The Steady Stater
The Steady Stater, hosted by Brian Czech, is a podcast of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, dedicated to exploring limits to growth and sustainable solutions. Czech and his guests discuss the principles of steady-state economics and how they apply to contemporary politics and policy. The Steady Stater airs every Monday at 8:00 a.m. EST.
The Steady Stater
Exploring the Social Limits to Growth (with Timothée Parrique)
Brian Czech
Degrowth toward a steady state economy requires an overhaul of our mental infrastructure. Few understand this concept better than Timothée Parrique, author of the groundbreaking dissertation, "The Political Economy of Degrowth." In this episode, Brian chats with Timothée about his revolutionary research, focusing on "growthism," social limits TO growth, and the social limits OF growth.