Artemis Speaks
Artemis Speaks
Jane Goette, Author River Road Memoir
A River Road Memoir is a journey through a young girl’s idyllic childhood in the rural South to her restless adolescence when the Civil Rights struggle becomes urgent and personal to her family. The unfolding story is told through the second daughter’s eyes. Jane is a serious child, the one her father calls, “a tree full of owls,” always thinking, observing, and wondering about meanings.
Unresolved conflicts continue around the family table as the Civil Rights movement evolves, the Vietnam War begins, and chemical plants spring-like poison mushrooms along the river.
Set in the 1950s and 1960s, the conflicts reflected in this book are hauntingly familiar to readers today as Americans continue to battle over the nation’s identity and values.
JANE GOETTE, a Louisiana native, is a teacher, writer, and mother of three. Jane has volunteered with Artemis Journal and served as Associate Editor 2018-2020. She resides in Virginia.