Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Revelation chapters 21-22:5 - 06/30/2024

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 2024 Episode 24

Once again, John begins to describe an event with “I saw”

We are reminded that this entire book is a mystical vision and uses the strange language of images and symbols
- however, we could be tempted to read last two chapters differently,
• as if John were describing events in a literal future
• but when, once again, he says “I saw,” we know this is the same as the rest of the book
- so we turn our imaginations toward what he saw;
• namely, something that had been predicted in prophecy of Isaiah
For behold, I create new heavens
 and a new earth,
the former things shall not be remembered
 or come to mind (Isa. 65:17)
◦ "heavens and earth" refer to all of creation