Nowhere, On Air

Episode 45: The Fog Rolls In

July 01, 2024 Season 3 Episode 45
Episode 45: The Fog Rolls In
Nowhere, On Air
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Nowhere, On Air
Episode 45: The Fog Rolls In
Jul 01, 2024 Season 3 Episode 45

Try not to get lost out there, folks. There are other things that wander and lurk.

The voice of Clark Olsen is Shaun Pellington. The voice of Tanner is Chuck Raymond. The voice of Elmur Braedon Jamison is Rat Grimes.

Featuring Alex Nursall and Harlan Guthrie as Voices.

untitled track #7 (live) (aka night hike) written and performed by Jesse Syratt. Music from the show can be found on bandcamp!

Featuring sound effects by contributors.

CW: Existentialism, dissociation, mentions and depictions of blood and bleeding, depictions of violence, panic, and brief Emetophobia warning from 41:04 to 41:15.

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Show Notes Transcript

Try not to get lost out there, folks. There are other things that wander and lurk.

The voice of Clark Olsen is Shaun Pellington. The voice of Tanner is Chuck Raymond. The voice of Elmur Braedon Jamison is Rat Grimes.

Featuring Alex Nursall and Harlan Guthrie as Voices.

untitled track #7 (live) (aka night hike) written and performed by Jesse Syratt. Music from the show can be found on bandcamp!

Featuring sound effects by contributors.

CW: Existentialism, dissociation, mentions and depictions of blood and bleeding, depictions of violence, panic, and brief Emetophobia warning from 41:04 to 41:15.

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Episode 45: The Fog


JESS: Sorry for the impromptu break there, listeners, that went on a little longer than I meant it to but… seems like it might be an extended broadcast again tonight, as… 

Well, I’m sure you can all see what’s going on. This is an interesting development, to say the least, and, as I’m sure you already know, we’ve got nothing better to do than to be on standby for potentially relaying any updates related to the current goings on. We are, after all, still your community radio station. Technically. Mostly because we say so. But that’s what we’re here for. Keeping you updated, for better or for worse. Through the bad times, the bizarre, the cosmically unfathomable, and the good. 

Not sure which category this falls under, yet, but stay tuned as we find out, together. It's just nice to have something immediate to talk about again. I told you something would happen, didn’t I? 

I’m not sure if anyone is looking for advice on whether or not it's safe to go outside right now, and I know there was a time where we could offer such informed assurances to you, admittedly sourced to us by Town Council, but those days are far behind us, and our doubts in their credibility run far deeper. However, if you’re interested in what my gut says, it says: I don’t know. Not helpful, I guess, but… you and I are in the same, uncertain boat together, and perhaps there is something comforting in that. 

You shouldn’t weather things alone, if you can help it. That being said, if you can’t help it, which I’ve found is more often the case, that’s okay. It's okay to be alone sometimes. 


Do you believe in ghosts, listeners? I’ve always been on the fence about it personally. I don’t think I could ever believe myself to be so right about it that I could let myself believe. I used to have stronger feelings on it, ones of the downright skeptical variety, and then I came here. And– saw a ghost. Probably. That’s what it seemed like was happening. You remember, don’t you? We were on air. It was the almost halloween after the dinosaur skeletons on display at the museum “hadn’t” come to life and rampaged throughout town and…  So long ago. In another life, huh? 

But still. I have to say I’m on the fence. Because, maybe I believe ghosts are real in Braedon. But– anywhere else? I’m not so sure. 

That being said, I don’t want to say I think ghosts are happening right now, especially considering my own personal convictions. I don’t think it's ghosts. But, I would be comfortable calling it ghost-adjacent. I’m saying all this because reports have come in that there are… figures in the mist. Apparently. According to rumours, and also the odd, person shaped silhouette in the mist that have been intermittently passing by the window. One of them right now has been… standing in the frame of the window for the past three minutes or so. I can’t make out any details or identifying features, but… I’m fairly certain they’re staring at me, and… I have the strangest feeling that I might be staring back. 


