JESS: Hey there, listeners. You might be surprised to be hearing from us again so soon, it's only been-- two hours since all that in our last broadcast, and I imagine you all are about as weary and wounded as we are, but some developments in the recent situation have necessitated some broadcasting changes here. 

Now, regarding the recent situation: we are still trying to piece together clearly what happened. What drove us all to be so aggressive and violent with one another for no real reason -- 

[She winces] 

Sorry, folks. If any of you were wondering, Martha has a mean right hook. I’m sure I’ll be able to laugh about this tomorrow but right now-- it aches. Deeper than just my body. It's hard to think about… everything that just happened. I feel like we’re all still… Coming down, y’know? 

But, in nicer news: my headache is gone. I hope yours is too. Instead of pain buzzing around in my head now, it's… questions. 

And, that reminds me. I just want to say: whatever happened to you all, and whatever you might have done earlier this evening: it’s not your fault. 

It isn’t, it wasn’t. 

I know it isn’t fair that we’ll have to pick up the pieces and deal with the consequences that follow this, but nothing that happened was your fault. I want everyone listening to take that to heart. 

Except Town Council. And those you are working with, whoever you might be. We’re pretty sure it's your fault. 

While I’m talking about what’s your fault, we’re also pretty sure the faint smell of lavender we caught on the cool dusk breeze after cracking a window an hour ago is also your fault. We’re not as worried about it as I’m sure we should be, but… that checks out. I’m sure we all remember the last time the air in Braedon was sickly and sweet and full of the smell of lavender. 

If you have any information about what we’re assuming is a new, spontaneous patch of “lavender”-- for those of you who can’t see me which is more or less all of you, I did the “air quotes’ gesture for “lavender”-- specifically where it's located or if it's… drawn anyone in yet, and are in a place physically, mentally, and emotionally where you are able to reach out to us, please let us know. 

Likewise, if you have any updates on what happened in town, if everyone’s okay, if you have any additional information or even corrections to our theories you’d like to share- please. It would mean a lot to hear from you.  


Now. Answers. 

Well, answers is a bit of a misleading word. More, our working theory on what happened this evening and why we feel it's a reasonable explanation. 

Well. No. Reasonable’s not the right word. Nothing about this is reasonable. 

What I mean to say is… it’s logical within the realm and context of our own, special genre of reality here in Braedon. 

[Shifting papers] 

I have before me a very helpful, typed and printed little… list of ‘key information bullet points and definitions’ that David prepared for me to help me report on what happened, as he said he wanted to go to bed and wasn’t comfortable necessarily coming on air to explain himself, and I have no idea what half of this really means, so fair. 

Also fair that my knowledge is limited and ever-increasing and he correctly assumed I would need something like this.  

It’s moments like these that remind me of how little I really do know in the grand scheme of everything, ever. And how if people didn’t take the time out of their own lives to- to show us or explain the things that might seem obvious or- or whatever, how unending and strange the world and things around us might seem. I mean, in many ways the world is unending and strange and there are… so many dark corners, but… 

Even in a mutual state of not knowing, just knowing the other doesn’t know– in my experience– feels like, yes the world may be vast, but there is something less lonely about it. I’m okay not understanding things if I’m not alone in my unknowing, and I also feel a whole lot better about knowing things when I’m not the only one knowing. You know? 

A pretty- I don’t know, mundane observation, but- maybe the heart of what we do here. Talk about what’s going on because- because there are lots of unknowns and lots of things and it's… it's scary not knowing things. It's lonely and isolating to stand in the face of things unknown with no one there to stare them down with you. 

Make of that what you will, folks. I’m exhausted and realize that– that was probably a strangely long and convolutedly metaphorical introduction to what will be me doing my best to clearly explain our theory. We’ll uh, send out David’s list with our next newsletter so that you can read it too but- okay. Here’s the deal: 

That sound- that I can’t really find words for and I’m sure none of us really want to talk about or remember right now- well, its mostly David’s hypothesis, and I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, that it might have been some kind of widespread, targeted frequency programming… of like, us. There’s a bunch of numbers here David included but to sum it up, its just like… the use of certain broadcasted frequencies to influence behavior and once they found the right one it… made us… you know. 

I know how it might sound to some of you, and, if we hadn’t all just experienced- whatever the hell that was, I’d probably also be a little skeptical too, but… well, like I’ve said a few times recently: given all we’ve experienced, given the nature of this place, given the long list of bad things they’ve done to us before– it isn’t that strange an idea.

Just… upsetting. 

Town Council have proved so many times that they… [SHE SIGHS] in some ways it isn’t surprising that they’d do this to us, but in others…

Not surprised, just disappointed, huh? [LAUGHS A LITTLE]

First the sound, and now the lavender. What’s next, I wonder? 


