Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
Our pleasure can be the fuel for abundant, sustainable work, service, and play throughout our long lives.
Our sexuality can be a wholesome pillar of our daily experience.
Our marriages can be fueled by desire rather than duty.
Monogamy can be the hottest place on earth.
It’s a confusing time to be a heterosexual, monogamous couple. The love and passion you desire may be more an inner urge than something you really see people around you living. But there are a growing community of devoted couples creating monogamy as a conscious spiritual crucible. There are couples using their marriages to fuel their leadership and service and activism. Welcome to Sex. Love. Power. where we convene the conversations that unlock new possibilities in your life and relationship. I’m your host Michele Lisenbury Christensen. Over the past 26 years, I’ve helped thousands of couples create the love and sex they desire. Kurt and I, in 23 years of marriage and adventures together before that, have suffered, avoided, dared, and triumphed in countless ways. Now, I’m here to help you get more peace, more connection, and more passion in your days and nights, so you’ve got the energy and attention left over to be the change you wish to see in the wider world. Everything you want in love and sex and beyond starts with YOU, and it starts right now. Let’s tend your flame.
Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
100-Year Marriage
Kurt and I have been married for almost 23 years and we're planning on another 50 to 75 together. We think, in terms of taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits and given the way technology is going, we could each live to be well over a hundred which gives us an amazingly long time to grow in love together and to contribute in so many other parts of our lives. Today's episode is about how we think about what I call, for shorthand “The 100-Year Marriage” and how you could think about it too.
In this episode, we’ll cover:
- Why you should think about the long-term plan for your relationship
- The areas of your life you should consider as you look at the next 50 or 75 years
- Questions you can ask yourself and each other to help define your vision for long lives together
- Resources that have helped expand my thinking about longevity and legacy
And more.
Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Conscious Couples' Circle on Mighty Networks.
“You get to have any marriage, you're up for creating.”
-Michele Lisenbury Christensen
Hot Moments in This Episode:
- How to plan for retirement... or not. (11:30)
- The books that changed my outlook on life (13:40)
- How you are living as if your relationship doesn’t matter (27:46)
I hope that your love can be a fountain that nourishes everything around it, an oasis that creates aliveness spreading out and out and out from you as a couple.
- My Plan for Living to 156
- Cash Flow (game) by Robert Kiyosaki
- The 100 Year Life by Lynda Gratton & Andrew J. Scott
- Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
- Outlive by Peter Attia
- Lifespan by David A. Sinclair & Matthew D. LaPlante
- Built to Move by Kelly Starret
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