Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr

69 - Praise as a Weapon (Part 2)

Debora Barr Episode 69

Rebroadcast of Episode 19
 Praise is a powerful spiritual weapon against the attacks of the enemy of our soul.    Listen in as Debora interviews Clarise Ottley to hear what happened to her just hours after recording Transformed by the Word Episode 14 – Praise as a Weapon Part 1.  Clarise is a living testimony to the Power of God to fight our battles when we praise Him!

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Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr

Debora 0:25  

Thanks for joining me for Episode 19 of transformed by the word. 

Today, we are revisiting the topic of praise as a weapon with part two of the message from Episode 14.  On February 2, the first episode aired- but what the listeners didn't know at that time was that that episode was actually recorded in late December. And my guest for the show was Clarise Ottley. 

Just hours after we recorded that episode, she experienced a devastating health emergency after proclaiming the power of God to fight our battles through praise. 

Today, Clarise is coming back to tell the story of what happened on that evening. 

Now, if you didn't listen to Episode 14, I encourage you to stop this one. Go back and listen, before returning to this message. 

Stay tuned. We'll be back in just a moment. 

Music Interlude

Debora 2:26  

Clarise, I am so glad that you're able to join me again today, for more reasons than one to be sure.

Clarise Ottley

I'm glad to be here. And for more reasons than one. 

Debora 2:33  

Yeah, the last time we recorded a podcast episode together, neither one of us could have even remotely imagine what would have happened to you that later that same day. Would you share with our listening audience a little bit about what happened that evening, after we discuss the power of using our praise as a weapon?

Clarise Ottley 2:56  

Yeah. Well, I hope your readers or your listeners can understand me. Because I don't have my speech all together yet. But I went out with the intent to do some shopping and some some meandering around, and I had a stroke. 


Yeah, that's crazy. You know, I got a call from one of our dear friends that night. And what really stuck out to me was the fact that we had recorded that podcast episode earlier that day, just about the power of praise as a weapon and how God goes before us in our praise. We could have never imagined what would have happened that night. 

Clarise Ottley 3:57

No, I had no idea. I had no warning. I had no symptoms. And I was in a joyful mood. I was singing praises. I was helping a man who at the Sprint store hadn't had a chance to, to take off his coat even he said, they had been so busy that they hadn't had food and I and I know I remember telling him I said I'll get you some food, you don't have to worry about it. I'll, I'll take care of it. And he insisted that I not and I insisted that I do and you know me I kind of win. 

And and so I I went next door to Ledo's Pizza and I ordered him you know his food that he had requested and waited for it and then took it back to him.

Debora 5:00  

Yeah, and I understand he was working on your cell phone because there was something wrong with it. And then you decided to go over to the dollar store was it?

Clarise Ottley 5:08  

Yeah, yeah, this was wasting some time. He said it was going to take about 30 minutes. And then when I took him his food, he said, No, it's gonna be longer than 30 minutes. So that's it, no problem. I'll just go to the to Dollar Store and, and do something that I wanted to do, which was to get some of the Lysol spray, you know, everybody's about Lysol and everything down. And I said, I'd go get some Lysol spray. And it was no problem. I could, I could wait in my car or do something else. And he said, Well, he thought it would be finished in about an hour or so. And I went to the dollar store. 

And what little, little cans It was very, very small cans. Lysol spray and, and I looked at the cans, and I said, Well, I'll get 12 of them, maybe they'll make, they'll make a whole. And, and I was at the register. And I was paying for my Lysol to pay for the cans of spray. And I remember I, I inserted my debit card. And it didn't actually make the insert - it fell. And I reached to pick it up. And a man said, Oh, I'll pick it up for you. And I said, No, it's not necessary. I can get it. 

And I leaned over and I thought to myself, as I leaned over, I said, why I feel dizzy. And speaking to myself only. And I reached further. And I said, Boy, I'm not gonna come out of this. And then he said, Are you alright? And I said to myself, or I'm going to hit the floor. I'm going down. And I did. 

And what seemed to have happened to me, is a blur, in a sense, because there was a lady in that store, who said, I'm a nurse. And she said, quickly, get me a roll for her head. And she put my head on the roll. And she said, Call 911. 

