Spotlight on the Arts

Season 13 | 2024 SCS Eisteddfod | Mount St Joseph College Milperra - Dance Ensembles

CaSPA Season 13 Episode 2

Episode 2 welcomes Miriam Innes from Mount St Joseph’s (MSJ) College Milperra. 
MSJ is the host venue for the Sydney Catholic Schools Dance Eisteddfod. The College has submitted over 35 entries in this years Eisteddfod, and 12 Dance entries.

Miriam is a Dance, Drama and Visual Arts teacher at Mount St Joseph College and has been teaching  there for 20 years, she loves to see young students embracing the creative arts. Miriam has a particular passion for empowering her students through the Arts and building a sense of community.

Hosted by Iris McGill
Graphic design Soiseng Pine
Podcast technical edit Brad Carter
Podcast Direction/ Content Producer Iris McGill

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