Food Business Success® with Sari Kimbell

BONUS: Are you actually profitable with your pricing?

There are 12 weeks until Thanksgiving 😱 are you confident you will to be profitable this season?
Watch the Pricing video on YouTube here where I break down two different scenarios. I'd so appreciate you leaving a comment and "like" too!

Get the Holiday Ready Bootcamp with the Pricing for Profit Spreadsheet + Video as a bonus ($197 value) inside. Plus join me for a bonus work session and plan coaching on 9/30 and a signed copy of Key Ingredients book when you purchase by 9/9. Use code HOLIDAY30 to take $30 off the price!

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If you would like help to create this foundation to create your own beautiful business, Master Your Business is now open for applications. We will officially start in January, but you don't want to miss the Q4 bonus classes to get your business ready!

Food Business Success is my signature program that helps you launch your delicious idea and grow it to $100K. Includes step-by-step videos, tools and 5 months inside the Fuel membership for coaching + community. And it's guaranteed to make your program fee back or I'll refund your money. Learn more at

Pick up your copy of "Key Ingredients" on Amazon here.

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Sari  0:00  
When's the last time you really evaluated your current pricing strategy? I mean, really get into your cost of goods sold, and then play the whole situation out, including all of your costs of sales, not to mention your overhead costs. But when we actually do this scenario planning, and we really see what is my actual profit at the end of the day, it's pretty eye opening, and most of you might be afraid to really look at the numbers, but I am here to help you be less afraid of numbers. I want you to look at them like data. It's just information. It's telling you a story, and then it's allowing you to make intentional choices that maybe you're going to choose to not make profit, or to make a lot less profit than you thought, or even to be in the negative when you first start, but we want to see like, what is it going to take for you eventually to be profitable and for this business to make sense? I was invited to speak for Go Texan, and it was so much fun. I put together this slide deck that I played this out for them. I said, here's where people normally would price their product, because they feel good. It's a little over 50% margin, right? It's like, yeah, I'm making money. And then I showed them, like, what you're actually going to make. And then I did it with the calculation of where I think you should actually be priced. And of course, there were some gasps of like, I have to be priced that high. It already seemed high enough, but I wanted you to see, like, how the numbers actually play out. And so what I did, I felt so good about that presentation, is I went ahead and recorded it all for you, and I put it on YouTube. So I'm going to put the link below, and you can go to the Food Business Success channel, to the YouTube channel, and take a look at that video, where I really break it down. I just think it's very eye opening, and I will support whatever decisions you want to make about your business and the profitability, how much you want to charge and why, but you got to know why and be good. Go into it with eyes wide open about what kind of investment you're making in your business for you to get the flywheel going. And this is especially relevant with the holidays coming up. Right now is the best time for you to really do your cost of goods sold analysis, for you to really understand what your cost of sales are, because we have 12 weeks until Black Friday, Cyber Monday and so depending on your product, and if that's something that you know, whether it's Thanksgiving or Christmas or all those other Holidays in there, you got to be Holiday ready. You do not have very much time. That's why I do the Holiday Ready bootcamp in August. But it's still available. And I put the pricing for profit tool, my amazing, magical tool that people tell me. They're like, oh my gosh, this is life changing. You made this so much easier. I totally get it now. This is priceless, like on and on. People are so impressed by this tool that I put it in the Holiday Ready Bootcamp. And so if you go watch that YouTube video, you'll be able to get a code to save 30 bucks on the Holiday Ready Bootcamp. And we're going to do a bonus work session on September 30th, so you can go and watch the replays. You can still get all the bonuses. You get the pricing for profit tool. You get the cash flow tool. You get the BFCM templates from my marketing. You get the lead ads training from Zach Buckler. Like, there are over $300 in bonuses packed into the Holiday Ready Bootcamp. And you get me helping you, like really lay out a plan, and that's one of the things I am best at, is helping you see, like what is my vision? And then let's break it down. Let's work backwards and break it down into priorities, and then what are the tactics and activities underneath that? So it's an incredible value, and I want to encourage you to go watch that video. I'm going to break down two different pricing strategies so you can really see it on paper, and then come and join us. Go get the Holiday Ready bootcamp, and I will see you on the 30th for the work session and coaching, because that is in my opinion, your drop dead deadline for having a plan, and when we have a plan, then we avoid all of the last minute stress, all of the chasing squirrels, all of the urgency and emergency and pain, more costs because you need it immediately, and you forgot that you needed these special boxes and these photos and, oh, you need these graphics. I want to help you with a checklist, with my planning tools to know exactly what you're going to be doing, and then you just start executing it. Once you have a plan that is put together by your executive level self, your CEO self. Then you just put on your worker hat, and you clock in and you do the work. You just check things off the list, you just get to work, and it just makes things so much easier and so much less stressful. And we're going to know that we are priced properly, priced accordingly, so that we are actually not just making sales, but we are making profit. Because at the end of the day, you are in business, and the only way that you are going to stay in business is if we are profit minded, and we're planning accordingly, and we know our numbers. All right, go watch that video. I hope to see you in the Holiday Ready bootcamp. All the links are below.