I heard it. I think I heard everything going on. She said, Get 911. And see someone called I guess. And she was rubbing on my chest. And I was thinking to myself, why is she rubbing on my chest. And she said, she doesn't have a heartbeat. And I said to myself, of course, I've got a heartbeat. I'm listening to you. And she's rubbing my chest and more and more like an irritant is becoming an irritant. 

And she said, her eyes have rolled back in her head. And I said to myself, No, they're not. No, they're not. I wouldn't know that. And she said, she kept calling my name. And she knew my name from the card that I was going to use to pay for the items. And she called my name, she called my name. And then she said, I think she's coming to and I said, I'm not coming to you. I've never been out. I'm thinking to myself, What in the world is wrong with this lady? 

And she said, she said to me, she said Clarise, Clarise. And, and I didn't say anything out of my mouth. I'm trying to and I said, Okay, something's wrong. something seriously wrong. I can't answer her. And she said, Why don't you tell me who I can call? And he says, I've called EMT. And they're outside waiting. 

And they rushed in, like a storm. These guy's and it was a girl too. And so I was able to whisper loud enough, Jordan, and she asked for his number. And I gave it and she said, okay, Jordan, and I've got his number and she tried calling him and he didn't answer right away, I found out later, but the EMT folk, they were doing things to me so fast.

 They, they got me on that stretcher, they took me out to the ambulance. And I couldn't say, I wanted to say my phone and wanted them to get back to you. Your phone is your life. And I'm wanting them to get my phone and I kept saying phone, phone, except it wasn't that loud. It was barely audible. And the man ran inside of the Dollar store. And he said, Ma'am, they don't have your phone. And he said, we gotta go. 

And I was thinking, What's the big rush? What's the big pressure, I don't know. And I was about five minutes from the hospital. And they get me in there and get me situated. And they would try to get my clothes off. And I couldn't do anything to help them. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. And I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. 

But there was such a peace. Hmm, it is almost unexplainable. The peace that I had in the Dollar Tree, the peace that I had in the ambulance, the peace that I had in the emergency room, it was as if God had blanketed me with himself. Wow. That's what it felt like.


Debora 11:51  

I want to play a short clip from our first episode, where you were talking about how praise is something that we do all day, every day, and that we don't have to try to get a praise, that we don't have to try to muster up a praise. And that sometimes we don't even have the ability to pray. And that night, you could do anything. So let's listen to this short clip from our first episode.

Clip from Podcast Episode 14

Clarise 12:21  

Remember that praise goes before your battle. And we all will have battles. But if we can praise before the battle, even hits, that means you continue to praise praise is something you do all day every day. So then when the battle comes, you don't have to try and get a praise. You don't have to try and muster up a praise. But there are times when you when you may not be able to pray as I've experienced that as well. But praise somehow seems to come forward from the belly, that when prayer may not be able to come from your lips, that praise can go forward. So I would say to them, to remember to praise God before you battle and to also rely upon God's word, especially in Ephesians. Chapter Six, it says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood.

Debora 13:19  

That was a powerful statement that you made the very day that you suffered your stroke. 

Can you share with us now anything that you remember about that night about your communication with God? I know that you you actually got life-flighted from where you live to another hospital. Can you just share with us like how how you knew that God was with you at that time?

Clarise Ottley 13:48  

Well, that's like something else. I had never been on a helicopter. And they took me out to that helicopter. And that same peace, follow me to that helicopter.

Debora 14:02  

I know you're afraid of flying.

Clarise Ottley 14:04  



That wasn't very comfortable for you.

Clarise Ottley 14:06  

I wasn't, I was afraid of flying. But I wasn't afraid of flying in the helicopter or flying anywhere. You know, in any aircraft. It was as if God was letting me know that everything is alright. that everything is gonna be alright. And that I don't have to worry about anything. And I smiled I remember smiling as they took me out. It was a very small plane. Well, aircraft. And I remember I opened my eyes and I could see that ceiling and I thought oh, this is this is really small. But I'm okay. Is it small But I'm okay. 

And the they took me to Ruby Memorial Hospital, which normally is about a half an hour's flight time. And I kept my eyes closed the whole time. And I was just a peace, I can't explain it. I just knew that forever was going to happen to me that God was with me, and it was alright. And and it took an hour to get to Morgantown and they apologized and I thought no need to apologize. 

