NOT-JESS: A quick message I have been asked to read before we get started: Remember, this town has its order and it is your responsibility and destiny to maintain that order, you were born or welcomed into that order. 


Welcome back, listeners. 

You know the drill: It's “Nowhere, On Air.” And it's me, Jess. 

Sorry for some of the static interference. When we switch around frequencies so much for whatever reason we do that for, it sometimes means our sound is a little more unpredictable and uncontrollable. However, fear not. Our show tonight will consist of what it always consists of: The information you need to know!


Our first story: 

Everything is fine! There may have been some rumours going around that things were possibly not fine, but you shouldn’t believe everything you hear! Except for right now. You should believe me, listeners. I’m your friend. 

If things were in a state other than fine, I would be the first to let you know. If you needed to know. Sometimes information is filtered and… diluted, for your well being! For the well-being of the community. And this is a community radio show. I am your community radio host. There are roles we each are meant to play, functions we are meant to serve, purposes to fulfill. 

When we each maintain our function, hold fast to our purpose, things are as they are meant to be. When we do not… well, if there were those of us who were not upholding our community responsibilities, then everything wouldn’t be fine, would it? Measures would be enacted to correct any arising issues, if such a thing were to happen. 


So everything is fine. I am fine. Martha is fine. Tanner is fine. Jordan is fine. I hope you are all fine too. 




The traffic report tonight says there are roads, there are cars, and there are those travelling in many directions to many different destinations. 

But don’t worry about where they are going. Worry about where you are going. Do you know where you are? Do you know what direction you’re meant to go? 

If not, ask someone! Ask your community leaders. Your Town Council, who have been elected to lead you, guide you, and otherwise look out for you. 


Having recurring dreams where you tear out your own heart, and with it still beating in your fist, you eat it like an apple and feel the pulsing as the slick and gorey chunks slide down your throat? 

Yes? Gross. Why? Are you okay? 

What a strange and vivid thing to dream about. What do you think it could mean? Do you need to talk with someone about that? 

You can talk to us about it. You can talk to us about anything. Everything. You know my voice. You know me. I am your friend. You can trust me with your secrets. If you are interested in sharing your secrets, you can disclose the- [DISSOLVES INTO STATIC]



A friendly reminder: 

It doesn’t matter what you saw. It doesn’t matter what you heard. There was nothing there. There was never anything there. 

Nothing is out there. 

And now, the weather. 


The sun will shine. Clouds may come. The sky will be blue. The sun will set. Night will come. The sky will be filled with lights, coloured lights, but you are not worried about those, are you? When they are so beautiful. The sun will rise. It will shine. The sky will be blue again. 

But there are no storms on the horizon. There will be no dark skies. There are no storms coming. Nothing is coming. Do not worry. Do not listen to anyone who says otherwise. 


There have been a multitude of requests for updates on the criminal status of Farmer Daniels and the situation surrounding his recent arrest and the sudden, related return of one of our community members. 

Mayor Simon is fine! He is, from this time forward, no longer accepting visitors, or questions about what he does not remember. He does not remember what happened. And that’s alright! There are things meant to be forgotten. There are things better forgotten. 

Farmer Daniels, despite calls for his release from a select few in the community, will remain in custody for the present time. It is unlikely there were any other parties involved in his apparent kidnapping of the ex-mayor. 

Besides, we would know by now, wouldn’t we, folks? With all the proper and qualified authorities looking into what happened, don’t you think if there was information to share, that needed to be shared, it would have been shared by now? 

While we’re on the subject, listeners… seeing as he is no longer mayor, I see no reason why we should continue to assign this title of authority to him for some arbitrary reason. Authority was transferred over to Town Council upon his disappearance, as is dictated in municipal election laws. So, henceforth we will be referring to him by his given name: Simon Vandenbrooke. 

Again, Simon is no longer accepting visitors, calls, or inquiries into his well-being or the state of his memory. If you are truly concerned about him, you can contact Town Council, who can give you an update, and reassure you that he is in good health and good spirits. 


Here’s some evening encouragement: 


Sometimes, things happen. Good things, and not so good things. 




NOT-JESS: But what is life if not the chance to overcome obstacles? To persevere, to struggle, to stand against that which stands against you? To defeat what opposes you? 


Well, within reason, of course. Life is also picking battles, is it not, listeners? Sometimes stopping and considering which battles are worth your effort, your time, worth the risk. Which battles you stand a chance of winning. And when you are just playing with fire. 

Thanks for tuning in. Tune in next time. 




JESS: I’m at the second payphone. I didn’t make it home. Obviously. 

I can see my trailer from where I am- I’ve been parked on the concrete pad behind the motel for the past few weeks. The door is open, all the lights inside are off, but there’s a- a shuffling noise. Like there’s someone inside. Brief, shadowed flickers of movement. Those person-shaped-beings in suits are still behind me, when I stop, they stop. They’re a few meters down the block. I can feel them staring at me. 

The door is open. It’s dark inside. It feels like- like a mouth that’s going to swallow me. 


I’m guessing there’s no one getting these messages. That’s okay. Martha’ll get them at some point. Martha, its not your fault. Its not. I screwed up. Twice, really. That segment, you know, probably didn’t do me any favours, but then I- I thought about what you were saying and, well, I don’t think I’ll get the chance to tell you the whole story or what I found, but I… I went to the building. On the other side of the river. I can hear you just reaming me out in my head and, yeah. Fair enough. 

I just… I don’t know. I don’t know what I was thinking. I wasn’t thinking, I wasn’t. It doesn't matter now. But it's not your fault. That's what I'm saying. Its not. 

I’m somehow so… so frozen in place but also so curious. I feel- compelled, pulled into the dark, gaping void of my trailer. I feel like I want to know what’s shuffling about in the shadow.  

You always joked I’d be the first to die in a horror movie and, well, yeah. 

Anyways. I'm stalling. I don’t really know what to do. I’m pinned between the two- those suited figures, and the threatening, unwelcoming aura currently radiating from my home. I’m- I’m pinned. I might stand a chance booking it down the street, but I don’t know how far I’ll get. 

[SOUND OF A CAR ENGINE] And now that car. Shit.  

I don’t know what to do, but I have a feeling I won’t be at work tomorrow. Sorry.

No one is moving. They know I’m here, I know they’re there, and we both know the other knows. They’re just… waiting. 

Oh- I can- they just turned a light on in the trailer, I can see-- Officer Carlinn just came around from the back of my trailer. And- yeah- that’s O’Dwyer coming from inside. That means... John must be here too then, but I can’t see hi--