The Omar Project

Interview with Luis Felipe Cabana on creating project organizations, workflow automation, immigration, and the transition to renewables.

Omar Morales Season 1 Episode 22

In this wide-ranging interview, we talk about building a project organization structure, the latest trends in workflow automation, immigration, and the science behind the transition to renewables. You won't want to miss this interview!

About Luis:

Luis Felipe is founder and principal consultant of 100 Square Feet Consulting

An engineer by education, a change agent and problem solver by trade, Luis leverages his lifelong passion for learning, along with networks and resources acquired over many years, to every new engagement.

With over 10 years of experience in various executive level roles in supply chain and complex operations management in Latin America, and more recent experience project managing North American capital oil and gas development and execution scopes, he has acquired a multitude of perspectives, people skills, team building acumen and business gravitas. He is keen to learn and fail fast, constantly making new mistakes once.

Luis is an accomplished athlete with over 30 years of competitive rugby under his belt, an immigrant and proud Canadian-by-Choice, who believes his greatest achievement to date is having raised kids to become good young adults with newly independent lives.

Media Contacts  

@LuisFCabana     Twitter

Helpful links: 

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