Bonus broadcast

JESS: Hey, there folks. If you can hear me that means you’re tuned in to 1110 AM- whether it be through your radio, the siren poles situated on every street corner, or your heart. Welcome to a special broadcast brought to you by Braedon’s 150th anniversary. Martha and I are here, downtown, and we’re coming to you live from town centre, where some of the festivities have begun. The nuclear lava lamp we call the sun is high, the sky is vast and cloudless, and there’s a slight breeze to take the edge off. It is a beautiful day to come on down and gather with your community and do community things! 

And if the weather’s not enough to entice you, we have a food truck this year! How fun! I’m not sure what it's serving, and so far no one has been brave enough to approach it… I mean, it doesn’t look like anyone’s, well, running it, but fun nevertheless! It’s the thought that counts. It’s what it represents, more than whether or not it actually serves food. 

But I’ll pay someone five dollars to go check and see if it's serving food. Stop by the tent if you’re interested.


There’s a lovely buzz on the air today. People- and also bees- milling about, smiles on their faces, and brought here, together by a sense of community- and also the town law which makes community events compulsory to attend. 

A series of white tents line the square, each offering a variety of goods and entertainment. Farmer Daniels is here, selling a weird, locked box he found buried underneath his barn a few weeks ago, as well as some old farming equipment, hand painted pottery his wife made, and some steaks from the recent batch of cattle he slaughtered. 

Martin’s grocery has brought the finest of their bakery selections, so everything, and Elizabeth Shaw and her friend Ashley are selling homemade earrings made of resin cast wildflowers, butterflies, and scorpions. 

If you come on down to our little tent and tell us your favourite thing about Braedon, we’ll give you a chance to be on air and a little show sticker! We wanna hear what makes this town a home to all of you. 

In the meantime, here’s a pre-recorded word from today’s sponsor! 

Regarding the meeting in the old steel quonset at the north edge of the county last Wednesday at 8:32 pm:

For all those in attendance who were previously aware of the meeting, thank you for coming. 

For all those in attendance who were previously aware of what the meeting was about, it was nice to see you again.

For the family and friends of those in attendance whom the meeting did not concern, our condolences. We are sorry for your loss. 


Look who it is! Mayor Simon! I know you’re a busy man sir, but would you be willing to say a few words to the town in honour of today’s celebrations? We’re live. 

MAYOR: Sure. Howdy, Braedon. Mayor Simon here, happy, uh, happy anniversary. Birthday? Happy birthaversary. 

JESS: Mr. Mayor, what’s your favourite thing about Braedon? 

MAYOR: Well, now, I’d have to say all of you listening- the good people of this fine town.  

JESS: Awe, well thanks so much for stopping by, sir. Can I interest you in a sticker? 

MAYOR: How could I refuse? You ladies have a fine day now. Oh, actually uh, one thing before I forget- folks, there’s gonna be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 5 o’clock down on 3rd street. You may have noticed some of the changes going on in the old sweet shop building, but I’m happy to announce today is the grand opening of our very own, franchised, dollar store. See you there. 

JESS: We did it, folks, we finally got a dollar store! Sure, most of the items on the shelves will probably be cursed, radioactive, or even pointless, but it really is worth it for the discount.

Oh, it looks like we’ve got another visitor! Hiya Emily. It’s little miss Emily Reicher, folks. Welcome to our humble tent. Whatdoya want to say? What’s your favourite thing about Braedon? 

EMILY:  Spiders. 

JESS: Sorry? 

EMILY: The spiders. 

JESS: Well, they certainly are… neat. Here’s your sticker, sweetie. 

EMILY: Thank you. 

JESS: Thank you for stopping by. Why don’t you go on and find your parents? (beat) Ah, kids. Full of appreciation and wonder. 

Is that- is that- Town Council member- what’s his name, Steve? How long have I lived here, never once have I actually seen a Council member in person.

MARTHA: They don’t usually come out. Especially not during the day… 

JESS: Excuse me, High and mighty council member Steve! Stephen? Stepheny? 

MARTHA: Jess, don’t call him over- 

JESS: Might we have a few words in the name of community radio? Oh, he’s looking at us! [FAINT INTERFERENCE STARTS] I mean- I think. It's hard to see anything under the hood- he’s heading our way. Sir-

MARTHA: Jess- Stop- 


JESS: What- what’s- Folks, we’re experiencing some- uh-