
What's in the Community?: BFHS Graduation, Car Show, Robotics Camp, oh my!

Bonner County Daily Bee Season 4

In this week's episode of "What's in the  Community," Emily Bonsant covers coming events, such as the "Forget Me Not" walk/run at the BFHS/BCMS track,  Borders 3 Jamboree Car show on Friday and the BFHS Class of 2024 graduation on Saturday, June 1, at 11 a.m. 

To make pledges for the June Walk-a-thon in support of the Hope House Back to School Bash email thehopehouse9.b@gmail.coom

Performers are wanted for "Movie Music" at the Boundary County Fair. For more information visit our website and read "Performers are need for entertainment at county fair."

For more information on the Alpha+ Robotics Camp email 2130alphaplus@gmail.com