JESS: I feel very much… not like a deer in the headlights, more like… a rabbit caught clear in the gaze of a hungry, drooling coyote. Or kai-yoat, if you prefer. My parents always differed, but my mother said coyote and I guess I just liked the extra syllables. But… I feel very much like I am under the gaze of something with… well, predatory intent. All the hairs on the back of my neck are standing upright, and…

And it's gone. Stepped back, consumed and disappeared, into the fog so heavy you cannot see, cannot breathe…


JESS: Um. What was I saying? 

Right. Yes. I was talking about… this. 

I apologize for neglecting to directly discuss it earlier, so let’s segue into weather super quick. Especially if you for some reason have not at all looked outside in the last little while, I imagine you may need catching up. 

The fog. Mist? I think its fog. To be honest I don’t know the difference. I don’t know if there is a difference. But whatever it is, it settled in about… two hours ago now, I wanna say? To be honest, lately, and I’m sure this comes as no surprise, I’ve been avoiding looking at clocks, which perhaps is an irresponsible and irrational thing to do, but more and more they all seem to display different times and operate at different intervals, and… well, I’m sure we are all familiar with the feeling of not knowing who or what to trust… the feeling of odd, lurking shadows and the watchful eyes that peer from within… the feeling that there is a great big thing around the corner, making its way towards us, that we will not see until it's too late. 

But, yeah, [CLEARS THROAT] the Fog. 

It's that “can’t see your hand in front of your face, let alone your own nose” kind of fog. Couldn’t even see if something was in front of you, or coming towards you, until it was too late. It's like- gauze, seemingly fibrous and almost tactile. I stepped out for the briefest of moments earlier, cause there’s this noise I keep hearing, and it felt as though I had a mouth full of cotton balls. But it's not- humid, the air doesn’t seem heavy with evaporated water, but something else— 


Oh– hey, what are you… 


Okay. Yeah. Listeners, pardon the interruption, but Weatherman Todd is here. He looks rather pale, like he’s… well pardon me for saying so, but he looks like he’s seen a ghost. Um. If you’ll excuse us for a second, he’s… motioning that he wants to talk. And, as I believe we may have mentioned in the past, we have a contractual agreement with Todd about him never talking on air. 

I mean, not literally, legally contractually, just like— as a friend. A friend contract. Not even a blood pact just— yeah. Be right back. 


I have a weather update, courtesy of Weatherman Todd, which admittedly surpasses the categorization of weather. We both agreed it was unnecessary to repeat any report of the fog, and further went on to say that he didn’t have any science-informed comments to add regarding the matter anyways. He did however, have a comment on the differentiation between mist and fog, which is not as interesting as I wanted it to be. It has to do with what extent of visibility it affects, and mist could essentially be considered “light fog” so I guess we can confidently declare this to be Fog that is happening right now. 

Regarding the update, Todd’s having uh, something to drink and is also currently talking to River downstairs, but– he just shouted up to say it's more of a field report than an update, if you will. 

Todd was making his way to local photographer Sam Tracy’s place because she had reached out to tell him the pictures from the sinkhole, Officer Carlton’s pictures, had finished developing. There was no coherent summary as to what they depicted, Todd told me, and further one of the pictures, according to Sam, had started to melt in her hands when she touched it, so transportation is currently a new issue they’re discussing before we can get our hands on them. Or not, because maybe they’d melt, but, anyways, this point is mildly irrelevant as Todd never made it to Sam’s. I’m not exactly sure how he made it here instead, as he didn’t mean to– but to be fair I imagine it's incredibly easy to get lost out there right now. But I guess we also didn’t mean to end up here, y’know? Where we are now, that- it wasn’t a path we were trying to take. The way that roads so often appear before us, roads that we never intended or wanted to take. 

Todd described the kind of things we ourselves have been noticing about the fog. Its thickness, its texture, and the uncanny quality it, and most things have, here in Braedon. Also, the uh, figures that seem to inhabit it. 


There’s another one at the window. 


What was that? 


Sorry, listeners. I lost my train of thought there for a second. Um. 

