Fit Me Forever Podcast

#34 - You Don’t Have To “Count Calories” To Be Successful

The OMNI FIT Season 2

In today's episode we are talking about how you don’t have to count Calories [or Macros] to be successful. At first this topic might make you feel relieved. You might also have some feelings of resistance arise, asking yourself things like, "how is someone supposed to lose fat without knowing what they're putting in their body?"

So often women share with us their frustration with feeling like they won’t make progress if they don’t track every morsel that they eat. GOOD NEWS, that isn’t true and that’s exactly why we wanted to share this content with y’all. 

Here's a few points that we cover today:

  • What is the difference between portioning vs measuring?
  • What can you learn from counting Calories?
  • What do you eat if you DON’T count all the things?
  • Are food labels really accurate? (this one will surprise you!)

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