Anyways… that’s really it. That’s all I have prepared to talk about. But, we’re not signing off or going away. We’re gonna be, uh, broadcasting more or less non-stop until we can figure this out, or now that we think we’ve figured it out. Even though uh, they’ve proved in the past they can broadcast over us if they really want to. We just… don’t know what else to do. We’ve got nothing better going on. I know David’s gonna be checking every once in a while whether or not that frequency or any other new ones are being broadcasted elsewhere, but until we can guarantee somehow that it isn’t coming back, [She sighs] we’ll be here. 

Before he went to bed, David said that so far, so good, but- we just want to be sure.  

So- first shift. For now, I guess, we… I might just- sit here. In silence. You don’t mind, do you listeners? My headache may be gone but my ribs are acting up again, y’know I don’t think they ever healed right- uh- Oh, I guess- I could put on some music. Let me see what I have-- I don’t remember this CD, I’ve never seen it before, why don’t we see what’s on it? 


JESS: Hey, you scared me, I didn’t hear– what’s up?  

[Martha sits on the chair next to her]

MARTHA: I’m sorry. 

JESS: It's okay. You don’t have to keep–  None of it was anyone’s fault. 

MARTHA: How’s your lip? 

JESS: Fine. I’ve had worse. How’s your jaw- oh, dude. I’m sorry. Sorry- I probably shouldn’t touch it, don’t know what I was thinking-

MARTHA: No, it was kinda nice. You’ve got cold hands. Some things don’t change huh? 

JESS: Some things. 

MARTHA: Okay, so, who taught you to punch? Cause you definitely did not know how to hit like that-- before. 

JESS: My knuckles are paying for it. 

MARTHA: Seriously, I was supposed to teach you. 

JESS: I know, I'm sorry. 

MARTHA: It's okay. [PAUSE] I- I made you something. 

JESS: What? 

[The sound of a mug on the table] 

MARTHA: It broke into big enough pieces that- that I could glue it back together. I wouldn’t necessarily drink out of it anymore, but it’d work for pencils or… something. Sorry I tried to throw it at your head. 

JESS: You didn’t have to do that. 

MARTHA: Yeah I did. And I wanted to. 

JESS: That’s-- thanks. Martha,  I… I, uh... 

MARTHA: I know. Well, first watch. Can I keep you company? 

JESS: Yeah, I was just about to put some music on for a bit. 

MARTHA: I’ll make us some coffee.  

JESS: Great. 


TANNER: Do you smell that? 

JESS: What? 

TANNER: Burning. 

MARTHA: Toast? 


TANNER: No- just burning- I think something outside- [HE GOES TO THE WINDOW] Oh my-- There’s a fire outside- look out the window. 

JESS: What?


TANNER: Look. Glowing smoke, just beyond the trees– Do you see that? 

MARTHA: Oh shit. 

JESS: That’s coming from the far side of town… 


JESS: Alright, listeners, I know we said we were- not signing off, but that ‘sitting in silence’ or music I was hoping to do is going to have to wait as it seems there’s a fire. We don’t really know any more than that, but there is a fire burning somewhere across town. My guess is it's pretty substantial, as where there was the sickly, perfume-y smell of lavender hanging in the air only minutes ago, there is now the sickening, choking, heaviness of smoke. We had to close the window, it was so strong, so we can only imagine how bad it is for you folks properly in town. 

The wind seems to be blowing the wall of smoke our way, though. 


I’m standing at the window, holding the mic, just- watching the smoke rise in the dark. It was hard to make out against the shade of night at first, but now… the faintly underlit smoke seems to be reaching across the sky. 


Do you folks remember that storm we had- forever ago? The one that seemed alive, like the sky was home to a great and writhing thing? The way the smoke moves, it- it's alive. It’s breathing and extending tendrilled limbs across the sky, stretching, like its- like its reaching for something. Like, if I was standing outside, I could reach back and it would- it would grab me. I don’t know how to explain it or why, but I’m reminded of that storm. A cold sense of… of smallness at the pit of your stomach. A feeling I’ve known far too many times for my liking. That feeling, like you’re standing in the face of… something.

Maybe you all feel the same knowing as you’re staring at it. Knowing that this fire is– something. Means something, even. We see our fair share of wildfires out here, but this one… I’ve never seen one breathe before. I’ve heard people talk about fire seeming like a living thing, the way it moves, it dances but… uncanny, I think, is the word. Do you see it too? 

Maybe you’re too busy to notice. I’m sure this fire has brought not only destruction but chaos. We wish we could be there to help. 

The last time we were here- a field of lavender, a fire burning- it was under control. We had friends- mysterious friends of mysterious natures, with mysterious intentions- who, who took care of things for us.  