Todd also recounted for me his experience of running into what he is convinced was an older version of himself, who seemed to flicker in and out of existence like someone was fiddling with antennas on top of a TV, then seemed to shift like someone was changing the channels. I asked Todd if he spoke to himself at all, to which he replied “he spoke, I heeded.” 

According to Todd, this version of himself repeated a couple of phrases over and over, like a CD jumping, namely “something’s going wrong”, “the path’s have narrowed” and “it's not too late”,  before he dissipated, like a puff of steam in the wind. 

Which, Todd took the time to remind me, is all we really are in the grand scheme of things. A brief visible breath against the cold indifference of the expansive universe and time. I told him I was trying not to think that way about things these days. He said he couldn’t help it. I said I understood. [SNIFFS, THEN, QUIETLY:] 

Oh, shit- dammit, uh–


JESS: It's just a nosebleed. I’m fine. Not the first time I’ve bled on air, doubt it’ll be the last. 

CLARK: You’re just- you’re quite pale. 

JESS: Not getting enough sunlight. 

CLARK: Are you feeling alright otherwise? 

JESS: Got a headache. 

CLARK: Again? 

JESS: It's just a headache. 

CLARK: …Alright. 

JESS: I- thanks for your help, but I think it's stopped bleeding. 

CLARK: Right. Good. Well, sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to…  

JESS: [QUIETER] Hey. I’m sorry I said we don’t trust you. Earlier. Yesterday.

CLARK: Oh, well, I… 

JESS: I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t really mean it.

CLARK: You were angry. 

JESS: Yes, but it's not just that. And I don’t mean to be, I just… 

CLARK:  I think you’re a little entitled to be, for what it's worth. 

JESS: Not to be mean, though. 

CLARK: No. But I think I understand how you feel.

JESS: Yeah. The old you and I, we… understood each other in a lot of ways and… 

CLARK: I’m still— just because I look different– 

JESS: And you’re all British now–

CLARK: Yes, that too– doesn’t mean I’m different. I’m still me. I don’t feel any different, at least. 

JESS: That’s good. What I wanted to say is, as… another person who also isn't from here, I’m sorry you couldn’t get out. Go home… 

CLARK: Yeah, me too. And, likewise. 

JESS: Ah, I had my chance. 

CLARK: What happened?

JESS: I was too late. But I know you wouldn’t have chosen to be here and, well. You’ve done a lot of good here. I just- I’m not sure I’ve ever really said thanks– 

TANNER: [APPROACHING] Hey, Clark, wanna come with me and— everything okay? 

JESS: Yeah, everything’s fine now. Where are you going? 

TANNER: I- wanted to go outside, explore. See what people are talking about, make sure it's not dangerous. 

JESS: Speaking of going outside, I’ve been thinking… The fog. It's a great opportunity. A great cover. 

CLARK: For what? 

JESS: For you to go home. 

TANNER: Come on-

JESS: I’m serious. Think about it. No one’s gonna catch you in this, and, Stephen said—

TANNER: I still can’t believe you trust that guy. 

JESS: I don’t- trust him. I just believe him. 

TANNER: Have you— [PAUSE] are you just trying to get rid of us? 

JESS: No. No, I just, can’t help but think—-

TANNER: What, we just- leave you here? 

JESS: I can’t help but think about your mom, Tanner. She probably misses you. She’s probably scared. 

CLARK: You don’t want us here anymore? 

JESS: Forget I said anything. It was just a thought. 

CLARK: You shouldn’t be here alone.

TANNER: besides, where would Clark go?

JESS: I don’t know. I don’t know. But you… Just- maybe keep it in mind. 

TANNER: That you don’t want us here?

JESS: That I don’t expect anything from you. I don’t expect you to stay, if you want to leave, at any time, for whatever reason– you can. I just– if anything happened to you– 

TANNER: We’re not just gonna walk out on you. No matter how much you try to make us leave. 

JESS: I’m not- that’s not what I’m doing. 


TANNER: That was right outside the window. 

JESS: Still wanna go out there?

TANNER: Don didn’t happen to leave a gun or something here? 

JESS: No. Not that that’s a good idea. What if it's… a friend…?  

