Bridging The Gap Between Generations Who Assume Things About Each Other
Stephanie and Karen, both mid fifties, have assumptions. As do others. Let's talk about it.
Bridging The Gap Between Generations Who Assume Things About Each Other
Episode Sasha - 8
Karen and Stephanie are adults. They talk. It is boring. UNLESS they are talking to an 8 year old excavator/CBC podcast loving kid like Sasha. You'd better like the Oilers!
Croissants! Excavators! Making toast!
Things to help this episode make sense:
Backhoe or Excavator? Which is best for your project?
The Vigilante Book Club Podcast (language advisory)
Under the Influence with Terry O'Rielly the podcast
Quirks and Quarks, the podcast
Podcast Art: Morgan Ermter
Theme song: S. Blatt and S. Wolfe
Instagram: thebroadgap
Twitter: @thebroadgap
Facebook: Bridging the Gap Between Generations Who Assume Things About Each Other
Email us at: thebroadgap@gmail.com and tell us about someone who is rocking their generation. We want to talk to them!