The Future Skills Podcast

S4 Ep. 02: Educating for Sustainability—Green Skills in Canada

The Conference Board of Canada Season 4 Episode 2

The urgency of the climate crisis is undeniable. The transition to a clean economy demands significant changes in skills, occupations, and attitudes. In this episode, we delve into the challenges, opportunities, and strategies associated with developing higher education graduates who are equipped to lead and grow a sustainable economy. Our distinguished guests provide key employer, post-secondary, and international perspectives. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the intersection of higher education, employment, and a sustainable future. 

Speaker list

  • Kevin Nilsen, President & CEO, ECO Canada
  • Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability, York University 
  • Tanzeela Faisal, Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada
  • Heather McIntosh, Director, Education and Skills, The Conference Board of Canada (host)


Toward a More Sustainable Future: Preparing the Students of Today for a Greener Tomorrow (CBoC)