CLARK: Could be Martha. 

TANNER: Yeah, could be. Except… 

JESS: Bad feeling? 

TANNER: Not bad. Just weird. 

CLARK: I- I’ll come with you. 

JESS: Cool– let me just– [PAUSE] I think this thing is broken cause it– I swear I switched it to a break!


Its the season of things lurking in the dark

Maybe this was ill-advised

But i’ll pretend that i think I can face anything

As long as its your hand thats in mine

Tell me you recognize this face

Tell me you know this voice

Promise me that i didn’t make

The wrong choice 

Each snap, every shift, every sound that we hear

Sends a prickling down my spine

But if anyone asks we’ll laugh and say 

It seemed like a good idea at the time

Do you feel the eyes, stalking and sharp?

Did you also just realize no one knows where we are? 

On the dark road

Where things follow

I will walk with my eyes closed

I don’t want to see where this goes

And that path

Through the valley

We’ll follow it all the way down

Even bury ourselves in the ground

I say at least the sky is clear

The stars are many and immense

You say we’re lost, look back through the trees

How far back was the fence? 

The rabbit always knows any moment he’s about to be prey

But do you think he sees beauty out here the same way? 

The light flickers and fades as the batteries die

We’ve still got halfway to go

In the dark I ask if you also feel like

We’re the butt of some joke? 

Look out to the fields

Its too dark to see

I can’t help but feel something is waiting

To catch me in its teeth 

And on the dark road

Where things follow

I will walk with my eyes closed

As long as we make it back home 

And that path

Through the valley

Follow it all the way down

Bury ourselves in the ground 

It's the end of the road sooner than we expect

Doesnt mean theres no signs

It sneaks up on us when our backs are turned

One careful step at a time

I never learned how to bleed

Without making a mess 

If my blood is on your hands

Know that I tried my best 

And I confess I keep having dreams 

Everything ends out here 

Swallowed whole by something

That can smell my fear 


JESS: Sorry listeners. There was a second there- well, more than a second- I forgot I was broadcasting. I hope I didn’t leave you alone for too long. I was wandering, mind and body. Tanner and Clark left, and quickly my curiosity got the better of me, and I went for a walk myself… and… 

As always, I wish I had more for you listeners. An explanation, some reassurance grounded in knowing, facts, but unfortunately, all I have to offer are my own impressions, and the isolated report of my own experience… 

At first, to be honest, I considered maybe the fog was some— hallucinogenic aerosol vapor thing meant to like, cover for something else going on. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but that… radio frequency that made us all go bananas and try to kill each other comes to mind. And the government quarantine of the town in general… and I would have been compelled to continue to believe such a thing, if not for the fact that I too met something in the mist. 

Not in a “things are only real or believable if I have a first hand experience” kind of way, but in a way where I am now attuned to the knowing in my bones that I have experienced the impossible… or, I suppose what I should call the highly improbable. 

Sorry. I’m a little spacey at the moment. I, uh- 

150 something years ago now, this little town was founded. I remember it’s birthday. It was a good day. We got a dollar store, Mayor Simon was still his happy old self, and the ghost of our founder was fluttering in and out of existence on main street. 

He says hi. By the way. Braedon. I ran into him. Literally, face first, into him in the fog. Except… he wasn’t a ghost. He was— a solid, person shaped thing in the mist that clarified the longer we stood next to each other. 

He introduced himself very kindly and asked if “I had any idea what this fog was”, (ELMUR: ... any idea what this fog is?) 

and told me that they “were building here, (ELMUR: ... we’re building here…) that people were scared because strangers seemed to be appearing out of nowhere in the cloud.” (ELMUR: ...folks are troubled, I’m sure you understand … strangers seem to be appearing out of nowhere in this cloud.) 

I told him I could try and explain but that I didn’t think it’d be super helpful. He asked my name. ELMUR: What is your name? I told him. He asked me where I was from. ELMUR: Where are you from?  I said nowhere. 


ELMUR: [LAUGHING A LITTLE] I think I understand. I always thought this place felt like it was a step away from the world, towards something…

JESS: Stranger? 