And they took me out and they, they rushed me into the, the cardiac room. They had to do a cardiac scan a catheter, what is it called CT scan, that's what it is, they had to do a CT scan on me. And before they did a, a procedure where they they go inside of your femoral artery to go into to get this clot. And they wanted to make sure that that clot was still there. 

But at the, at the local hospital, there had been an order from them, the doctor in Morgantown to give me a cut buster. And they did the clot buster, and then they took me off in the aircraft. But what I get to Morgantown, they had put me in the operating room to get this clot. And then they said, We don't need to do that. And they just took me out of the operating room and into a waiting room. 

And I'm thinking, Why don't they need to do it. And it confused me, I was confused. And I couldn't talk, I couldn't get anybody's attention. And the nurse and I wait for the nurse, and I motioned for her to come here. And she came and she had to put her ear to my lips, basically. And I said, Why are they not doing the surgery? And she says, Oh, you don't need it. She said the clot is burst into tiny little pieces. And wow, we don't need to do anything. Wow.


Debora 17:42  

That is amazing. Wow. I remember just when I got the call that night, I was so overwhelmed. And the first thing that I did was call other people that I know that love you and care about you and we just began to intercede for you in prayer. And I don't even know where you were at that moment if you were already on the way to Morgantown or what when I got the call. But I just was I just know that God listened to our prayers. He heard our prayers, and he interceded on your behalf.

Clarise Ottley 18:19  

Oh, yes. I'm sure that you and how I don't know how many other people knew at the time. But I know that that God hears your prayer, the prayer of a righteous man availeth much. And, and in that time of prayer. As you interceded on my behalf. God met you. Right where you were in your prayer for me. And he heard you. It he listened to you. And I do believe that. That the prayers is what? changed that clot. busted by the prayer

Debora 19:08  

Yeah. And even looking back, I mean, my goodness, you had a nurse at Dollar General right there that was able to attend to you right away. I mean, just so many things could have gone a different way that night.

Clarise Ottley 19:23  

Oh, my, it's it's so surreal that I think back on it, and all I can do is shake my head. Mm hmm. And that I cannot believe what happened the way it happened when it happened. And all of that it was as if God orchestrated the plans. For me to the tip degree.

Debora 19:53  

Yeah. Yeah. One of the things that you taught me years ago in the women who worship God is The power of praise. I just remember, I have to tell the story about one of the things that was such a blessing in my life. You used to put out praise weapons, praise weapons, I say, instruments as weapons at the beginning of our class. And we would, we would praise the Lord at the beginning of each one of our classes with these with these instruments. 

And I just had this desire because I kept seeing other people have their own tambourine, and I wanted one of my own. So I remember going to the store there in Shepherdstown, that little music store. And the thing is, I had, in my mind the exact tambourine that I wanted. It was one of those kind of moon half moon shaped white tambourines with a black handle, that's what was in my mind as the instrument that I wanted. But when I went to the store, I couldn't find one, I went to different music stores in the region could not find the tambourine that I was looking for. So I kind of gave up on the whole thing - the whole idea of getting one for myself. 

And then one Sunday morning, when I was driving to church, and I was getting ready to go, I always would go in early and be there when you and the rest of the praise team were there rehearsing before service. And as I was driving down that little country road from my house to the church, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and I backed up my car. And wouldn't you know, the most amazing thing was a white tambourine exact one that I had in my mind's eye, on a fence post of a cow field. A tambourine hanging on a fence post, have you ever seen such a thing, I grabbed that thing I raised to the church. And I remember coming in like a crazy person showing it to all of you. And one of the things that you told me at that time when I brought that instrument in was that God loves it. He loves it when we praise Him. And my heart's desire was to praise him. So he gave me that miracle, to let me know that he was pleased with my desire to praise him. And that tambourine is such a powerful witness and just a powerful thing in my life. And I just, that was amazing. It was there.

Clarise Ottley 22:28  

I remember that story. I remember it very well as if it were yesterday. And you were so excited. And I think that the, the really grandiose part about that, you didn't do much singing,

Debora 22:44  

Right. But you bet it's because it's not a good thing for other people.

Clarise Ottley 22:51  

But you could beat that tambourine, and you beat that tambourine, and you beat it and you lifted up a instrument of your praise. And he, he inhabited your praise. He said he wouldn't have it to praise. He lives with your praise. And he is consumed by your praise when you do those things that honor him.

