Wellness Your Way with Dr. Megan Lyons

Wellness THEIR Way: Natalie Wolfe

Megan Lyons

This episode covers:

  • An interview with Natalie Wolfe, founder of StudioHop. Natalie shares some of her own health journey with us, as well as awesome insight into fitness, healthy eating, and healthy living!

Links I mentioned during this episode:

How to take action after listening to this episode:

  • Decide what time you WILL (not want to) go to bed tonight, and set a phone alarm for one hour before that.  When that alarm goes off, you get to turn it off and find other ways to spend your time.  Curl up with a good book, grab a mug of herbal tea and chat with your spouse or roommate, or do some gentle stretching or meditating!  Enjoy a great night's sleep!