ELMUR: Maybe not yet, but soon. 

JESS: I guess it depends on your definition of soon. 

ELMUR: Y’know, I had a dream. About a field. A storm. A voice. 

JESS: Oddly enough, I know… Why are you telling me?

ELMUR: Seemed important. And if you pardon my saying so, it seemed like you’d had it. 

JESS: That’d be pretty strange… What do you think it means? 

ELMUR: The air is heavy. Expect a storm will be upon us soon. 

JESS: I’ve been thinking the same thing for a long time. 

ELMUR: There’s some time yet. 

JESS: I hope so. 


ELMUR: There’s something out there. 

JESS: There always is. We should- we should go inside somewhere. I imagine we’re going separate ways? 

ELMUR: I’d hate to leave you to fend for yourself– 

JESS: I’ll be okay. But you- be careful. I mean, this has already happened so you shouldn’t be able to die here because time, but time is weird and dangerous and also arguably fake, so– 

ELMUR: You think you’ll be able to find your way home? 

JESS: I should hope so. Not many roads left to get lost on. 

ELMUR: Well, they always surprise ya. [BEAT] Well, pleased to make your acquaintance, Jess, in spite of the present circumstances. 

JESS: Likewise, Braedon. It was really great to meet you. 

ELMUR: I won’t say til we meet again as I expect we will not, so I will say safe travels. 

JESS: Happy wandering. 


JESS: All in all, a good conversation. I was–  

TANNER: Okay, no, seriously: how are you doing that? 

JESS: Doing what? 

TANNER: You’re talking and there’s voices– like, you actually don’t hear it? 

JESS: That’s– I hate to break it to you, but that’s what talking is–

TANNER: I’m serious– 

JESS: I’m telling you I just met the guy who founded this town 150 years ago like, 10 minutes ago, and you’re caught up on–

TANNER: Did you record it? 


TANNER: Then why can we hear it? How can we hear it–?

JESS:NI’m just- doing what I’m always doing. The radio. 


JESS: Wait- when did you get back, anyways? Also- where’s Clark? 


JESS: I’m sure Clark is fine. For those of you concerned. Tanner said he lost him in the Fog, just turned around and he was gone. So, Clark, if you can hear us, we hope you find your way back to us. Again. 

And I can’t– I feel so stupid, listeners, if you’ll pardon my language. I don’t know how the journal entry I read slipped my mind so quickly, I think I was just– caught up in the weight of the moment. The fog not only clouded the air, but clouded my mind as well. And, well, there are some impossibilities to embrace in acknowledging the situation in its entirety because– 

That– I read about it in the journal. I read about it outloud. And then it happened. That- that has to be coincidence, right? That was just an unbelievable, totally improbable but not impossible cosmic coincidence, right? Cause it happened in the past so it's not like I made it happen. Except– well, who’s to say the past isn't as fluid as the present and the future? Who’s to say time isn’t a ball of yarn constantly wrapped over and over on itself and… occasionally overlaps. Maybe that was both the first and last time that happened. 

And. Listen. I know. I know. The whole the “past comes back to haunt us” comment is so obviously there, so I won’t make it beyond that acknowledgement, but… it's trite and repeated for a reason. Sometimes it does, it steps out of the mist of memory and introduces itself to us. Finds its way through the fog of time to revisit us, and remind us that it's still there, in echoes and shadows. Things can’t be what they are without what they have been. A path is as much where it ends up as it is all the places it takes you to get there. As difficult or painful or terrifying as that can be sometimes. All the things you’ve done, all the things you regret, they’re just- stones along the way. 

The things and people that came before us will always be a part of us. That’s a given. Our present circumstances can turn the history we carry with us into a burden. Hindsight is a tricky lens through which to view our experiences, and grief is more often than not the glare on the lens of our memories. The happy ones are painful because they’re gone, reminders of the things we’ve lost, and the painful ones ache because they keep pointing out all the things we should have done differently.  