This time around feels a lot… lonelier. Standing at the edge of a great big burning in the dark, unsure if there’s anyone else out there. If there’s anyone else who can see those orange tongues licking the night air, scorching the earth… 

The question of something out there is a burning that will not be quenched. 

Maybe you’ve had the same thought, maybe you haven’t, so I’ll… share what I’m thinking. Whether someone might see the fire from the highway. Whether someone might… remember us. Remember we’re here, all the way out here, and- and I don’t know. I know that, last we’d heard there was some sort of blockade, or something on the road preventing access to the town. Last we’d heard, people were told there was no one here. 

Which, feels… malicious, doesn’t it? To not only shut down the town with all of us still here, but to lie about it to anyone out there that might be able to help us? 

But I don’t know. Even if they only think of us, of Braedon, for a moment… Maybe the fire will be a beacon for someone. 

Or something. Perhaps a less comforting thought. That there could be other things out there in the dark, other things lurking that… 

I don’t know. I don’t know what’s out there; if anything is out there. I mean, I used to believe that there was always something out there. The world is so vast, and unending, and full of shadowed corners… 

Would you rather a lonely darkness, or a shadow that was home to something unknown? Unseen, but felt? 

Remember what I said earlier about not knowing? The way it feels like- 

It feels like this. 

[SFX: Crickets, wind, coyote call] 

You’re in your home. Maybe it's a farmhouse. Or maybe it's just a house set back and away from the lights of a sleepless town, on a street half-swallowed in shadow. Alone. Maybe you are sitting in a chair, or at the table, with a single lamp doing its best to illuminate the world around you. Maybe you only have the moonlight gently shining through the window. It is night, late at night, and the crickets and coyotes and the cool breeze all harmonize to serenade the ended day. 

[SFX: Knocking, scratching, vocal echo]

And then, suddenly, you hear a noise outside your door. Maybe knocking. Maybe scratching. Maybe a voice you didn’t expect to hear. Maybe something worse, still. Maybe you see the shadow of something through the crack at the bottom of the door. And you are alone. In a small pool of light. In that room. Maybe the sounds of nature die away. Maybe you are left in silence- save for that sound at the door. That sound that leaves a fell thickness in the air, that leaves a cold stillness in the room. 

And you look around that room, maybe to make sure you’re alone, maybe to hope that you aren’t. And your eyes fall on the window, open and unveiled by curtains. And beyond it: your neighbour’s house, with their lights still on, smoke in their chimney. They are awake and you can see their silhouette sitting in a chair, or at the table. 

And you know that whatever’s on the other side of that door, you aren’t the only one out there. Where it's knocking. Where it's scratching. Where's it calling. Where there’s a shadow deeper than the colour of the night, just visible in the darkness of your home. 

Sure, it's very likely that they dont know whats on the other side of the door either, But, not knowing things together-- it feels better, doesn’t it? Easier to bear the burden of the unknown when there’s other hands to help. When you know you can shout into the night and you will be heard by more than just the crickets and the coyotes and the wind. 

It's better than sitting alone in the dark, unable to ask if anyone else hears that thing on the other side of the door, or if anyone else sees the shifting, stirring shadow amongst the great wall of unmoving shadow, because no one else is there. 

I think… what I’m trying to say is: yes, I hear it. Yes, I see that shadow too. No you aren’t alone in the darkness. 


I think we're gonna try and get a better grasp on the fire situation. 

We’re gonna go to a break– but, again, we’re not gonna be going anywhere for the next little while, so… I guess, instead of saying the usual sign off, I’ll say… 

Stay safe, talk to you soon. 


SAM: Are we more than we are? Welcome to Spirit Box Radio, now hosted by, er, me, Sam Enfield! I used to be the PO Box boy but since Madame Marie and all of her loyal assistants disappeared, I’m the only one left. I’m sure I’ll figure it out. I have noticed a couple of things seem a little bit off here in the studio, like these augury forecasts which keep appearing out of nowhere, and all these weird messages—

CATS: Mrrow!! MEEP!

SAM: And all of these cats keep showing up, too. I have no idea where Madame Marie has gone. She’ll be back though, I’m sure! It’ll all be fine, right? Right. I may not know much about magic, ghosts, or the arcane but I’m sure we can figure it out together, faithful listeners. Everything will be fine! Tune in to new episodes of Spirit Box Radio every Thursday, and learn how there are much worse things than ghosts to be haunted by!

PIPPIN: Spirit Box Radio is a cosy horror audio drama with themes of grief, love, and identity, with new episodes releasing every week wherever you listen to podcasts. To find transcripts and learn more about the show, visit hangingslothstudios.com/spirit-box-radio. Spirit Box Radio is recorded in front of a dead studio audience.

RECORDING MACHINE: Tune in, get spooky.

REVEL: Meow!!