/
Stop Drinking Podcast by Soberclear
THIS sign means it's time to quit alcohol
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Welcome to the Stop Drinking Podcast, where we help you make stopping drinking a simple, logical and easy decision. We help you with tips, tools and strategies to start living your best life when alcohol-free. If you want to learn more about stop drinking coaching, then head over to wwwsoberclearcom. If you're in a place right now and you keep struggling with stopping drinking, you might reduce your drinking and then end up drinking more. You might stop for a period and then something keeps pulling you back in. Well, if that's you right now, I want to let you know one thing You're not alone.
Speaker 1:I have gone through that cycle more times than I can count. If you knew me when I was drinking from the outside, looking in, you'd probably look at me and think that guy's doomed, he's probably going to drink himself to death. And if I'm honest with you, there were days where I felt like that as well. I felt like there was no hope, there was just no way out. Because after stopping and starting so many times, eventually you just feel like throwing in the towel, giving up and saying maybe this is just how I'm going to be. And if you're feeling down, defeated and you're feeling like what's the point, why try again? Then this video today is for you.
Speaker 1:When I stopped drinking six and a half years ago, I remember that day so clearly. I'd been out the night before. I'd got absolutely drunk. I woke up at like 5pm. There was, you know, this dirty room around me. There was half a bottle of whiskey in the room that I stole off my housemate. It was horrible and I just remember looking around, thinking what have I become? Because before all of this, I actually had a six, seven or eight month period where I didn't touch a drop of alcohol, and that period of my life was the best period of my life ever. I was in the best shape I'd been. I was in a relationship, I had a nice car, I was finishing a degree, I had this personal training business and I felt like I was on cloud nine. What happened is is I drank again and then this very slow spiral started and slowly but surely, I lost everything. I lost my personal trading business. Then, slowly but surely, I lost my finances in my bank and, before you knew it, I lost my self-confidence. And I remember towards the end of this massive relapse where I destroyed my life. I remember towards the end of it, I just thought is this my life, is this how it's going to continue? And that's why I wanted to make this video today because I wanted to let you know that if you feel that way, I felt that way as well.
Speaker 1:I've spoke to hundreds of people who feel this way. How can people that say, leon, you know, I've got a great life, I've got a beautiful home, a career, a car, but this problem I just can't seem to fix it. It makes no sense? They say usually in life, whenever I want something, I can just go and get it, but with this one problem I can't seem to fix it. I've seen people tell me this story hundreds of times and I've seen them change.
Speaker 1:I've worked with over 400 clients privately and I fixed this problem myself. So I know that you can do it and I want to let you know that once you fix this problem on the other side of stopping drinking, of reframing your worldview, using first principles, thinking and finally making a true decision to get that stuff out of your life, in just a year everything will start to change. You'll get your health back, your relationships will improve, your financial life will improve, you'll start to look in the mirror and be proud of who you are, and I know there's days where it feels impossible, but it is possible. It's possible for you, it's possible for me. There are people out there that have drank for far longer than you. They drank much more than you and they've managed to fix this. But it's down to you to not throw in the towel, to not say I'm giving up, because every single person that has managed to stop drinking and stay stopped has done one thing only. They gave it another go.
Speaker 1:All of my clients I think every single one of them has had multiple attempts to stop drinking in the past. Maybe there's a couple that haven't, but pretty much all of them had tried already. And the reason why some of them are three months sober, six months sober, even some people are four years sober in the program now, well, the only reason why they're there is because they tried one more time. And if you want to give it one more go and instead of doing it on your own and figuring it out and it not really working out, let's do it together.
Speaker 1:We're currently accepting new clients right now in the Sober Clear program. If you want to see if it's a good match, then what you need to do is go to soberclearcom. You can read a little bit about the program, you can check out some of the reviews and then you can click the link on the website to book a call and on that call we can see if the program could new method could work for you. Let's get this done. I'll speak to you soon. Thanks for checking out the Stop Drinking Podcast by Sober Clear. If you want to learn more about how we work with people to help them stop drinking effortlessly, then make sure to visit wwwsoberclearcom.