Morning Rays of Grace

Living Single, Abstinent, & Free w/ Angelica Walker | Episode 12 | Morning Rays of Grace

December 22, 2023 Angelica Walker

As the body of Christ, we have such a hard time honoring God with our bodies, but what if I tell you it’s actually easy with the help of the Spirit of God? In this episode, I share my story of being abstinent for 10yrs and how the heck I even got here! My desire is for all of God’s children to not be lead astray their fleshly cravings, but to be pure and holy in heart before God. 

Episode takeaways:

  • Pure in heart is the only way to stay pure in body 
  • Outward sin starts from within 
  • Abstinence is not a goal, it’s a fruit 
  • Sex is powerful within marriage, but destructive outside of it 
  • Sexual immorality is a stronghold 

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Music by: audiogreen
Vocals: @kenyawalston