It's Not How You Start But How You Finish

Brother Art & Sister Shun Ladler shared about their journey when Brother Art had head & neck cancer

Solomon & Jamila Jefferson

"Art & Shun Ladler have been married for 4 years and live in the Beautiful Treasure Coast Area.  Art served 24 years in the United States Navy and retired with the ranking of a Chief Petty Officer.  Shun working in the Imaging Department of the Veteran Affairs Medical Center.  Both are dedicated in doing what’s pleasing to GOD.  We also have two businesses, Images of Art Photography and Stich N Sew Embroidery LLC.  In February 2023, their world as they knew it changed drastically.  Art was diagnosed with stage 3 Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head & Neck (Cancer). The Cancer was in his lymph nodes, tonsils, tongue and behind the nasal cavity.  The TORS (Trans Oral Robotic Surgeon) Advised us that surgery would not be an option because of where the cancer was located.  BUT WATCH GOD!!! Their plan was to administer chemotherapy and radiation shrink the cancer, then surgically remove the remaining.  Art underwent 38 radiation treatments and 7 rounds of chemo in a 7-week span.  Then a cat-scan, which showed NO CANCER."