Debora 23:18  

Yeah. And it's such a powerful weapon against the enemy, because he was created to praise God, and He lost his position because of his rebellion. Now, we just recently celebrated Easter Sunday, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, how he died on the cross for our sins, and he rose from the dead, conquering death and the grave. And I am reminded about how close you came to death that night, or even permanent injury, but how God - Jesus saved you and he healed you. And as you've been recovering, and reflecting on the power of Jesus, to keep you and to heal you, as is there any particular praise song that's come to your remembrance over and over?

Clarise Ottley 24:07  

Well, it is a song out of a look at this, put to the words of the Scripture. When he when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. And and it's is is a song that I have been reciting every morning since then. God has woken me up and given me this. The song, which is my prayer to him and a kick ass sing a little bit for you. Okay.

Clarise Ottley - 24:58  

Singing The Lords Prayer

Debora 25:51  

Thank you so much. What a powerful praise. 

Thank you Clarise for being with us today and sharing your testimony. I know that it is an encouragement to so many people, the powerful witness of praise as a weapon in our arsenal of spiritual warfare weapons. 

Do you have any final thoughts that you would like to share with our listeners before I let you go?

Clarise Ottley 26:17  

Well, I think it's more or less what I had said before. And it rings even true. Now that I had the accident. And that is knowing that the enemy wages war against us, and wages war for us that it makes more sense to me to praise him all the time. Yes, because we don't know when the enemy will strike. And therefore, I will say that everyone prays goes before the battle?

Debora 27:07  

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Well, I'd like to pray a prayer of protection over you and then ask you to pray for our listeners. Okay. Father, I lift up Clarise to you today. And I pray that you bless her that you cover her that you head her up on every side. God, I thank you for sparing her life. And I thank you for this powerful witness of your power to save. It's in Jesus name, I pray.

Clarise Ottley 27:36  

Father, I am grateful forever grateful as I spend this time with my sister. I could not speak in December, I could not hardly have syllables be audible. I could not raise my hand or wiggle my fingers. I could not wiggle my toes or raise my leg and God you did that. You did that. So that I could bring glory and honor to your name. And that, you know, that's my heart's desire is to bring glory and honor to your name. And I thank you that I am able to do that. I have not reached the fullness of your perfection. But I will praise you with everything that I have in me. I will praise you. When I awake, I will praise you. I am sleeping. I will praise you Lord. When I talk, I will praise you, Lord. When I sing, I will praise you. When I think of all the goodness that you have bestowed upon me that I would be so worthy Lord, you have counted me worthy to be cool. your children, your daughter, and daughter other most high God and I am grateful Lord. I am grateful as well that you help those that listen to understand the significance of phrase, yes, they don't know when their battle will come. But the battles will come and they will be ready. By offering up a praise. It will not catch them off guard If they can put your name in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Debora 30:07  

Amen. Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.

Music Interlude

Debora 30:53  

We just heard from Clairice Ottley the story about what happened to her the night that she and I recorded the first episode of praise as a weapon. 

Her life is a powerful testimony of the power of God, to grant a person peace, in the midst of trials, and in the power of God for healing. She reminded us that we will all go through trials and tribulations in life. But we have a tool, a spiritual weapon called praise, that when we wield it in faith, it will produce results. 

In order to praise God, we first have to have faith, faith in Jesus Christ, God's one and only Son, who died so that we can have everlasting life. If you've never surrendered your life, to Jesus Christ, you can do that right now. It is by faith, that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And if you're ready to place your trust in the Lordship of Jesus, and receive the forgiveness of your sins, would you pray this prayer with me right now?

 God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I need Jesus in my life. I repent of my sins and I turn to you. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. I accept this by faith and invite Jesus to be Lord of my life, to reign and rule in my heart. Thank you God for forgiving me and saving me. Amen. 

If you just made that decision for Christ, we want to hear from you. Please visit my website at That stands for transformed by the word podcast Click the link and let me know about your decision for Christ so that I can encourage you and support you in your next steps. 

My prayer for you today is that you will remember to praise God. Praise Him in the morning. Praise Him in the noon day. Praise him at night with everything that you have within you, and He will fight your battles for you. May the Lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine upon you and grant you His favor and his peace. Amen. 

Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word where we will discuss the Holy Spirit's power for personal healing.

Announcer 34:01  

Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at Until next time, be blessed.