But it's how we choose to carry what the past has given us that counts. If we do not remember our histories in their fullness and completion, we would not be honouring ourselves. If we do not remember, even painfully, our mistakes, we are dooming ourselves to run down the same road. We are whole, even with our missing pieces, because everything comes together to create the metaphysical shape that is us. Me. You. The imprint you leave on the cosmic tapestry of all things. 


Just because you’re not who you thought you’d be… doesn’t mean you’ve changed for the worse. One of the most beautiful parts of growth is that it’s unpredictable. At your own pace. In an unexpected environment. Sometimes it even feels like there’s no way you’ve grown because you can’t see any evidence of it. You can’t quantify or measure it. But then, one day, maybe way down the road, you find an echo of what used to be, and you get to see just how far you’ve come. We are constantly becoming. And we couldn’t do it without who and what we’ve been. 

[LOWLY] As much as that sucks sometimes. 


JESS: And there’s Clark. Good. We were starting to worry about you. 

He…hmmm. Looks like he’s seen something he can’t unsee. 

Oh. He’s giving me a thumbs up, looks like I read him right that time. 

Seems like a good place to sign off tonight. I- …


Sorry. Spacy. Head full of clouds and memories. Yeah, I think that’s a good place to end for now. Well, not end. I think I’d said we’d be here, so we’ll- I’ll- be on standby for any possible Fog updates but, I have a pretty good feeling it’ll be gone soon. I can’t tell you much about the- what I’m assuming was a creature in the mist that Braedon and I heard, but, well, I doubt it's the only thing wandering out there anyways. We’ll worry about it if we have to. 

Stay safe. Sleep well. Thank you for being here with us. And for you, out there, past, present, and future, wandering, I hope you find your way home, and that whatever Fog you find yourself in clears soon. 

Thanks for tuning in. 


JESS: Hey, Martha. It's me. Back again with today’s chapter in the apocalypse audio diary. I'm workshopping names. 

I’m– I’m in a house that uh, actually still has an intact mirror in the bathroom and uh, after giving myself the jump scare of my life… I realized that I need a haircut. Honestly it's not so much that it's actually too long, but it's… too long. Y’know. It's easier to keep clean the shorter it is, anyways, and I won’t have to brush it, so… 

And hey, if this looks like shit, no one is around to see me anyways so. 


JESS: I’m just- talking to you for emotional support. 


JESS: It's like that time I cut my bangs in the station bathroom. I don’t remember what prompted that adventure but, I’m glad you were there with me. I wish you could be here. 

Except not actually. I’m glad you aren’t here. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It's a selfish sort of hypothetical, because if you honestly gave me the choice to bring you here to be with me or not, I’d choose to be alone. 


JESS: That did not take as long as I expected.


It doesn’t look terrible… it doesn't look great but, I’d say as far as amateur haircuts go… 

Gotta look your best for the apocalypse, right? Not that anyone’s around to judge–


JESS: Spoke too soon. I– I think someone’s here. Or something. I thought I’d checked but the staircase didn’t look structurally sound so I didn't go all the way upstairs. My mistake. 

Well. At least I’ve got some scissors. Just in case it's an “animal”. You can’t see but I did air quotes. 

It's probably just a person but… I haven’t met any people yet so I don’t know what the deal is…  


JESS: I don’t know if– this is a great idea but I’m just– gonna go out there. I can’t wait here forever. 


JESS: Shit- oh my god, oh my god- I– I didn’t mean to- no no no I didn’t mean to– I’m sorry- I’m sorry I— no no no 


JESS: Let me– 


JESS: I’m not- I’m not trying to hurt you just let me–

JESS: No, no please- wake up– please, come on!


JESS: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to…


JESS: Shit, I– shit—-- 


I can beg the coming years to be kind all I want

But I know they’ll go their way, I’ll go mine

And I can ask you for answers you can’t give

But I wouldn’t believe you if you tried

If there’s a better way to face the unknown

I don’t know it

But there’s no other path to take

To get where we’re going

On the dark road

Where things follow

I will walk with my eyes closed

I know the way I’m supposed to go

And that path

Through the valley

I will follow it all the way down

Bury myself in the ground