StorySpire w/ Mary R Snyder

178: What is God Calling you to?

Mary Snyder

I know you might think we've talked about this topic quite a few times on the podcast, but stick with me. 

Are you ready to explore what it means to be called to do the work you love? Or, maybe you're not sure how to navigate the twists and turns in your journey. Today, I'm sharing insights on understanding and embracing your unique calling. It's not about fame or accolades but about serving the one you're meant to serve. 

In this episode, you will:

  1. Gain insights into what it means to be called to a specific purpose 
  2. Reflect on the idea that the calling is not about the individual but about serving the purpose and the people they are called to.
  3. Learn the key lessons I learned throughout my journey 

Full Show Notes Here!

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